Nikola Poussin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Pictures



Great Normands, the brightest French artist of the XVII century, standing at the origins of birth and development in world painting style classicism, Nicola Poussin became a beacon for fans of art. The creative heritage of the master is difficult to overestimate, because the classic artist had a powerful impact on the further development of world painting.

Childhood and youth

The classic of painting was born in the north of France, in the Norman commune of Lez-Anselki, in 1594. Parents took care of the Son to receive a good education. They sent the boy to Rouen, to the Jesuit School. There, Nikola met with the capital painter Quentin Waren, who arrived from Paris in the heart of Normandy to paint the church.

Young Pussen, since childhood stretching to fine art, was struck by the skill of the artist and agreed on the lessons.

At 18 years old, the creative biography of Nikola Poussin received a new impetus: a novice artist went to Paris, where he continued to improve the Mature of Painting George La Mleleman and Portreedist Ferdinand Van Elle. But the greatest influence on the young master was made by the canvas, which were seen in the Louvre. Poussin took to copy the pictures of the Italians of the Renaissance Italians and so carried away, which went to Rome.

Personal life

About the personal life of the genius is known not so much. His wife became Anne-Marie - the daughter of the French confectioner Charles Dübe, who settled in Rome. The family of Duhend Poussin is obliged to recovery: they put on the feet of a sick 35-year-old artist, shelter him in his house.

Wedding took place at the beginning of the autumn of 1630 in the Roman Basilica of San Lorenzo-John.

In the house of his wife and testing on Polan Nikola Street Nikola Poussna stayed to live. He became the first teacher of Brother's wife Gaspara Dug, afterwards the name of the teacher Pussen.

There were no children in the Union with Ann-Marie, but, according to the preserved testimony, the spouses lived in love and mutual understanding.

What the artist looked, you can judge the photo of several self-portraits. One of them, dated 1630, made in red chalk and is stored in the British Museum.


In Rome Nikola, not only inspired by the works of Geniyev, but also received the desired knowledge, living here for 20 years. The next period of creativity - after returning to France - short: in Paris, the painter stayed 2 years in the status of the first court. But the Palace Intrigues, suitable by colleagues and supported by Anna Austrian, forced Pussen in 1642th to Rome, where he patronized Cardinal Barbarini.

The features of the artist's creativity are called strict subordination of its work principles of rationalism, dominant in the classical direction. Most of all Poussin inspired mythological, biblical and historical plots.

Following the canons of ancient painting and admiring the art of the Renaissance, the master avoided the striking and unnecessary details: every item on his canvases in its place and carries a semantic load. Landscapes of Poussane emit soft warmth and seem to be filled with a light haze, see and capture which is possible only in the Mediterranean.

Nikola Poussin One of the first to use local light in the work, realizing his artistic value. In the future, Matra's techniques have become a standard. The Academy of France borrowed them when drawing up an arrangement of the rules characteristic of academism.

The Great Normanders entered the world painting, the Great Normanders entered the works of "Death of Germany", "The Kingdom of Flora", "Plague in Nitrogen", "Parnas", "Holy Family on the stairs". For the Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican, the master wrote a canvas "Muticing of St. Erasm", which connoisseurs of creativity Poussin consider the best in his heritage.

For the late period, plots of literature and mythology are characteristic. The most famous works are the "landscape with two nymphs", "rest on the way to Egypt" and "four time of year".

The Louvre is kept paintings by the brush of Poussin "The Ascension of the Virgin", "Landscape with Diogen", "Miracle St. Francis Xaveria "and others who can be proud of any art gallery of the world. For the work of the matre is characterized by the ideal drawing accuracy and the verified composition with a clear separation of plans through color and shape.


The painter passed away in the fall of the 1665th in Rome, which became the second homeland. Nicolas for a year survived his beloved wife. The incomplete picture of Apollo and Daphne, dated the year of the death of Spouse, testified by the 71-year-old Pussen Musten. After her death, he did not touch the brush.

What caused the death of Norman, is unknown. Mother's grave is located in the same Roman basilica, where Nicolas and Ann-Marie were crowned.


  • 1623 - "The Assumption of the Virgin"
  • 1624-1625 - "Victory of Joshua Navina over Amorous"
  • 1626 - "Praying about the Bow"
  • 1628 - "Martyrdom of St. Erasm
  • 1627 - "Death of Germany"
  • 1630 - "Self-portrait in red shallow"
  • 1630 - "Plague in nitrogen"
  • 1630-1631 - "PARNAS"
  • 1631 - "The Kingdom of Flora"
  • 1638 - "Return of the Holy Family from Egypt"
  • 1641 - "Miracle of St. Francis Xaveria
  • 1650 - "Ascension of the Virgin"
  • 1650 - "Ascension of the Holy Apostle Paul"
  • 1657 - "Birth of Vakha and Death Narcissa"
  • 1660-1664 - "Four Time of the Year"
  • 1664 - "Apollo and Daphne"

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