Capital show "Field of Miracles" - photo, presenter, Leonid Yakubovich, Museum 2021



In 2020, the "field of miracles" in the midst of Wonderland's Capital show marks 30 years. A single projects were awarded such a longevity on Russian television. But it is safe to say: "The field of miracles" is the most long-term teleproject of the new Russian era. The cause of such a long stay on the air was another phenomenon - incredible audience love. The show was loved by millions of fans both in Russia and abroad, becoming truly the "national treasure" of the country.

History of creation of the program

It is difficult to believe that so hotly beloved by Russians and acquired a brightly pronounced popular flavor project - an analogue of the American transfer "Wheel of Fortune" ("Wheel of Fortune"). This program, also, by the way, is long-term and popular, goes on American TV since 1975 and in the late 80s beat records by ratings.

Capital show

Then they saw the future creators of the "fields of miracles" - Russian television figures, journalists Vladislav Leaves and Anatoly Lysenko. Men watched TV in a hotel room, being on a business trip to Paris. The show in which the players guess fragments of crosswords, struck Russian. Why not create something similar in the country where crosswords also adore - the idea was born.

At first, I decided to go the most obvious way - to buy a license from the right owner to adapt the show "Wheel Fortune" in Russia. But foreigners refused to cooperate. Then the leaves and his colleague - producer Alexey Murmulov, so as not to depend on Western authorship, created a new format of the transfer, combining the elements of various foreign play shows. But the name of the children gave their own - only Russian man - "Field of Miracles" from the famous fairy tale Alexei Tolstoy about the adventures of Buratino.

The premiere of "Fields of Miracles" took place on October 25, 1990 on the first central television program. The first leading was Vladislav Leaves himself. Then there was neither a branded logo "fields of miracles", nor a luxurious drum, nor decorated studio. Everything was much prospeted: a dark blue studio, a drum of uncompressed form and a simple scoreboard. But branded musical call signals sounded from the first issue.

At first, the game went out on different days of the week, but from June 7, 1991 she began to be consistently broadcast on Fridays. The teleigre was already almost half a year when the leaves decided to leave the status of the TV presenter to devote all the time to his new brainchild - the talk show "Theme". The question arose - who will drive. About his old friend, former Cavanechik, actor and showman Leonid Yakubovic leaf recalled immediately, but he refused to go to television, calling himself a "man from the street."

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Then the producers arranged casting, among the candidates were both little-known artists and popular showmen. The candidate of Igor Galnikov was seriously considered, but he chose to work on the "Both" show. Finally, after long negotiations, at the end of 1991, Leonid Yakubovich was declared the second TV presenter.

Yakubovich turned out to be not only a highly professional leading, but also a far-sighted producer. Having stood about the year on the side of the drum, he realized that if you build the game only on guessing letters and words, you can quickly lose sightseeing interest. So the concept of the program has undergone some changes: the focus shifted to the players, their stories about themselves, family, work, hobby. From this point on, capital shows acquires the format of a truly popular project.

Essence and rules of the game

The airtime of the game is divided into 3 rounds, each participates 3 players. The winners of the rounds automatically become participants in the final game, and the winner of the final may, as desired, participate in "Superigre", on the Konou of which large valuable prizes were exhibited, including a car.

At the beginning of the round TV presenter announces the topic of the game that corresponds to the words presented and encrypted on the scoreboard. Players are built before the drum and alternately make moves, turn the handle. Drum Capital Show is an original device: in its basis - a circle separated by sectors. Each sector is prescribed glasses that earn a player.

In addition to figures, there are also letter marks: "P" - prize, "b" - bankrupt, "sh" - a chance or a hint, there are also signs "x2" - doubling points, "+" - opening of any letter. Thus, the creators of the "fields of miracles" make an element of some luck: even armed with knowledge player can make an invalid move and get a "bankrupt" - that's the game.

If the participant's move is effective, he gets the right to open any letter in the word encrypted on the scoreboard. The gangway letter gives the right to another move. If this time he does not guess the letter, moves to another. And so as long as one of the players guesses the Word itself. If a person called the wrong word, or chose a prize (when this sector is dedicated), he no longer participates in the future game.

Open letters on the scoreboard by Leonid Yakubovich's assistant - girls-models. They bring the cherished 2 boxes. This pleasant addition appeared in the game not immediately, but after time. The player who gave 3 letters in a row is given a chance to get a fixed amount of money, if guessed, in which box it lies.

The final game lies the same principle as in an ordinary round. Only here the task for the three finalists is already more complicated. If none of the finalists guess the word, the player who opened the last letter becomes the winner.

The winner of the final gets the right to choose the prizes to all points earned during the game. If the winner decides to play "Superigra," then deprived the final prizes, regardless of whether he will win "Superigru" or lose. However, compliance with this rule was observed not constantly. Often, Yakubovich left prizes for the player's festive issues.

Lead Capital Show "Field of Miracles"

The first TV presenter has become a person who giving her life on the screen - a famous Russian journalist, producer and television leader Vladislav Leaves. The "field of miracles" has become one of its first author's projects. Due to increasing employment in 1991, he takes the second TV host - Leonid Yakubovich, but himself appears as a coordarent right up to his tragic death in 1995.

Since then, Leonid Arkadyevich is considered a permanent leading legendary game. Before joining the television, Yakubovich was known mainly in narrow creative circles. Born in Moscow on July 31, 1945, he studied at the evening school, then he entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. Already while studying, creative abilities showed, began to study at the student miniature theater, played KVN.

After the university, combined work at the factory and writing scenarios for the first entertainment gear "A well-ka, girls", "and well, guys," parallel to concerts and contests. Since 1984 he worked as auctioneer. Just during this period of leaves and suggested that it become a TV presenter "Wonderland".

Repeatedly refuses this status, Yakubovich then did not know that he would devote a significant part of his life to the project, which became for him in every sense of the fateful. Perhaps there is no showman on television, whom they would love and respected in the people. And all because he first handed him his hand.

The man made players the main characters of the program, listened to their stories, spoke, joked. People from all over Russia began to go on the show, then the CIS, and then from abroad. Everyone tried to "present" his edge to the original, tell about his people, attractions. Now, in 2019, no longer remember who brought the first gifts to the studio to his favorite TV presenter, but over time it turned into a good tradition.

At first, Yakubovich took the pies and pickles, mushrooms and berries, fish and caviar - the products were so much that the studio began to practice the distribution of food. Then the souvenirs, national costumes, handicraft crafts, musical instruments, artifacts have been sent to the move - such an abundance needed somewhere. So, in 2001, a museum "Field of Miracles" was created, full of folk rarities from all kinds of corners of the world.

The image of Leonid Arkadyevich is immortalized in the computer video game "Capital show" Field of Miracles ". Also showman became the target for dozens of parodies created by talented artist colleagues. All this suggests that the show and the image of the lead turned into a folk brand.

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