Animal Jazz Group - biography, history of creation, composition, photo, acoustics, concert, albums, clips, soloist 2021



The group "Animal Jazz" is a modest guys from St. Petersburg. Perhaps the only adult people who are changing adolescents are listening to interest. Music, concerts, new rhymes - what artists live every day from the date of the project. The audience loves them for sincerity, and they do not get tired to give her new hits in response.

The history of creation and composition

The creative team was created in 2000 in St. Petersburg. Contrary to popular among the rock groups of tradition, the musicians were not young rebar, who dreamed of "breaking" the hall or break the guitar about the floor. Idea leader and the team inspirers Alexander Mikhailovich Krasovitsky at that time was 28 years old.

Before the creation of the group, he managed to move to the northern capital from Magadan, to enroll in St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Sociology, teach, get a degree in marketing, to be engaged abroad, marry, to have a child. Nothing foreshadowed the appearance in the biography of the music scene, although Sasha sang, according to his expression, "from God."

The vocals demonstrated in the youthful choir, in a student hostel, but seriously engaged in music, being an adult by a person's passport. In 1999, he found himself at the concert of Zemfira:

"I was set up what was happening on the stage. Then I thought that I would also stand on stage. "

The team was formed spontaneously. Vocalist Mikhalych and Bass Gitarist Igor Bulygin played in the general project at that time. Rehearsals were held in one of the St. Petersburg basements, where many performers worked as professionals and amateurs. Once, by having heard the "neighbors" behind the wall, the future frontman suggested playing together.

In addition, in his piggy bank there were developments and unrealized ideas, in the embodiment of which a fresh creative look would not hurt. So the composition of the team has enriched with a back-vocalist with a guitar, keyboard player and drummer.

Considering, with what ease of creative unions disintegrate, especially in the underground party, over the course of many years the team remains a sample of cohesion. Three of the five participants - Krasovitsky (vocals), Bulygin (bass) and Evgeny Ryakhovsky (back and guitar) - come from the moment of foundation. In 2007, Alexander Zarankin (keys), and a year later, Sergey Kiwyn (drums) joined the project.

Above the title thought for a long time. As a result, at one of the sessions, the first drummer of the project Sergey Egorov shared with his colleagues that he played before this in the project with the name "Animal Jazz", but he was alone from his participants alone. At first glance, the story seemed to comrades on the workshop too gloomy. However, when it was time to print posters and leaflets for the first concert, other options were never found. The musicians are "to the inheritance" name and now consider faithful.

More often than other participants in the press there are photos and interviews of the collective soloist. He talks about creative plans, premieres of new clips, songs. The personal life of the vocalist causes the interest of the group's fans. A little known about it.

The singer was in a relationship with Maksim - the creative tandem converts into the novel. The lovers frankly showed feelings in the public during RHCP heating, finishing the performance by a kiss. The singer was devoted to the album "Fast Sleep Phases". But soon the performers broke up. The reasons for the break later told Krasovitsky in an interview with Yuri Dudu. The companion of the musician loved the other.

Tour groups are painted for months ahead. Nevertheless, even in such a tight chart, the time remains for extremisical activity. For example, a soloist leads a popular portal dedicated to underground music. Also, the frontman is seriously enjoys the street art of graffiti. In "Instagram", he often lays photos of bright examples of Street Art.

In 2020, for personal reasons, the team left Igor Bulygin. Basist's place occupied Andrei Arkhipov.


The compositions of the team stylistically fit into the framework of several rock genres: an alternative, art rock, indie, as well as post-grunge. The artists themselves identify their direction as "heavy guitar eclectics".

The author of the text is Krasovitsky. The process takes a lot of time and strength, but it can not fulfill other rhymes:

"When I look into the mirror, I see a face not a teenager, but the eyes are not a feature that does not understand the human life. This is my partly schizophrenic problem. But it allows you to write texts that are close to the guys for 15 years, because in the texts I ask questions. Therefore, in concerts, the public changes from year to year: the matured teenagers depart back, giving way to schoolchildren of senior classes and students. "

The team of creative activity in 2018, the team noted the album "Happiness", which includes the tracks "not your death", "Peter". For the preceding years, 9 license plates were released. One of the most successful works was the sixth studio "Pitch in Halar". The song of the same name from this disk came out of the Soundtrack to the film "Graffiti" Igor Apasyan. The film received several awards at prestigious festivals: in Tokyo, Seoul, Laguev, Yerevan.

