Nikolay Morozov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death,



Nikolay Morozov - a historical person, whose biography is full of interesting facts and incredible events. He managed to write dozens of scientific papers, stay half a century in conclusion and even if you believe the common myth, to become the oldest sniper of the Soviet army.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Alexandrovich was born on July 7, 1854 in the estate of Borok Yaroslavl province. His father - Peter Shpokhkin - had an equestrian plant and had a great fortune. True, Morozov himself, even in the autobiographical book, the story of my life did not mention the names of the parents.

The mother of the future revolutionary, Anna Plaksina, was the daughter of the blacksmith - Peter Schepokhn gave that free, gave birth to seven children, but did not learn marriage. He also assigned her the name Morozova, which Nikolai Alexandrovich wore. The patronymic of the peopling received from the godfather, the local landlord.

The childhood of the boy passed in prosperity. Despite the fact that Shpochechkin did not learn the position of the heirs, seriously referred to their upbringing and education. Kohl early showed ability to science, so the father saw the son of the scientist.

At the age of 14, the teenager entered the 2nd grade of the gymnasium - he had a special dislike of God and Latin. Moreover, with the latest item, the gymnasium coped to perfectly, but because of the conflict with the assessment teacher were bad, and Kole even had to stay for the second year.

Classical education quickly bored Morozov, and he decided to establish a certain informal circle of natural science with his own charter. Quickly found like-minded people - teenagers studied Darwin's works, read radical literature, released a magazine.

Initially, the father allowed her son similar liberty, but when the passion for the circle became destructive to affect the progress, expressed discontent. However, this did not interfere with the cola more and more to delve into the "underground student life." In those years, he began to get acquainted with representatives of radical groups. And in the spring of 1874, I decided to join the "Tchaikov".

Subsequently, Nikolai led active revolutionary activities, being as part of the "land and will", and even participated in the preparation of the killing Alexander II - because of this, repeated arrests happened in the fate of the scientist. In 1882, populists sentenced to life imprisonment. He received complete liberation only in 1913, hitting an amnesty. By the way, just in places of detention of Freedom Morozov managed to transform scientific ideas into many duties.

Personal life

The first marriage with the like-minded Olga Lyubatovich Nikolay Alexandrovich remained actual - the pair did not pretend to be a relationship, but she lived together for some time. Olga Spiridonna, as well as a civilian husband, sentenced to links, being an activist "Earth and Will" movement.

In 1880, Lyubatovich and Morozova was born a daughter. At that time, the native revolutionary was serving another punishment, and Olga Spiridonna left a girl from friends to free his lover. But only his own arrest achieved - at this time, the only daughter of the scientist died of meningitis.

No more children in Nikolay Alexandrovich was not. And the personal life got a lot of later. With the second wife - the writer Ksenia Alexeevna - he met already in 1906, at that time a man was 52nd. After some time, they married.

For Morozov, the spouse became both the guardian angel and the muse. This woman supported him during references. And after liberation contributed to his research, helped in publications. By the way, in 1910, the nationwolts dedicated a collection of "Star Songs".

Nikolai Alexandrovich and Ksenia Alekseevna lived a happy life, despite the lack of children. The wife remained with him to death, surviving her husband for 2 years, and was buried nearby.

The science

Nikolai Alexandrovich became the author of dozens of historiographic and astrophysical works, also became famous as a chemist. It is curious that he did not receive profile education in this science, but thanks to the striking work and intellectual abilities independently studied the foundations. And after the liberation, he even taught in the St. Petersburg Higher Film School.

Morozov had the degree of doctor of science, while not defended her thesis. His work "Ozone and peroxide" became a detailed statement of the views of the scientist on the mechanism of formation of peroxidant compounds. From under the hands of the academician, another number of projects relating to allotropy of simple substances came out. But the main achievement, according to contemporaries, began research in the field of periodic law of elements. For example, he anticipated the opening of the positron and an electron.

The historical views of the academician, who went out in three large writings, "prophets", "revelations in a thunderstorm and a bore" and "Christ" deserve great attention. The latter caused criticism and disputes among the scientific community, since it formulated the theory of falsification of history.


The literary projects of Nikolai Alexandrovich attracted the attention of the public just due to the difficult biography of the author with his prison and revolutionary experience. It is known that frosts consisted of several public organizations, including in the Petrograd literary society.

Writing poems The peopling began in his youth. And the first publications saw the light in England and Switzerland. The interest of the audience was determined by social motifs, revolutionary ideas of works. At the same time, the genres of his collections were diverse - from friendly messages and poetic satire to lyric monologues and memories.

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Most of the works of Nicholas Alexandrovich were autobiographical, however, the writer did not refuse from social themes, touching the processes of natural phenomena. The so-called "scientific poetry" from under his feather became a certain rethinking of specific scientific facts.

As for the prose, the memoir texts of the author are of greater interest. It is curious that his book "Start of life path" was deprived of the "revolutionary everyday life" and affected other life events of the writer. And considering the subsequent rethinking on the ideology of the opposition of power, most of the editions were covered by the period after the "land and will" split.

The Great Patriotic War

One of the most common myths concerns the participation of Nikolay Alexandrovich in the Second World War. Allegedly on the first days after the fascist attack on the USSR, Morozov appealed to the military registration and enlistment office with a request to send it to the front. But, given the old age of "recruit," expected received a refusal.

According to rumors, for a scientist it did not make a reason to leave a goal - again and again he deposited the military statement and calls. Finally, the academician went to the cunning, stating that invented a new telescopic sight and wants to try it in combat conditions.

Morozova sent to the front as a volunteer for one month (this information did not receive official confirmation), which was enough to kill with a dozen fascists.


Morozov graduated from his earthly path in the same place, where he was born. For now, the cause of the death of academician is unknown - however, the last days he had no strength to even climb from bed. He died on a hot summer night on July 30, 1946 - A couple of hours before the death of Nikolai Alexandrovich asked him to move it to the window to take another time on the sky. And the last phrase of the disadvantage has become "goodbye, stars!".

There are not so many photos of this great person. But the alive of his works, which today are of interest both for the scientific community, and for lovers of prose and poetry. In honor of the revolutionary, an asteroid and crater on the moon was named. And the place of its burial is declared a monument of regional importance.


  • 1906 - "Start of life path"
  • 1907 - "Revelation in a thunderstorm and bora: the history of the appellation of the apocalypse"
  • 1909 - "In search of a philosophical stone"
  • 1910 - "Star Songs"
  • 1910 - "On the border of an unknown"
  • 1914 - "Prophets. The history of the occurrence of biblical prophecies, their literary presentation and characteristics "
  • 1918 - "Tale of my life"
  • 1924-1932 - "Christ. The history of mankind in natural science lighting "
  • 1928 - "History of the study of the universe"


  • The working village of the Shlisselburg Powder Plant in 1922 was called in honor of Morozov.
  • Asteroid "Morozovia", opened in 1934.
  • Crater frost on the back of the moon.
  • The name of Nikolai Morozova is named streets in Ramensky and Vladivostok.
  • Series "Santa Claus". In the role of Old Nikolai Morozov - Aristarkh Livanov.

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