Valentina Tolkunova - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, age, concert, film, husband, children



Valentina Tolkunov called the soul of Russian songs and the crystal voice of the Soviet pop. Interestingly, the stage image of the artist (long hair, aristocratic posture, maxi dress and a minimum set of cosmetics and decorations) remained for a long career.

Childhood and youth

Valentine was born in the city of Armavir Krasnodar Territory, but the first 1.5 years lived in the village of Belorechenskaya. There served father Tolkunova, Vasily Andreevich, Military Railwayman. Mom Eugene Nikolaevna worked at the railway station. The family arrived from Transbaikal, although his father was from the Saratov region. Three years after the birth of Vali, Sergey's younger brother appeared, who also became a singer, honored artist of Russia.

In 1948, Tolkunov's family moved to Moscow. Valentine grew not only in a friendly and loving family, but also surrounded by good music. Leonid Rockov's records played in the house, Claudia Shulzhenko, Peter Leshchenko, and Valya learned their songs and squeezed her favorite performers.

In 1956, the girl accepted the Children's Children's Children's Children's Children's House. He managed the team of Semen Osipovich Dunaevsky, and Tatyana Nikolaevna Ovchinnikova became the teacher of the girl, who helped the future singer to master the basics of musical letters and know the secrets of vocal skill.

After school, the girl entered the conductor-choir department of the Moscow State Institute of Culture, and then graduated from the legendary Gnesinka. The first team of Valentina Tolkunova was the VOI-66 vocal and instrumental orchestra, which was led by Yuri Saulsky, the future spouse of the artist. There, the young singer performed songs to jazz music, and later he began the solo career.


Star start for the creative biography of the young artist was the performance of songs on the poems of Mikhail Ancharova and the music of Ilya Kataeva to accompany the film "Day after day." After the yield of the film on the screens, the song "I stand on the half-one", performed by Valentina, sang the whole country. Tolkunova instantly became famous, and the record did not delay in the shelves of music stores. Later at the "Artloto" contest, a young singer with this hat won the first award.

Valentina Tolkunova's first solo speech was held in 1972 as part of the anniversary concert of Leo Oshanin. The artist performed the composition of Vladimir Shainsky "Ah, Natasha", and since the concert was broadcast on television, she saw it and heard a millionth audience. Together with a beginner artist on stage, Mayan Kristalinskaya, Muslim Magomayev, Lyudmila Zykin, Georg Uz. In the same time, Valentina Tolkunova met for the first time with Claudia Shulzhenko, the singer, whom the girl was guarding from childhood.

Soon the repertoire of the artist was replenished with the musical compositions of Eduard Kolmanovsky, Mikael Tariverdieva, Oscar Feltsman, Mark Mincova. And since 1973, Tolkunova regularly became a member of the teleconception "Song of the Year". The melodic gentle voice of the singer made it a truly folk artist. There were bags of letters from the viewers with requests to show the speech of the beloved singer again.

Valentine began to appear in the "Morning Mail" programs, Blue Spark, as well as on the translations of the creative evenings of outstanding composers from the column hall of the Unions.

The second wave of glory overtook Tolkunov after the premiere of the song Vladimir Miguli "Talk to me, Mom" ​​on the All-Union Radio. The composer wrote her for Lyudmila Zykina, but, having heard the composition performed by Tolkunova, changed the solution.

The grinding of Tolkunova was that the actress always sang about people and for people, in its repertoire there were actually no Soviet slogans and socio-political subtext, which was rare for that time. For Valentina Vasilyevna, each song was someone's fate, someone's vital history. She performed not only their own songs, but also compositions from the repertoire of popular singers. So it appeared in its execution of the hit "Where have you before?", With which Maya Kristalinskaya was previously performed.

In 1975, a fateful meeting of Tolkunova and its partner in the stage of the instrumentalist and composer David Ashkenazi took place. Colleagues collaborated for 18 years. A co-executed wang was the romance "Serubyazy King" on the music of Alexander Vertinsky and the poems Anna Akhmatova.

There were a huge popularity of the song "Silver Weddings", "Seryozha", "School Friends". Hit "I can not otherwise" and at all literally returned people to life, giving hope for the future, about which Valentina Vasilyevna later recognized from the collaborate spectators.

And, of course, it is impossible not to say about the children's song "sleep tired toys", which became the saver of the evening transmission of "good night, kids!", On which not one generation of children was brought up. Another children's song Tolkunova - "Kurnos-Kursniki" - especially loved fans of the singer's talent. This composition was given by the performer by Boris Emelyanov at the birth of the son of Nicholas.

In 1979, Valentina Tolkunova first made a solo concert. Creative evenings consisted of popular and folk songs, but more and more often the singer began to pay attention to the musical compositions about the Great Patriotic War, the first of which became "if there was no war." The execution of the song was gone to the artist not easy: it was necessary to create a small monospect of severe female fate. At the request of Valentina Vasilyevna in the musical tissue added inserts with military march.

In 10 years, 22 songs about the military share appeared in the repertoire of the performer, which Tolkunova released a separate record.

In the 2000s, the repertoire Tolkunova was replenished mostly spiritual songs: "My Angel", which the artist, "Christmas night", "Prayer" composed. Thanks to the album "My invented man", which includes the songs of the author Vasily Popova, Valentina Tolkunova received the Award of the Russian Culture International Charitable Foundation. The song "Spring May" of Viktor Petrov was becoming the last song.