And yet the main thing became the song "Three Strips". The anthem of youth and love of gentle age has become a sign for several generations of adolescents. The composition received the "Best Hit Year" award on the prestigious Ramp A-One Ramp.

Also on the account of artists 4 collectors recorded in acoustics. Several albums from the discography were created for funds collected through crowdfunding platforms. On the same money was released by some clips. According to musicians, every time it is a pleasant surprise for them, the surprise to which they do not try to get used to it.

The group has repeatedly became a member of the Maxidrom national music festivals and "invasion". Atmospheric events together with them were "Bi-2", "Leprecons", "Chizh & Co". Even becoming popular performers, artists gladly played heating from foreign colleagues: Garbage, The Rasmus, Linkin Park.

In 2012, at a concert in front of the RHCP show in St. Petersburg, the audience for the first time heard the joint composition of Mikhalych and singer Maksim. The famous pop performer unexpectedly appeared before the audience in an unusual role. Later on the song "Livi" was shot by a clip, which gathered millions of views on YouTube.

This is not the only experience of cooperation with other stars. For example, in 2009, the track "You can all" were created from the "caste", which for a long time was in the rotation of music TV channels, including MTV. After 9 years later, the team took part in the recording of the album "Acoustics" Raper Deter.

Since 2011, two Alexander (keyboard player and vocalist) are driven by Zero People Side project. The duet works in the genre of authentic minimalist rock, without intersecting with the format of the main creative employment of both musicians. Games with words and a minimum of expressive means (vocals, bits, keys) emphasize the narrow specificity and a small number of listeners of this experiment.

The tenth album of the group "Time to Love" appeared on the music venues in November 2019. The work of St. Petersburg Rockers immediately ranked 1st place in National ITunes, and later received the nomination of the Award "Charts Dress" in the category "Best Album".

The pandemic period artists met the Single "Cosmonauts", and in the summer of 2020 they released the ballad-anti-nightopia "On Bread and Water", the clip for which was created with the help of fans. At the same time, a Caper appeared on the song DDT "Premonition of the Civil War".

"Animal Jaz" now

New 2021 The artists met the chamber concert in the project "Departer at Margulisa", where the company was the Opera Diva Hibl Herrisaw. With the song "Three Strips", the musicians performed in the Evening Urgant program.

The music premiere for the group was the release of the acoustic version of the album "Time to Love". According to Alexander Krasovitsky in an interview, all the songs were recorded by one Dublin live. Many hits, such as the track "Shot", were consonant with the events of the past year. Video with the concert performance of this song collects many views.

In addition, the group released a clip to the "asymptomatic" composition, in which their fan was drawn as the main character. The team leader noted a photo of a girl long before that. Alexandra struck her "a stunning alien face."

The soloist of the group was the guest of the Internet project Yuri Duda. In an interview, he mentioned political views and said that one of his favorite songs is "without battle" "Ocean Elzy". On this composition, the musicians created a package and execute it at their concerts. Relations of two neighboring countries - Russia and Ukraine - artists dedicated hit "Feelings".

For the summer of 2021, solo open-air solo concerts were planned in two capitals, as well as a performance at the Summer Sound festival, whose other participants are "Caste" and "Bloodstock".


  • 2002 - "Animalism"
  • 2004 - "Stereo and"
  • 2004 - "How people"
  • 2007 - "Pitch in the breath"
  • 2009 - "Egoist"
  • 2011 - "Animal Jaz"
  • 2013 - "Fast Sleep Phase"
  • 2015 - "Spring Guardian"
  • 2018 - "Happiness"
  • 2019 - "Time to Love"


  • 2004 - "Stereo and"
  • 2006 - "Pitch in the breath"
  • 2007 - "Three stripes"
  • 2007 - "1: 0 in favor of autumn"
  • 2009 - "Egoist"
  • 2009 - "You can do everything"
  • 2012 - "Love"
  • 2012 - "Live"
  • 2014 - "Lie"
  • 2018 - "Happiness"
  • 2020 - "Cosmonauts"
  • 2020 - "On Bread and Water"
  • 2021 - "Asymptomatic"

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