Victor Vasnetsov - biography, photo, personal life, paintings



Russian artist Victor Vasnetsov, the true patriot of his country, became the Russian-style source of the "Russian style" in the framework of the symbolism inherent in European art art of the late 19th century. Historical motives with a poetic atmosphere of fairy tales connected in his work, leaving a bright trail in Russian and world culture.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 15, 1848 in the village of Lopyal Vyatka province. Father, priest Mikhail Vasilyevich Vasnetsov, put the whole soul in six children. He did not just raise children in accordance with religious rules, but did everything so that they would increase the versatile developed, including in the field of science. But the little Vitya grew surrounded by legends, believes, legends, in abundance of existing on Vyatka Earth, and preferred a fairy tale science.

Self portrait Viktor Vasnetsova

From early childhood, Victor drew, and in the works of the boy was felt talent. But the Vasnetsov family did not differ in great enough, and therefore the Father could not send the Son to Art School. Instead, Vitya in 1858 entered the Vyatka spiritual school, where, as the son of the priest, had the right to study for free.

The next step in education for the young Vasnetsov was a seminary. But this educational institution of the young man left the blessing of the father for the sake of the St. Petersburg drawing school, where he entered in 1867. At the same time, Victor managed to pass the exam at the Academy of Arts with admission to Art School, Victor managed to pass the exam in the Academy. In the art school, the teacher of painting at the young artist was Ivan Kramskaya.


The Academy Victor Vasnetsov graduated in 1873, and began to be exhibited still during his studies, in 1869. First, the artist's work included in the expositions of the Academy. Later, after his entry in 1878 in the Association of Mobile Art Exhibitions, - in exhibitions organized by the Association.

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Creativity Vasnetsova is divided into two large stages. Initially, the artist worked in the socio-critical genre. Among his heroes is a couple of impoverished old people in the picture "From an apartment on an apartment", bored-dull beaches in the picture "Preference". The artist's work reminds during this period the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky, imbued with irony and compassion at the same time.

At the end of the 19th century, the second stage of the creativity of Vasnetsov began, logically related to the interest of society to the "predains of the antiquity of the deep". Features of creativity consisted in combination of historical facts and folklore motifs. The artist wrote incredibly exciting canvas affecting the soul of any Russian man.

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By this period include the works of "Huslari", "Vityaz on the crossroads", "Alyonushka", "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf", "three heroes". The latter, which is on guarding the borders of the land of Russian Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyasha Popovich, perhaps the business card Vasnetsov.

The "epic" painter period became, according to connoisseurs-contemporaries, a vivid example of the "New Russian Style". The innovation introduced Vasnetsov and in the scenography, creating sketches of costumes and scenery for the Opera "Snow Maiden" of the Roman Corsakov. What is only a scenery, which should depict the chambers of the king Berende.

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In addition to the "Snow Maiden", the artist put his hand to theatrical design of the drama of the Schaphazhinsky "Charger" and the opera of Dargomyzhsky "Mermaid". Underwater landscape in the "mermaid" and today are depicted, based on the Vasnets Decorations created.

Thanks to Talent Vasnetsov, visitors to the historical museum in Moscow still admire the picturesque frieze "Stone Age". Colleagues gave this work to the master, made in 1883-1885, high assessment.

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Soon Vasnetsov carried away the religious theme. Its brush is painted in the St. Petersburg temple of Savior-on-blood. He worked out the wall painting for the christmas temple of John the Forerunner on Presck, in collaboration with other painters created the interior of the temple-monument of Alexander Nevsky in Sofia.

Much forces and ten years of life needed a painter on the painting of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. From 1880 to 1890, Vasnetsov with assistants painted almost 3,000 square meters of the walls of the Cathedral. The rigor of the Byzantine canons artist managed to soften lyrical, poetic start, fabulous motifs.

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Own vision of the world brought Vasnetsov in architecture. "Russian style" for him meant not imitating the old reasons, but a reasonable borrowing of the special properties of architecture of ancient Russia. With his light hand in the estate Abramtsevo, the church of the Savior of the Husband, built in accordance with the Pskov-Novgorod tradition, and a fabulous gazebo "Hut on Courish Legs" appeared.