Other creativity

TOLLANT Tolkunova demanded new forms, and in 1986, from Ulya Katava, the Opera "Russian women" came out, which was created on the execution of Tolkun. The premiere of the opera took place in the Concert Hall "Russia". The staging was used by the motives of the plots of works by Nikolai Nekrasov, Alexander Pushkin and Alexey Koltsov. The role of the Siberian Governor tried on Innocent Smoktunovsky.

In the same year, the artist debuted in a full-length musical tape "I believe in the rainbow" directed by Vitaly Fetisov. This is not the only film in the piggy bank of the performer. Earlier, she used his acting talent for the embodiment of episodic images in the pictures "Summer Prime Dedov" and "Black Prince". But mostly in the cinema Valentina Vasilyevna was invited to create musical design. In the melodrama "Romance about lovers", she performed "cradle", in the comedy "Bride from the North" - "Pushku White".

Compositions performed by Tolkunova sounded in animated films: the song "Kaba was not winter" decorated the famous cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino". The magic voice of the singer fell in love with children thanks to the radio themes "Firebreak" and "Bag-Postman".

In addition, Tolkunova organized the Moscow Theater of Music Drama and Songs, producing which ("champagne splashes", "how to be happy") enjoyed special love of the audience. The last concert production was the solo music program "I am today's vows of the silence of a broody", which appeared on the scene of the theater in 2010.

The artist became the heroine of documentaries. So, a project with the working title "Iron Valekka" was created to one of her anniversaries. The journalists of the singer did not let into their personal life therefore they were not able to interview her relatives.

Personal life

The singer throughout the creative path was adhered to a special style. Valentina Vasilyevna's long hair decorated with pearl threads, which can be seen in many photos of Tolkunova. In an early youth, it came to mind to cut a thick braid, but the hairdresser did not allow her to do it.

In the first ensemble, Valentina Tolkunova became acquainted with the composer and a conductor Yury Saulsky, who became her husband, but this marriage lasted only 6 years. There was a big difference in age, because the singer at the time of marriage was only 19 years old, and the spouse - 37.

3 years after Tolkunov's divorce at a secular evening in the Mexican embassy, ​​he met an elegant journalist-international Yuri Poropov. The novel developed rapidly, and after a couple of months, lovers became her husband and his wife. Soon the son of Nikolai was born, the only child of folk artist. But Valentina's female happiness did not work in the second marriage. Yuri Popors drove through foreign business trips, and at one time there was no house for 10 years.

The son of Nicholas received a legal education, worked as an artist in the light in the theater of musical drama and songs, later engaged in a small business, moved to Bulgaria.

According to the former director of the singer Nikolai Basina, Valentina had another romantic page in his personal life associated with the name of Physics Vladimir Baranov. This man Valentine called "husband from God," but he did not dare to leave his family. With Yuri Picorov, a woman lived until the last days of life, and the spouse survived his wife only for 1.5 months.


Valentina Tolkunova has always stretched to the temple, and later he was choking. The singer even acquired a house near the monastery to be able to pay more time to church service and prayers. In addition, the artist financially helped the arrangement of temples, giving charitable concerts.

Tolkunova became a sponsor of the restoration of the cross on one of the temples of the Zadonsky Monastery in the Lipetsk region. The actress often visited Diveevo, visited the Holy Land. During one of the trips to Israel, Valentina Vasilyevna almost died in the attack of terrorists, after which her faith was intensified.

The Russian Orthodox Church honored the memory of the singer a year after her death was a big concert, which was held in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Disease and death

Back in 1992, Valentina Tolkunova discovered breast cancer. After the operation and course of chemotherapy, the disease retreated, but after 16 years later returned. And later the actress has additionally diagnosed the brain tumor. Valentina Vasilyevna refused to go under the knife again and continued to tour.

The last concert of the singer gave 16 February 2010 in Mogilev, after him the woman was hospitalized. Since then, Tolkunova was in the hospital, but the help of doctors was already powerless. On March 22, the singer fell into someone and in a few hours left life. Metastases in the brain were the cause of death of the artist.

The funeral of the singer passed on the Troecorsk cemetery, where relatives and fans come now. On the grave next to the sculptural sculpture stood a portrait photo of the singer. A year later, the solemn opening of the memorial plan was held on the building of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts and the Monument in Belorechensk. The name of the singer was assigned to music schools at the homeland of her father, in the city of Rtishchev, and in the village of Spring of Belorechensky district, and the Museum appeared in Armavir.

The memory of the performer was immortalized in the project "She could not otherwise" and the documentary film "I will love you always." Since 2014, a festival of the Valentina Vasilyevna Tolkunova "Soul of Russia" began.


  • 1972 - "I stand on the half-one"
  • 1974 - "Year of Love"
  • 1976 - "Senokosa Livni"
  • 1980 - "New Year's Eve"
  • 1981 - "If there was no war"
  • 1986 - "Conversation with a woman"
  • 1995 - "I can't otherwise"
  • 1997 - "I am rustic"
  • 2002 - "My invented man"
  • 2011 - "How to be happy"

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