Henrik Senkevich - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



The works of the legendary Polish writer Gerchi SENKEVICH Booklist from around the world are read to this day, and his wise sayings disassemble the quotes. The Nobel Prize winner for one of the best historical novels "Kamo Fight" with its work raises the National Spirit of Polyakov and introduces the whole world with traditions, customs and history of the native land.

Childhood and youth

Henrik Adam Alexander Pius Senkevich was published on May 5, 1846 in the village of Volya-Oaksiusk in the Polish kingdom. His relatives from the Father were the Tatars who accepted the Catholic faith and moved to Poland. According to the maternal line, the writer was attended by the Gena of the Noborian Belarusians. However, Herrid's parents considered themselves with full-fledged Poles and transferred such a perception to her son and five more children.

Portrait of Gendle Senkevich

The boy's family had problems with finance. His father, who is a landowner, unexpectedly depleted. For this reason, Senkevichi was often moved from place to place. Herrik absorbed the painful beauty of the rural nature with the mother's milk. When all the estates of the family were sold, they had to move to the capital of Poland Warsaw.

Despite the plight, young Henrik Skekevich, who was accustomed to hope only for himself, with dignity received a higher education. He graduated from Warsaw Gymnasium, after which he entered the main school, which was closed in 1869. After that, the guy (at the insistence of parents) successfully passed the exams at the local university at the medical faculty, but due to the lack of interest in the subjects switched to historical and philological.

Henrik Senkevich in youth

Back in the student years, the young man made attempts to compose his first works - His awakened debut was called the "victim", but the story was not published.

Looking for a way to make a living, the student took the pseudonym Lithuania and began to write articles, essays and essays for different periodicals of Warsaw ("Niva", "Poland's newspaper" and others). His innovative approach to writing and light syllable quickly appreciated in journalistic circles, so Herrik threw his studies at the university and devoted all his time.


The first official writing debut of the guy took place in 1872. He published a story "Beginning", which critics and readers have come positively. Herrik continued to actively compose his own works and published.

Writer Henrik Senkevich

Returning from a business trip in the United States of America in 1876, the author wrote several stories and essays inspired by the journey and unprecedented earlier foreign life. The most popular of them got the names of the "comedy from mistakes", "through the steppes", "in the country of gold" and "letters from the journey." In the latter, the author described the daily traditions of Americans, their impressions of visits to concerts, tourist campaigns and expeditions.

After that, Senkevich went to the long way to countries in Europe, during which he composed the New Yanko-Musician novel in 1878. Putting a hand in the genre of small prose, the guy decided to experience his strength in writing more large-scale works. In the Epoch of Poland's accession to the Russian Empire, when the literary Polish fashion included works on current events in the country and the world, Henrik decided to go against the current and compose a historic novel.

Gerhritis Printing Machine Senkevich

He got the name "Fire and Sword", becoming the first major work in the bibliography of a young writer. The work was published in 1884 within the framework of the journal "Friend of the People" and received a stunning success, thanks to which it was soon printed a separate full-fledged book. "Fire and Sword" became the first part of the trilogy for the whole world about the speech by compoloned.

Roman narrated about the middle of the 17th century, when the risen of the commander of Bogdan Khmelnitsky occurred together with the Ukrainian Cossacks. The main goal of the work, as the author claimed, was to raise the National Spirit of Poles at the time of separation within the country and the popular uprising.

Henrik Senkevich

Some historical personalities were mentioned in the "fire and sword" - Ivan Bogun, Khmelnitsky, Tugai Bay and others. Also in the book there was a place for a love triangle between the main character of Yan Skilsky, the beauty-prince Elena Kurtsech and Colonel Ivan Bogun.

Due to the grand success of the historical novel, Herrik immediately took on writing the continuation. The second part of the trilogy called "Flood" saw the light in December 1884, printed immediately in three newspapers - CZAS, "Word" and Dziennik Poznanski. Two years later, she was released a separate book.

Illustration to the book of Henrik Senkevich

The novel spoke about the war between the Swedes and Poles, as well as on the further fate of the character readers, Mikhala Vododeevsky and Pan of Charl. At this time, the main heroes appeared a young colonel Angey Kmititsa and his beloved Olenka Billevich. The book has gained even popularity than the first part.

In 1887, the final part of the trilogy was published, entitled by the name of the main character "Pan Volodaevsky". The books were discussed about hostilities between the Turks and the Commonwealth, as well as the heroic death of Mikhala Vododeevsky.

Monument to Hennik Senkevich in p. OKRAYA, POLAND

After an unprecedented success of the trilogy from under the writer's pen, several more historical art works came out, but they have achieved less popularity. An exception can be called "without dogma", which genrely different from all that before that I composed the Polish writer. The psychological romance represented diary records filled with self-analysis and naturalism.

At this time, the Henrid's head came to compose a novel about the Roman Empire during the reign of Nero with the main actors - Christians for whom Faith replaced the fear of death. The book was called "Kamo Sitting" (Quo Vadis), which translated from the Old Slavonic language means "where you go?", And published in 1896.

Henrik Senkevich in the dining room

The novel, narrative about the love of the Roman Patricia Mark Vinitia and young Christians of the Ligius, became famous far beyond Poland, was transferred to more than 50 languages ​​around the world and was allocated by the Pope itself. The success of "Kamo Fights" helped Senkevich to receive the Nobel Prize in literature in 1905. An interesting fact is that it was this novel who was shielded most often - 7 times. All over 20 films based on the works of Senkevich came out.

The next essay in the creative biography of Henrik was devoted to his favorite topic - the history of the native country. The novel "Crusaders", published in the publication of the "Herald of Foreign Literature" in 1897, fought against the Germanization, which Moli ruled in those years in Poland. In the book, he showed his homeland during her heyday and independence. As in the previous works, the author organically fell into the historic canvas of the love line between the daughter of Yuray Danushi and the young knight magazine. The novel was transferred to 25 languages.

Personal life

In addition to active creative activity, Gerhritis Senkevich also issued a saturated personal life - he was married 3 times. The first wife of the writer Maria Shetkevich tragically died from tuberculosis, but managed to give her husband a wonderful son and daughter. Their marriage lasted 4 years.

Henrik Senkevich with children

The next wife of Senkevich became Maria Volodkovich, who grew up in Odessa. Their relationships launched quite shortly - the woman filed for a divorce shortly after the marriage.

Henrik Senkevich and his wife Maria Babskaya

The last time Herrik went under the crown in 1904 - Maria Babskaya became his chief. Neither the second, nor with the third wife of the writer, joint children appeared. If you believe photoports with the image of SENKEVICH women, we can conclude that the writer had a good taste - all three real beauties.


At the beginning of World War II, Senkevich moved to Switzerland. There he became the founder of the Poles Assistance Committee, victims of hostilities.

Grave of Gendle Senkevich

In his literary plans there was a writing of a new novel called "Legions", but the death of the writer's overall earlier than he managed to complete the work - November 15, 1916. The cause of death was the ischemic heart disease, from which he suffered from the last years of his life. The man was 70 years old.


  • 1878 - "Yanko-musician"
  • 1884 - "Fire and Sword"
  • 1886 - "Flood"
  • 1887 - "Pan Volodaevsky"
  • 1888 - "That Third"
  • 1891 - "without dogma"
  • 1894 - "Polansky Family"
  • 1895 - "Kamo Sights"
  • 1900 - "Crusaders"
  • 1910 - "Omuts"

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