Paracels - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Opening



On November 7, 2019, the "Popular Mechanics" released a selection of a curious topic "How Venusal Diseases in the past was treated," where the secrets of old medicine were revealed. In ancient Egypt, for example, they resorted to sandalwood oil and ointments with herbs, garlic and crushed cow horn, Ellin Suran Efesse recommended to wear lead guys on the body, and from Paracels, who worked in the Renaissance era, began to pass through mercury.

Childhood and youth

For years, the exact date of the birth of one of the founders of modern medical science has not been preserved, so the descendants have to be content only in approximate years - 1493-M or 1494th. Although some sources are considered the day of his arrival in this world on November 10, 1493, other - December 17.

He appeared in the Swiss village of Eg: Father Wilhelm, who took place from the impoverished noble family, worked by a chemist and a doctor, the Mother of Elsa was led by superintendent in the hospital at a Catholic monastery.

In the 1502th, a woman died, and a widower with her son moved in Fillah, where the parent continued his noble matter. Thanks to him Philipse Aureol Theofrast Bombaster von Gaugenheim (such a full name of the scientist) received a brilliant home education: he knew the basics of surgery, therapy, botany, mineralogy, was freely focused on the Aza alchemy, etc. Also, the teenager was delivered by the humanitarian and theological knowledge at school in abbey St. Paul im lavantal.

At 16, the young man left the father's house and went to study at the University of Basel, and then received a doctoral degree at Ferrara University. From the 1517th, the life of Paracelles consisted of solid travels: as a military physician, he traveled almost all of Europe, rumored that he got to North Africa, Palestine, Russia and Constantinople and even visited Tatar captivity.

In the 1525th, the healer took up teaching at the University of Freiburg, the next year received citizenship in Strasbourg to have permission to private practice, and already in the 1527th-M - the license of the doctor and the right to read lectures in the native University of Basel. Moreover, the classes he led in German, and not in Latin, which made them available to everyone.

Personal life

Until our times, there was no information about the personal life of the great innovator, so it is not known for certain whether he had a wife and children. But the information about the character, appearance and habits has been preserved.

The arrogant and smoke paracetes, which wrote artists Augustin Hirschfogel, Quentin Masseys and Peter Paul Rubens with a student, could not boast of beauty: a man from birth had a hump, a big head and thin leg curves. He did not hurt anything human: he loved to squander, drink (and, to lectures), shock clothes and obscenities. Behind him also secured the contradictory ranks of the magician and the priest.

The science

Paracels ("similar Celsius") was one of the pioneers of the Medical Revolutionary of the Renaissance, was considered the father of toxicology, the first yatrochimist, who studied the therapeutic actions of the chemical elements and compounds (in the work "Alchemy", for example, described a method for producing sulfuric acid and 4-chloride tin) , inventor of a number of effective medicines and introduced the concept of their dosage.

The authorship of the healer belonged to the theory of signature - signs of nature, female diseases (then the ladies did not resort to the services of specialists) and the statement that each rhor requires individual treatment. It is just true to mercury against syphilis and zinc oxide against epilepsy. By the way, and with their name the last metal must be a physician, who also gave an explanation of the nature and reasons for the appearance of silicose at the miners.

In addition, philosophical reflections were also not alien to the theophist, in particular, about micro and macrosmos and a person carrying the image of God and having 7 elements.

His glances were in many ways innovative, which caused a negative from the side of less flexible to the changes of colleagues, they, without hiding, considered him a fraudster, impostor and charlatan; Conflicts flashed everywhere. However, time passed everything in its place: now Paracelsa rightfully deserved the title of genius and the doctor, ahead of time, and the memory of him is still alive.


A scientist who made a lot of discoveries in various fields of science was not September 24, 1541 in Salzburg, where he arrived at the invitation of Ernest Bavarian. The views on the cause of death differ: some biographers believed that he was poisoned by the envious, others - that this happened by chance, during the test for himself the drug.

The opinion was put forward that shortly before the death on a sought lunch, the man was attacked by the gangsters hired by ill-wishers, as a result he fell on a stone and broke himself a skull. Last approval confirmed German Anata Samuel Thomas Ztemmering.


  • 1531 - "Great Astronomy"
  • 1532 - "Paramirum"
  • 1533 - "Poted Philosophy"
  • 1533 - "Labyrinth of repulsive doctors"
  • 1534 - "Philosophy"
  • 1535 - "Paragram"
  • 1535 - "Chronicle Picture"
  • 1533-1534 - "Shnebragian pulmonary disease"
  • 1536 - "Book of nymphs, Sylves, Pigmeas, Salamandra, Giants and Other Spirits"
  • 1536 - "Predictions"
  • 1536 - "Big Surgery"
  • 1569 - "Magic Archducker"
  • 1589, 1603 - "Medical and Philosophical Treatises"
  • 1595 - "Alchemy"
  • 1605 - "Surgical Proceedings"

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