Bobby Fisher - Biography, Photo, Personal Life Chesswriter, Quotes



The last photos of Bobby Fisher, a talented chess player, not at all like the pictures of the 70s, when the world champion in chess (a man's growth - 185 cm) was in the Zenith of Glory. A couple of years before his death, a man, and without the incorrect statements in the address of various states, stopped controlling himself during an interview. The result was the deprivation of US citizenship, as well as the old age away from the valiant rivals and exciting tournaments.

Childhood youth

Biography of Chess Buntar originates on March 9, 1943. The boy was born in Chicago, where Mother Bobby, Regina Fisher, moved from Moscow, where he received medical education. Officially, the father of the child was the German biologist Hans-Gerhard Fisher, but before the birth of the Son of the spouse did not live together for a long time.

Bobby Fisher in youth

Biographers argue that the Bobby's Biological Parent can be a Jewish mathematician Paul Nenoye, who showed a lot of participation in raising a child. Since the mother of Bobby was a representative of the Semitic people, the future opponent of the Jews himself belonged to Jewish nationality.

Love for chess manifested itself from Bobby at 6, when the sister showed the boy's basic techniques of the game. From this point on, children who do not know the difference between the pawn and the queen, stopped interested in the child. Understanding that chess deprived Bobby childhood, mother tried to ban the boy to play. Such a rapid act was forever spoiled the relationship between Regina and Bobby.

Bobby Fisher in childhood

The debut of a young player in the battle against serious opponents took place in 1957. At that time, the teenager turned 14 years old, but to win the title of champion among juniors a young man did not make much difficulty. That same year, Bobby threw the school, saying his relatives that the teachers cannot teach him something, and the lessons just take time from training.


Soon the American community of chess players made sure that 15-year-old Bobby could ruthlessly cope with most opponents of the local level. In 1958, after the next US Championship, the young man goes to Yugoslavia, where it takes 5-6 places in the tournament grid, but performs the norm that allows the title of grandmaster.

Tigran Petrosyan became the most frequent enemy of Fisher among Soviet chess players. Men entered the sports battle 27 times, the first of which took place in 1958 in Moscow. During the acquaintance of Petrosyan, he won the teenager with ease, but strongly advised his colleagues to remember the name of the novice genius.

Petrosyan was right. The following 2 years Fisher showed an unprecedented result. The young man won in 4 international tournaments. But a draw with Mikhail Botvinnik at one of the matches was angry with Bobby and set up a young man against Soviet chess players.

Mikhail Botvinnik and Bobby Fisher

Fisher stated that the conspiracy was being brew around him, behind which the Government of the USSR. In protest, the next 3 years, the young man did not participate in international tournaments.

One of the most significant matches for a chess player took place in 1972. The struggle for the title of world champion began long before Boris Spassky and Bobby Fisher sat down at the table. The American changed the requirements several times, threatening not to appear in competitions if the organizers will not satisfy his requests.

Bobby Fisher and Boris Spassky

So the prize fund of the chess player rose to $ 250,000, and the event itself took place 10 days after the date announced. The reason for the transfer was the reluctance of Bobby to get into the plane - the man was afraid that Russian saboteurs would blow up the vehicle. The battle for the title champion Fisher won. But chess genius did not even appear in the White House to listen to the congratulatory speech of the president.

In 1975, Fisher again shocked the public. This time the chess player refused to participate in the World Cup, giving the World Star title Anatoly Karpov. The official version of the Americans's failure to appear on the tournament - the organizers did not fulfill the conditions that a man voiced. Such disrespects hurt Fisher, and he stated that he would no longer play or think about chess.

Bobby Fisher and Anatoly Karpov

Bobby remained faithful to his decision until 1992. In a commercial match-revenge with Boris Spassky, for which Fisher suddenly agreed, the US government saw a violation of international embargo. The man threatened the arrest for a period of 10 years. But Bobby still appeared to the duel, hoping that the statistics of previous games would remain unchanged.

After another victory over Spass, chess genius was faced with a difficult choice. It was impossible to return to the USA a man, so Bobby went to Budapest, from where he moved to the Philippines, and after a donkey for a long time in Japan.

Bobby Fisher in old age

In 2004, Bobby Fisher was arrested while trying to get to the Philippines on an invalid passport. The US government, tired of giving a great mind to avoid shame, canceled the citizenship of the chess player. According to unconfirmed rumors, the last straws for Americans were disrespectable quotes Fisher about the terrorist attack of 2001 in New York.

The country agreed to accept refugee became Iceland. After moving Fisher to a new Motherland, the world media extended the statement of the US chess player. The man called his own homeland evil, which controls Jews. However, the last interview with the former champion is full of bitterness and malice against America, and former rivals.

Particularly got Harry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. About Kasparov, a man responded as a criminal and argued that the Matches 1984-1985 were subdamed by the KGB. The insane Aphorisms of Fisher touched even a nuclear war, which, according to the chess player, the Americans will soon begin.

Personal life

The first serious relationship in the life of Bobby appeared in 1990. Chess player from Hungary Peter Ryachani was so impressed by Fisher's successes, which wrote a letter to the idol. Bobby answered a long message only in a year. But long period did not cool the interest of Rychanti.

Soon the girl moved to the beloved in Los Angeles. Roman ended in 2 years. Peter, tired of the eccentricity of his beloved, refused to become his wife Bobby and twisted the novel with the Soviet chess player.

Bobby Fisher and his wife Miyuko Vatai

The real family appeared at Bobby in 2000. A man moved to Japan to a long-standing familiar and colleague on Make Mighta Chess Board. The woman remained next to his beloved, even despite the psychological problems of Fisher. The Japanese closed his eyes to rumors that a illegitimate daughter grows up in the Philippines, conceived during cohabitation with 22-year-old Marilyn Yang.

Lovers got married in 2004 in prison, where the chess player came after attempting to leave the country on an invalid passport.


Bobby Fisher died on January 17, 2008. The cause of death was renal failure. The disease was revealed in the early stages and could be stopped after surgery, but Fisher voluntarily refused the operation. According to Icelandic friends, Bobby did not believe in Western medicine.

Grave Bobby Fisher

The grandmaster was buried at the Catholic Cemetery of the town of Selfoss. In the last path of the genius, only a few people were accomplished, among whom MEKO was. Patient a friend of life after several years of court proceedings and scandals received inheritance. From the eccentric beloved Vatai got $ 2 million.

Interesting Facts

  • In 2011, the documentary "Bobby Fisher against the whole world" came out. The biographical film was nominated for the Emmy Award in the category "Best Ending Film".
  • In 2015, the feature film "Sonazing Pawn" came out. The image of Bobby was embodied by actor Toby Maguire.
Tobey Maguyer as Bobby Fisher
  • In 1981, the chess player was arrested on suspicion of bank robbery. Men confused with another suspect. After a short conclusion, Fisher has released the book "I was tormented by Pasaden's prison."
  • Bobby did not trust American banknotes, so she kept her own savings in gold bars.
  • Fisher spoke 5 foreign languages. The ability to linguistics a man was transferred from a mother who knew 8 languages.


  • 1956 - US Junior Championship
  • 1957 - New Jersey Championship
  • 1960 - XIV US Championship
  • 1961 - XV US Championship
  • 1962 - 5th Interzone Chess Tournament in Stockholm
  • 1962 - XVII US Championship
  • 1963 - Open New York State Championship
  • 1963 - XVIII US Championship
  • 1965 - XX US Championship
  • 1967 - XXI US Championship
  • 1972 - Victory in the match for the title of world chess champion

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