Jean Gaben - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



It will be difficult for French cinema without Jean Gaben, who made an indisputable contribution to Cezanna and Parmesan Cinematographer. For their merits, Jean awarded many prestigious awards, in his piggy bank there is an Order of the Honor of the Legion, as well as in the town of Merier, the Jean Gaben Museum was opened.

Childhood and youth

Jean-Alexis Moncourt (real name of Gaben) was born on May 17, 1904 in the city of Love - Paris. The boy grew and was brought up in many children (three of the six children died in infancy) and a creative family, because his parents were artists Cabaret: Elene Petit and Ferdinand Moncourt showed ideas to enthusiastic spectators who smoked cigars and saw a sweet liquor or wine.

Full Jean Gaben.

It is known that until the age of ten, Jean Gaben lived in the rural terrain of Merier, located 27 kilometers north of the capital of France. It is with Meriel that the most vivid memories of Jean are connected. As a child, he lived in a house with a narrow facade, from morning to night played on the street, breathed out of his fresh air and enjoyed the station he watched from the window of his room.

The love of acting skills Gaben absorbed with Mother's milk, however, the boy did not pull to high and elegant art from childhood, as the campaigns in the theaters he preferred to view football or boxing on TV. But he also did not want to drive the ball on the lawn or work out strikes in the ring.

Jean Gaben in childhood

According to rumors, Gaben showed his difficult and rapid character since childhood. The boy was a tutor and disliked the school, the walls of which he considered not as a monastery of knowledge, but as a prison, from where it was necessary to run without looking back, so as not to lose life. Therefore, the Parents of Jean kicked him out of the house gnawing the granite of science with a silk, but ultimately the 14-year-old young man left the educational institution forever. In addition, at that time his mother died, which could not not affect the nature and mood of the future actor.

The main breadwinner in the house wanted Jean to go to his footsteps and performed in the musical hall to the loud applause of sophisticated spectators. But with the young Jean, it was not so easy to find a common language and simply, so Fernando tried with all their mights to establish warm and friendly relations with his son.

Jean Gaben in youth

Father, trying to earn men's trust, led his sullen siblos to local bars and kabaki, but Gaben saw his parent with a boring boring, and his work did not consider a worthy profession deserving at least the slightest attention. All the hypocrisy won the reputation of the "heap of rags" in the eyes of Jean, because the young man watched the sufferings of his dad, who worked not to give up his hands and agreed even on the most minor role.

When the future actor was 18 years old, he was set in free swimming and earned a living with severe physical labor. Who would have thought that the actor who was awarded the National French Prize "Cesar", tuskled the bags with coal, spread the mail and even worked at the railway station and the steel mill.

Jean Gaben

But Fernando understood that his son was born on the light, not then to baptize his hands into the blood, he saw the offspring shine on the sky of French cinema. Therefore, the moncortion is either by force, or with a prayer or threats sent his hot Favorite Chado to the Foli-Berger troupe.

But Fernando's dreams came true not immediately, because Jean, who saw all the delights of the acting profession and a raging backstage life, did not notice a special difference between the hypocrisy and what he was engaged earlier before, before it was on the stage before wishing her bread and spectacle. In addition, the young man led himself awkwardly, he could calmly stroke about the scenery or heated to his colleagues on the workshop.

Jean Gaben as Commissioner Megre

Jean worked in the morning to night, hoping for an increase to the salary, and did not hesitate to ask even the most minor roles. But his creative biography was interrupted when the guy reached a call age and went to the service in the army.

After demobilization, the moncortion returned to the show business, took the artistic pseudonym "Jean Gaben" and continued to delight the audience roles, and he performed in any role, and following the then French fashion, copied Maurice Chevalé's voice. Gradually, Jean pulled into a limitless world of hystician art and over time the money in the life of a young man began to go to the background.


From Paris Music Halls and Operett Jean Gaben twisted on the set, in 1928 a talented actor played in two silent films "Lions" and "Hey! Suitcases! " And managed to demonstrate to their compatriots of emotions without the use of words.

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Two years after Kinebut, Jean appeared in the film "Each His" (1930), and in 1931 he fulfilled the main role in the film "Mephisto". Gaben won recognition in the director's circle, so a young man almost every year was invited to participate in the filmmakers. But it is worth saying that it was originally Gaben played in little-known filmmakers who were known only to the French viewer.

Jean caught good luck for the tail in 1935, when he won the role of a romantic hero in the military drama Julien Duvivier "Battalion under the banner" (in another translation - the "Foreign Legion battalion").

