Antonio Vivaldi - biography, photo, personal life, works



Antonio Luciano Vivaldi - Italian composer, conductor, teacher, violinist virtuoso, author 500 concerts for solo instruments and orchestra, 90 operas, genius, whose works were committed to oblivion for 200 years.

Antonio was born on March 4, 1678 in Venice in the Tsier family and musician Giovanni Battista Vivaldi and his wife Camilla. Giovanni was coming from Brescia, and at 10 years old settled in Venice along with his mother. In those days, Torilly, Streigli, curl, and entertained clients, and also entertained them with musication.

Antonio Vivaldi in youth

Vivaldi-senior combined hairdressing art with a game on a violin. Giovanni became a violinist in the chapel of the Cathedral of St. Mark, also his name is in the list of the founders of the musical society and even on the title page of one opera dated 1689.

The director of the mentioned society was the composer and the author of the opera Giovanni Legna. Based on these facts, Vivaldi's biography of Vivaldi came to the conclusion that the composer was talent and the first steps on the musical field, the father was obliged to the Son's love for the violin and handed over his own skills, perfect hearing and skill of the game. There is also a version that young Antonio studied at Giovanni Legnitzi.

The birth circumstances of Vivaldi Jr. allowed to find out the exact date of his appearance to light. The fact is that the boy was born prematurely, in the seventh month. The midwife who took the birth, advised immediately baptize the child in case of a sudden death. After a couple of hours after the birth of the baby had already dubbed, as evidenced by the record in the church book.

Church where Antonio Vivaldi was baptized

According to the legend, the earthquake happened that day in Venice, and the child was born before the deadline. Camilla supposedly gave vow to give the son to the clergy, if he survives. Surprisingly, Antonio survived, although he was distinguished by weak health and a subtitle structure.

Because of Asthma, the boy was difficult to move, the brass instruments were also banned. But the violin's favorite from infancy was fully disposed of the future maestro, and from 10 years old Antonio replaced his father, playing in the chapel of St. Mark.

Saint Brand Cathedral in Venice

From the age of 13, Vivaldi Jr. performed the position of "goalkeeper" with the cathedral, opening the gate of the temple. Then a few more initiations of the young minister of the Church in higher positions took place. Mass Antonio served only once, he made a relaxing due to weak health, and the young man got the opportunity to devote himself to music.

In those days, Venetian priests combined writing concerts, spiritual music with serving God. It was considered as natural as the presence of musical instruments in each tall. In the XVII century, the Venice Republic was the most enlightened and cultural countries of the world, and in the field of opera, secular and spiritual music set the tone of the rest of Europe.


In 25 years, Vivaldi began to teach the art of a violin game in the Venetian conservatory Ospedale Della Pietà. Conservatory then called school-shelters during monasteries, where orphans and children were trained, whose parents were not able to provide them. These schools from the republic were financed.

Antonio Vivaldi - biography, photo, personal life, works 17555_4

Shelters for girls specialized in humanitarian sciences, special attention was paid to singing, music, the execution of spiritual melodies, psalms and chants. Boys from which they prepared merchants and artisans, taught accurate sciences.

Antonio Vivaldi became a master of violin for young pupils of the shelter, and then the teacher of Alta. His duties included a monthly writing of concerts, Cantat, vocal works for soloists and choir, as well as the creation of new orals and concerts to each church holiday. In addition, the teacher personally practiced with orphan music, the game on instruments and vocals, rehearsed and honed the skill of the girls.

Vivaldi worked in Pietà from 1703 to 1740, not counting the eight-year break from 1715 to 1723, and from 1713 he became director of the conservatory. All these years, the composer worked tirelessly, only for the shelter, more than 60 works were written, including cantata, concerts for solo, choral, orchestral performances.

In 1705 and 1709, Venetian publishers published two Opus Vivaldi by 12 Sonatas, in 1711 - 12 concerts called "Harmonic inspiration". In the same years, the young and talented composer first heard outside Italy. In 1706, Vivaldi performed in the French embassy, ​​and after three years he was listening to the Danish king Frederick IV, to whom Antonio subsequently devoted 12 Sonat.

In 1712, the musician met the German composer Gottfried Schedule, and five years later, Vivaldi moved to Mantui at the invitation of Prince Philip Hesse Darmstadt for three years.

Antonio Vivaldi

Since 1713, the composer became interested in a new musical art for himself - a secular opera. The first written Vivaldi opera became "Otton on the villa". A talented young man was noticed by impresario and patrons, and soon Antonio received the owner of the San Angelo theater to a new opera.

According to the composer, in the period from 1713 to 1737, he wrote 94 operas, but only 50 partners came to this day with the authorship of the Great Vivaldi. The author of the opera waited for a storm success, but the secular glory of Vivaldi was short. The Venetian public sophisticated in music soon found new idols, and the Opera Antonio came out of fashion.

In 1721, Maine visited Milan, where he presented the Drama "Silvia", and the next year he returned with an oral on the biblical theme. From 1722 to 1725, Vivaldi lived in Rome, where he wrote new operas and performed before dad at a personal invitation. For a clergy musician, this event was a huge honor.

