Anna Gavalda - biography, photos, personal life, news, books 2021



Anna Gavald's stories and novels cause fan of emotions, from delight to rejection. According to readers, in French books, the heroes "do not learn feelings, do not shout about them," but each page is permeated with love and family warmth. Comparison with the famous fellow countrymen Michel Welbek and Francoise Sagan for the writer Forest, but, as Anna said in an interview, she "is doing quite different."

Childhood and youth

Anna Gavalda has Russian roots. Praded writer, Jeweler by profession, lived in St. Petersburg. After the October Revolution, when private craftsmen handled the jewelry left without work, went abroad. Subsequent generations of the family rose in France, but retained the presence of Russian culture.

Anna Gavalda writer

Anna was born in December 1970 to the west of Paris, in the Commune Boulog-Biyankour. The first feather breakdown, in fact, became school writings that teachers admired by the colorful of the tongue and the style of the presentation, loudly read the classmates of Gavald as a reward for exemplary behavior.

Anna's parents divorced when the daughter was a teenager. Part of the girl's biography fell on a family of aunt, in which 13 children were brought up. Then, Anna and Sisters and 2 brothers were added to them. And the entire press of the press calls the guesthouse that a lot is surprised by the writer. Large families, according to Gavald, the norm for the traditional Catholic economy.

Anna Gavalda with a book

Love for writing led Anna to the University of Sorbonne, at the Faculty of Modern Language and Literature. Although at first the girl chose the natural science and on the entrance exams wrote the first story.

The future writer was gaining life experience, working around the cashier and the waitress. Such a school, according to Gavald, is very useful: those who have nothing to remember, and books are boring. Having finished studying, Anna settled in college to teach French.


Anna received the first recognition of his talent at 17, when he won the competition for the best love message. Award - Travel to Venice - I had to give the owner of the leased apartment to the payment of accommodation. Then there were some more successful contests. Finally, Gavalda decided to publish the writings that readers liked so much.

Anna Gavalda

Often the impetus for creativity becomes some bright event in life, with a positive or negative color. For Anna, they were a divorce with her husband. The woman was seriously worried about parting and hidden for other people's thoughts and actions their own. As a result, the novels "Resolution", "Junior", "This man and this woman", "Ketgut" and others, combined into the collection "I would like someone somewhere awaited me ...".

After many searches for publishers, the work of an unknown author risked to print a publisher with a meaningful name "Amateur". In 2000, the reader's jury awarded Anna for the Book of the Grand Prix RTL-Lire Prize, but it was only the beginning.

Books Anna Gavalda

Interest in the subsidized genre of the stories broke out with a new force when the published novels were disappeared from the shelves of stores "just together" and "I loved her. I loved him. " The overall circulation of bestsellers exceeded 5 million copies and brought Gavald over € 30 million.

The creativity of the writer found a response in the hearts of cinematographers. In 2007, Claude Berry made an empty "simply together". In the film starring Audrey Toyu. The director's film "I loved it" in 2009 offered Zala Brightman. Anna herself from the estimates of cinematographic work abstained, said only that "these are other feelings, another story."

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In 2002, the book "35 Kilo Hope", which in France was positioned as a children's. Gavalda admitted that he wrote her in memory of the student who underestimated when she worked at school. However, advises to read the work and adults who have forgotten about the dreams of childhood and youth. On the novel also filmed a movie.

The novel "The comforting game of the game in Petanque" is plotted with the close people of the author, but it personally has nothing to do. Brother Anna at work often came to Russia. And the main hero of the book is a French architect who leads the project in Moscow. In his established, long-established life is broken by the news of the death of Mother of his friend, in which the man was once in love.

Anna Gavalda writer

The "sip of freedom" reminds readers about the atmosphere of the native home, about the blood bonds and love of expensive people. The characters of the narrative - brother and 2 sisters, not in progress with each other. A joint trip collects members of one family together and provides a chance to talk to souls.

The character "Matilda", wearing the same name, - a girl who affects the reader is selfish, and sometimes inadequate actions. Only a random meeting takes the heroine from the apparent peaceful peace of disorderly connections and alcohol. The main idea of ​​the novel is that, in anticipation of the illusory prince, you can miss happiness, without seeing your own pride with a good heart in who is just nearby.

Personal life

Anna has long been divorced, he does not like to tell about the former husband, but communication supports. In addition, the children are the son of Louis and the daughter of Felicitis - a month in a year spent with the Father. Nothing has changed in his personal life and after the Writer came to the world fame. Gavalda even jokes that everything became worse.

Anna Gavalda with her daughter

Anna's family lives in the Paris suburb, in his own home. In the farm, many animals, which, according to Women, make existence alive and simply create an atmosphere. Gavalda considers himself a happy man, because, by and large, does what he wants. There is no need to pushed in transport, argue with the bosses. On the other side,

"I am ready to give a lot to have colleagues with whom you can quarrel, drink coffee, chat, do not think about some things."

Anna's writing inspiration finds in the constant sensation of depression, personal imperfection and disadvantages of the surrounding world.

Anna Gavalda

Woman looks younger than his years. The writer argues that sports is not interested and does not control the nutrition. He loves to swim, and since the occupation is a tedious and boring, all sorts of thoughts climb in the head, of which the next work grows.

Anna Gavalda now

The last book Anna Gavalda's book is a collection of Novel "I confess", which was released in the summer of 2017. The Russian-speaking edition saw the light in 2018. The book became a long-awaited gift for the reader's community, as the author returned to his beloved brief genre, which is "much more expensive than novels." In the stories, Anna admitted, it's more difficult to deceive, the talent of the writer is clearly attacked in them. In addition, there is no long prehistory, the reader immediately falls into the thick of the events.

Anna Gavalda in Russia

7 stories are written on behalf of 7 people very lively, not a high narrow syllable with admixture of Zhargon. The topics affected by the writer are the most diverse. This and the search for a woman of their place in a relationship with a man, including intimate, about how the time is irretrievably tearing and how to survive losses. Anna resorts and to the favorite way - to talk on the face of a man.

Each of the heroes did not germinate, they are experiencing pain and loneliness, they are tired of pretending that everything is fine. The spiritual strings are stretched so much that they force to frank with the first oncoming, because, as it seems to them, so the tension will weaken and appear if not hope, then at least forces for the new day.

Now Gavalda writes another novel and at the same time - the filmcenery. The writer said that mentally constantly leads a dialogue with the heroine not as a literary character, but with a living person. By content, it will be a story about a woman who is surrounded in life only men. And Anna as the author asks the question, which remained in the main character of feminine.


  • 1999 - "I would like someone somewhere awaited me ..."
  • 2002 - "35 Kilo Hope"
  • 2003 - "I loved her. I loved him "
  • 2004 - "Just together"
  • 2008 - "Comforting Party Games in Petanque"
  • 2010 - "Sip of Freedom"
  • 2012 - "Life Stories"
  • 2013 - "Billy"
  • 2014 - "Yang"
  • 2014 - Matilda
  • 2017 - "I confess"


"I am writing because I was created for this. God created me like that, and I try. "" When I see a woman in the subway, reading Dan Brown, I treat her with much greater respect than to the "intellectual" sitting nearby, which plays a computer toy. "" Any creative personality - not very balanced man. Because a person balanced lives his life instead of inventing it. You write only when something bothers you. "" The most difficult thing is to write the first phrase. Then everything is going on by itself and my characters become my friends. "

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