Tikhon Shcherbatoy - Biography of the Hero of the Roman "War and Peace", its characteristic, photo


Character History

The epic of Lion Tolstoy "War and the World" represents the reader of the heroes, who collided with unexpected life of the peripetia. People whose fates are the main actors in the work of the work of the era. Through the images of heroes, the author presents his own philosophy to the audience.

History of character creation

Writer Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy was confident that the path of the country's development depends not on the desire of a specific ruler, but from the will of the people. The spiritual life of people without ranks and titles determines how the battle will end and the triumph will be on whose side. Patriotism plays an important role in the complex opposition to the enemy in wartime. Humanist and opponent of battles, Tolstoy spoke against bloodshed. In difficult times, the country saved not the oratory skill of the leaders, but the will of the people who defended his native land. Tolstoy believed in the people's nature of war.

The manifestation of cruelty, the desire of revenge was the argument for those who came the enemy on whose homeland. The partisan war of 1812 captured the heart of every Russian man.

Biography Tikhona

Tikhon Shcherbaty (portrait)

Tikhon Shcherbatoy became the personification of the partisan. A simple man from Denisov's squad, this peasant turned out to be a necessary person. The leaving from the village of Pokrovskoe became truly useful for a detachment.

The appearance of the hero is funny. The nickname is justified by the lack of one tooth, which gives the expression of a tricky appearance. In the hands of a man might argue any business. In the field conditions, he has no equal: he breed a fire, produces water, makes the dishes himself and prepares food. The opposition to the invaders is the true vocation of the hero. In the detachment on it lies dirty work. At first he laid out fires and cared for horses. His potential appeared later. At night, the Lazutchik went to explore and returned with trophies in the form of a clothing of French soldiers, led prisoners. After some time, Tikhon was transferred to the Cossacks.

Tikhon Shcherbatoy

The man moved on foot, but it did not slow down him. He walked along with cavalry, carrying Musketon. The ax was the main tool of the hero, the symbol of cruelty and the desire to tear the enemy's teeth. They owned the soldier perfectly. In the battle, the hero was laid out completely. The peasant who lived peaceful work, became an intercession for his native land. Tikhon Shcherbatoy - the embodiment of Avenger, an example of the courage of Russian warriors.

The surrounding admire the remote man. He is respected for agility and smelting. Clear and rapid movements helped him stand out in battle, urval victory. Even the character's speech has a special dynamics. He is constantly in motion. For the first time, Tikhon appears in front of the reader at the time of falling into the water. Getting out of the fusion, he, without lingering, runs on. People living in a rapid pace accompany the sense of humor, and Shcherbat is no exception.

Plato Karataev

Scherbat's biography is known, since it is an episodic hero. The Hero author opposes Platon Karataev, a peace-loving peasant. Folk avenger and good-natured peace-loving soldiers become opposites. Tolstoy admires the energeticity of Tikhon, but the advantage gives Platon to the goodness, faith in God and Humanism.

Scherbaty, in comparison with Karataev, is rude, his humor of Surov. Love for God goes to his background. The hero believes only in his own strength and, unlike its antagonist, does not hope for help over. At the same time, the man himself is not among the tops of his own destiny.

"War and Peace"

Tikhon Shcherbatoy - Biography of the Hero of the Roman

In Roman Tikhon Shcherbaty appears for a short time and is mentioned in several chapters in passing. It is highlighted one scene, drawing the character image in detail. Together with other representatives of the detachment, the hero rests after military activities. When talking men, a young Peter Rostov is present. Scherbaty talks about how the French soldier took captivity - "Language". This is a feat, akin to those due to which Russian soldiers were able to win the battle on the Borodino field. The value of such actions of ordinary people is difficult to underestimate. Thanks to them, the war acquired a certain move.

Scherbat's story is accompanied by jokes, and at first everyone laughs over them. But when Petya understands the essence of the incident, the young man becomes unlike itself. The death of the opponent Tikhon perceives as proper. A similar attitude towards people is alien to young Rostov. The justification of the murder in the novel is explained by the need to stand for the right thing.

Interesting Facts

  • Tikhon Shcherbatou refers to the number of characters, which pays separate attention not to all directors interested in the screening of the novel. Tools belong to such. The director, limited to airtic time and the need to put a work in the usual viewer of the timeline, often get rid of episodic characters.
Stanislav Chekan.
  • For the first time, Tikhon Shcherbaty appeared on the screen in the execution of Stanislav Chekan - in Ribe Sergey Bondarchuk "War and Peace", released in 1965. In 1972, the director John Davis invited Will Leiton to work on the role. In the project of the eponymous 2007 project, created by Robert Dorngelm, in the image of the shcher, the lech dyublik appeared. 2012 television series presented to the audience David Kiwater in the appearance of the Russian soldier.

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