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In this picture, Gaben easily reincarnated in the Pierre Veliette, which made a grievous crime while holding the circumstances: killed a man in Paris. Therefore, in order not to get into the hands of the guardians of the law, Pierre without a single penny runs in Pocket to Spain. Remaining without means of existence, burned to the thread by fraudsters, the protagonist of the film enters the Spanish Foreign Legion and starts life from a pure sheet.

Annabella, Robert Le Vigan, Gaston Modo and other stars of large screens entered the brilliant acting "battalion under the banner". In addition to others, the French painter Pierre Renuar starred in the picture.

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It is noteworthy that in 1936, Jean Gaben played Maxim Gorky's play in the screening of Maxim Gorky "at the bottom", in which the viewers appeared in the role of Vaska ash, a thief born in prison and dreaming to make a proposal of Hand and Hearts Natasha.

Jean Gaben, who fell in love not only in the native country, but also around the world, played in the film "Full moon" (1942), "Tugs" (1941) "Day begins" (1939), "Coral Reef" (1939), "The Beast" (1938) "Embankment of Tumanov" (1938) "Hardead" (1937) and other remarkable films.

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In 1958, a great actor appeared in the cult picture of Jean-Field Le Chanua "Rejected", filmed on the product of Viktor Hugo. History tells about the "little man" Jean Valzhan (Jean Gaben), who is having anger to the whole human race.

The fact is that 19 years ago, the protagonist, dying with the hunger, stole a crust of bread at the Bowlrnik, for which he paidred to freedom, but after a meeting with the priest, he rises to the side of good, but everything early remains a tailed piece for the French police. Burville, Bernard Barnar, Bernard Musion, Daniel Delormalm, Beatrice Altariba and other movie figures.

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In the same year, Gaben played together with Annie Girardo in the criminal noar picture "Megre puts the Silki", which was awarded the Award of Edgar Allan for the best foreign film and several BAFTA nominations. The picture tells about the maniac, followed by the Unprincipled Commissioner Megre, who became the same cult character like a pink panther.

"Thunder Heavenly" (1965) - another remarkable picture in Jean Gaben filmography. This time, the actor tried out the image of the former lawyer of Leander Brasssak, who he hates people for old age and relaxes with the help of hot drinks.

Jean Gaben and Alain Delon

It is worth saying that Jean Gaben, like Robert de Niro, is associated with some viewers with an actor who performs Mafiosi roles. And this is not surprising, because in 1969 the film "Sicilian clan" was released, where the Frenchman played the head of the clan Vittorio Manalez, and Alain Delon reincarnated in the raid Roger Sarte.

Personal life

Contemporaries used to say that Jean was a sullen man who was not accustomed to smile, however, despite this, he was popular with women who considered Gaben with a reference to male attractiveness and beauty. In addition, his serious view with the deserted corners of the mouth was just a mask, because many considered the actor a wonderful person, not devoid of sentimental feelings.

Jean Gaben and Gabi Basset

But the directors, screenwriters and costumes were afraid to merge this actor, because he could easily increase his voice on his colleagues on the workshop, if he, let's not like that his character smokes or did not suit any detail of the clothes. Because of his hard character and manners arguing, the actor was even fired from the "RKO Pictures" studio and refused to create a film.

As for the amournal relationship, the first chief of Jean became the actress Gabi Basset, with which he met for five years. After parting with the beloved Gaben plunged into a passionate novel with Marlene Dietrich, but these relationships suffered fiasco.

Jean Gaben and Marlene Dietrich

The latest chief of the Matra - Dominic Fournier's mannequin, which on the proposal of the hands and hearts of Gaben answered agree. Three children were born in marriage, two boys and one girl. It is worth saying that Jean did not want her daughter to go to his footsteps and in every way prevented it.


A great actor died on November 15, 1976, the cause of death is a heart attack. The body of Gaben was cremated, and the dust is dispelled into the sea.


  • 1935 - Foreign Legion Battalion
  • 1946 - Martin Rumanyak
  • 1954 - French Kankan
  • 1955 - Port of Desires
  • 1957 - Red color included
  • 1958 - Megre puts the sink
  • 1958 - In case of misfortune
  • 1958 - Molded
  • 1961 - King of Fake Covers
  • 1963 - Melody from the basement
  • 1966 - Gardener from Argente
  • 1968 - under the sign of the bull
  • 1969 - Sicilian clan
  • 1971 - Black Flag Retes Over Kotel
  • 1973 - Dominichi Case
  • 1976 - Holy Year

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