In 1723-1724, Vivaldi wrote famous concerts, erroneously referred to in the CIS "Seasons" (the correct name - "four years of the year"). Each of the violin concerts is dedicated spring, winter, fly and autumn. According to the majority of critics and researchers, these concerts are the top of the creativity of the maestro.

The revolutionism of ingenious works is that the human ear cleans the reflection of processes and phenomena in music, characteristic of one or another season. So, in the song Violin, you can hear the noise of the storms and barking dogs, the mosquito squeak and drilling of streams, children's voices, trill the birds of recognizable breeds and even drop the skater on the ice.

Austrian emperor Karl Vi

Tours and wanders led Maestro to acquaintance with the Austrian Emperor Carl Vi. The king was a big fan of Wivaldi's creativity, and a friendly relationship began between them. Surprisingly, as the composer's popularity is reducing popularity in Motherland, in Venice, his glory grew in Europe, with the courtyards of the French and Austrian kings.

Under the end of life, luck left the brilliant composer, and he was forced to sell his sonatas for a penny, just not to be labeled in poverty. Disappointed in the Venetians who fought his creations, Antonio Vivaldi decided to move to Vienna, "under the ward" to the royal admirer of his talent, Karl Vi.

Unfortunately, soon after moving the composer in Vienna, the emperor died, then the war began, and they had forgotten about Maestro.

Personal life

As a clergy, Antonio Vivaldi gave a vow of celibacy, which respected throughout his life. Nevertheless, the unfriendlies managed to see the violation of decencies in his close relationship with one of the pupils of the Conservatory Pietà, Anna Zhiro and her sister Paula.

Vivaldi was a teacher and a mentor Anna, who, according to the memories of contemporaries, attracted the attention of the public not by force and the range of votes, but acting. For this girl, the composer wrote the best of the opera, composed Aria and spent time together in his homeland and in the road.

Anna's sister, Paolina, maestro's idle and became a voluntary nurse and nurse, helping to cope with congenital ailments and bodily weakness. Higher clergy for a long time looked through the fingers to the passion of maestro with secular music and operations, but forgive him a permanent stay near two young girls could not.

In 1738, Cardinal-archbishop Ferrara, where the next carnival was supposed to take place with unchanged operations, did not let Vivaldi and his companion in the city, and also commanded serve Mass due to the sin of the composer.


The brilliant composer died in poverty and loneliness on a foreign land, in Vienna. Antonio Vivaldi's life broke on July 28, 1741. His property was described and sold for debts, and the body is buried on the cemetery for urban poor. Only a month after the death of Antonio, his younger sisters received a sad news.

Monument Antonio Vivaldi

After death, the name of Vivaldi was undeservedly forgotten. Perhaps, only Johann Sebastian Bach sincerely and deeply loved the music of the Italian, for a long time remaining his only faithful admirer. Bach has decipher ten Vivaldi concerts for different tools and orchestra, and the legacy of the Venetian composer had a tangible effect on the work of the organist-virtuoso.

Interesting Facts

  • The great merit in the study and opening of Vivaldi's masterpieces for descendants belongs to the Italian musicologist Alberto Jentyli, who found 14 volume volumes of the composer at the beginning of the XX century.
  • Antonio Vivaldi is the first composer who created concerts for violin and orchestra, two, four violins and two mandolin.
  • The only color portrait of Vivaldi, who is familiar with all the photos in the textbooks, may well be an image of a completely different person (the initials are not specified in the picture, and the portrait itself does not look like other portraits of the composer).
Famous color portrait Antonio Vivaldi
  • Maestro had a nickname "Red Priest" due to the copper color of the hair, rare among the Venetians.
  • Vivaldi also became famous for the fact that he could write a trichat opera in five days and dozens of musical variations on one topic.
  • The notorious "Tango of Death", ascribed by Vivaldi, in fact, a composition called Palladio of the modern composer Karl Jenkins, and the "Elf Night (Song)" - Song of the Secret Garden group.
  • The composition "Summer thunderstorm (storm)" from the cycle "Seasons" performed by Vanessa May is one of the most popular melodies in the world.



  • "Otton in the village", 1713;
  • "Roland, imaginary madness", 1714;
  • "Arsilde, Queen Ponta", 1716;
  • "Coronation Darius", 1717;
  • "Artan", 1718;
  • "Teuson", 1719
  • "Tit Manry", 1719;
  • "Farnace", 1727 and others.

Choral and vocal music:

  • Laudate Dominum Omnes Gentes;
  • Stabat Mater and others.
  • Psalms:
  • Beatus Vir;
  • Confitebor Tibi Domine;
  • Lauda Jerusalem and others.


  • "Ceremonial Judith", 1716;
  • "Worship of three magic infant Jesus", 1722;
  • "Big Cantata" Gloria and Himes ", 1721.
  • Cantata for voice accompaniment:
  • "Under the shadow of a wonderful beech";
  • "My opinion is directed to him";
  • "Amur, you won";
  • "You disappeared, golden days";
  • "So cry, sources of tears" and others.

Instrumental concerts and sonata, including:

  • "Storm at sea";
  • "Pleasure";
  • "Hunting";
  • "Seasons";
  • "Night";
  • "Shchegglenok";
  • "Prelude".

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