The house for his own family, the artist also designed himself with the help of the architect Vasily Bashkirov. Now it is a building located at Moscow, Lane Vasnetsov, 13, is the home-museum of painter.

House Museum Viktor Vasnetsova

After the first Russian revolution of 1905 and bloody Sundays Vasnetsov, as a true genius, imbued with what is happening. His beliefs practically coincided at that time with the doctrine of the ultra-conservative "Union of the Russian People", led to participation in financing and designing monarchical publications.

Late paintings Vasnetsov are filled with anxiety, premonition of inevitable change. Then the "Varyagi" cannon appeared on the light, on which Rurik, Sineus and Trourvor came to Rus.

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The accomplished revolution of 1917 put an end to the active participation of Vasnetsov in artistic life. The artist moved to Russian tales. Above themes "Sleeping Tsarevna", "Tsarevna-Frog", "Tsarevna Nesmeyana" Master worked until recent days, but, according to some critics, the strength of the images was not the same. But during this period, the painter created a number of beautiful portraits.

Personal life

Viktor Vasnetsov's wife, Alexander Ryazantseva, took place from the Big Vyatka merchant race, graduated from Vyatka gymnasium and the first female medical courses of the Medical and Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg. The artist was married at Alexander Vladimirovna in 1878, and almost half a century, Spouses lived a soul to the soul. Four Vasnetsov born five children - Daughter Tatyana and Sons Boris, Alexey, Mikhail and Vladimir.

Monument to Viktor and Apollinaria Vasnetsov

Apollinaria Vasnetsov, the younger brother of the painter, also a famous artist. In the village of Ryabovo Kirov region (Vyatka province), where the family of the priest Vasnetsov lived for more than 20 years, there is a museum of both artists brothers.


The biography of Viktor Vasnetsov was completed on July 23, 1926, when it was 78 years old. The artist from heart attack in the Moscow workshop died. I buried Vasnetsov on the Lazarevian cemetery, and when it was destroyed, the dust was reburied on the introduced cemetery.

Interesting Facts

  • Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov in 1912 was awarded the "noble Russian empire. Dignity with all downward offspring."
  • Airbus A320 aircraft Aeroflot is named Vasnetsov.
  • In 1998, the Bank of Russia devoted the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vasnetsov two silver bubble coins.
Victor Vasnetsov on the anniversary coins of Russia
  • Pictures Vasnetsova and the painter himself appeared on the postage stamps of Russia and the Soviet Union. In Russia, in 1998, two brands and coupon with paintings "Battle of Slavs with nomads" (1881), "Self-portrait" (1873) and Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf "(1889).
  • According to the memories of the colleague on the workshop Mikhail Nesterov, he once asked Vasnetsov, whether he was hiding from life for fabulous plots. The artist answered like this:
"Where was it after the Vladimir Cathedral above? Where to? Kupi writing? After God, then?! No above! But there is something that is worth it. This, brother, fairy tale ... ".


  • 1876 ​​- "From the apartment on the apartment"
  • 1879 - "Preference"
  • 1878 - "Vitya at the crossroads"
  • 1880 - "After going to Igor Svyatoslavich with Polovtsy"
  • 1880 - "Carpet-Airplane"
  • 1881 - "Alenushka"
  • 1881 - "Three princes of the underground kingdom"
  • 1889 - "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf"
  • 1890 - "Baptism of Russia"
  • 1897 - "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny"
  • 1897 - "Bayan"
  • 1897 - "Gamayun - Bird Bird"
  • 1898 - "Sirin and Alkonost"
  • 1898 - "Bogatyry"
  • 1899 - "Snow Maiden"
  • 1899 - "Houchras"
  • 1904 - "Scary Court"
  • 1909 - "Varyags"
  • 1914 - "Communion Fight with Housliers"
  • 1918 - "Tsarevna Frog"
  • 1926 - "Sleeping Tsarevna"
  • 1926 - "Koschey Immortal"

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