Noah - Biography of the Righteous, Name, Great Flood


Character History

From the first minutes of life, none's close newborn was confident that the boy is waiting for a great future. And not mistaken. The man self-confidently believing the man saves human genus from full destruction. However, thanks to Noah should not only people, animals and birds, too, in debt before the descendant of Adam.

History Nov.

The biography of the righteous, who lived among unimaginable sinners, is revealed in the Old Testament (chapters 6-9 of the Books of Genesis). Researchers found a lot of similar features of the legend outlined in the Bible, with the actual flood. That is, the legend of the Great Flood has a prototype.

Tsar Ziusudr.

The first mention of flooding and man built the ship to escape, dated to the second millennium BC. Sumerian legends talk about the Tsar Ziusudre, who received the message from God Eya about the upcoming flood. From the auction of the element, it is possible to get sickly Ziusudra and the king's wife.

Later, the motive is repeated in the Babylonian legend. A man named Ut-write will find out from God Eya about the soon flood and builds the ark, which takes the beasts and his own wife. Clean zone signs telling about ut-stuffs belong to the 17th century BC.


There is a noticeable difference between pagan legends from biblical motives. In the legends of the ancient peoples, the topic of morality is not affected at all. Flood is considered to be a priest of gods, and not at all punishment for misdeed.

The new covenant is also full of reference to legend. Christ and his supporters in the sermons mention the feet of the male chosen by God and present a legend as a historical fact. The Apostle Peter argues that the legend is about it - a vivid example of the fact that God will shine all the fallen and save all believers.

Great Flood

The descendant of Adam in the tenth generation was born in 1056 from the creation of the world. From the moment the child was born, close relatives pinned great hopes on the boy:

"Lameh lived one hundred and eighty and two years old and gave birth to a son, and nare him name: Noah, saying: He will comfort us in our work and in our hands of ours in the cultivation of the land that the Lord cursed."

The first fifty years of the righteous life proceeded calmly. The man firmly believed in God and did not retreat from his own faith. This behavior highlighted Noah from the crowd and eventually made a man hermit. Noah with no one to share righteous life.


Already in a mature age, a man married a girl named Nomea (Nov's sister on his father). There is a theory that the cause of late marriage is the reluctance of the righteous to start offspring in the sinful world. The marriage was insisted by God, who told the indication of Noah in a dream. Noah gave birth to a man of three sons - Sima, Hama and Ieehethe.

At 500 years of age, the righteous descended Revelation from the Lord:

"The end of all the flesh came before my face, for the Earth filled with atrocities from them; And so, I will destroy them from the ground. Make yourself the ark ... And so, I will give a flood water to the ground ... everything that is on earth will lose life "

The only one who should be saved during disaster, and his loved ones. There was a duty to build an ark on a man, put on a ship in a pair of all living beings ("clean" animals Noah will take 7 pairs for sacrifice) and wait for the Great Flood to the Earth.

Noah and his sons build ark

The construction of the vessel took 120 years. And after the completion of the work, the Lord gave sinful mankind another chance - the gate of the ship remained open during the week. But people did not believe the warnings of Noah. As soon as the righteous with his family climbed the ark, water fell on Earth. Flooding lasted 40 days and flooded the entire district.

After 150 days, the water began to gradually decrease. Noah, the Ark Stepko resistured the element test. In the seventh day of the seventh month, the ship stuck to Mount Ararat. To make sure that the element is no longer raging, Noah released a crow, who returned to the ark with nothing.

Noev Ark

Then Noah released the pigeon, but that "did not find the place of rest for his feet" and returned to the ark. A week later, the righteous again released a pigeon on the will, who, returned, brought the oily leafle in the beak. Noah waited another seven days and released the pigeon for the third time, and the bird no longer returned.

Noy me to get out of the ark died only after the vision in which God blessed the righteous. The first thing that the man did, having entered into a solid soil - brought the victim to the Lord. In response, God promised no longer to arrange a flood if the descendants of the survivors will be followed by the commandments:

"I supplies my covenant with you and with the offspring of yours after you ... that there will be no waters of the Flood more in the waters, and there will be no flood on the emptying of the Earth."

A new stage began in the development of humanity. Noah with sons engaged in the cultivation of the Earth, and later mastered the skill of winemaking. Because of the alcoholic beverage, the righteous made a sin, which, however, the Lord forgave the man.

Intoxication of November

Drinking too much wines, Noah fell asleep in the tent without clothes. Naked father discovered Ham and his son Hanan. Men laughed at the old man and reported a shameful misdemeanor to other sons of Noah. Then the sim and jafeth covered the body of the Father. For disrespect for the parent, the son of Hama was cursed, who witnessed the shame of his grandfather.

The righteous lived in the world for another 350 years, surviving up to the 950th anniversary. About the death of an old man is not known, apparently, the death of Noah occurred quickly and painlessly.


One of the first attempts to transfer the ancient biblical legends to the screens was the Kinokarttina "Bible". The film was released in 1966 and consisted of several parts. The film tells the viewer the story of Adam and Eve, the biography of Abraham and the construction of the ark. The role of Noah played actor John Houston.

John Houston in the role of Nov

The cartoon "Noah's Ark" shows the legend through the eyes of animals in the ship. Beasts have their own point of view on who should stay in the ark and in what quantity. No less problems creates the neighborhood of predators and herbivores. It was necessary to deal with all the problems, the voice that Joe Careli presented.

Noah - Biography of the Righteous, Name, Great Flood 1414_8

The most large-scale film dedicated to the life of the righteous was released in 2014. "Noah" deviates from the original story, so kinocartine caused discontent from radically believers. The actors participating in the shooting of the blockbuster had to temporarily move to Iceland, where they were working on the scenes of the Flood.

Russell Crowe in the role of Nov

Noah (Russell Crowe) and his sons are engaged in the construction of the ark, which should be a salvation for believers. In the difficult case, the righteous helps the wife (Jennifer Connelli) and the daughter-in-law (Emma Watson). The picture also appears grandfather Nov - Mafusail (Anthony Hopkins). The main antagonist - Tubal Cain (Ray Winston) - is trying to take possession of the structure. Surprisingly, the Son Nova Ham (Logan Lerman) is assisted in the seizure of the vessel.

Interesting Facts

  • The meaning of Noah is consolation, peace.
  • There is a legend that Noah took to the ark not only of living beings - the bones of Adam suffered to the ship, who later Slim buried in Jerusalem.
  • Islam also contains references to the Great Flood, only the walked righteous name is Nuh.
  • After the flooding, the land was inhabited by Noah, the man himself adopted the vow of abstinence.
  • The theologians argue that Mount Ararat, mentioned in Scripture, has no relation to the modern Armenian Highlands. The language refers to the territory on which the ancient state of Assyria was located.

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