Alexander Volodin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Plays



The connoisseurs of Soviet cinema are not acquainted with such masterpieces as "five evenings", the "autumn marathon" and "do not part with your loved ones." The screenwriter to all these pictures, as well as by 19 no less spiritual and kneading films, became the Soviet poet and playwright Alexander Volodin.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Moiseevich Biography Lifshitsa (Such is the real name of the Kinozenarist) began in Minsk on February 10, 1919. The boy wounded her mother early. According to him, Volodin did not even remember how she looked and how she died, and his father went to another woman who refused to take a little Sasha.

Dramaturg Alexander Volodin

When he turned 5 years old, distant relatives took the child to themselves, but there was no close spiritual relationship between them, they did not become one family. Lifshitz lived with his uncle, a doctor by profession, up to 16 years old.

Since childhood, Alexander showed interest in theatrical art, in particular, to the work of Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky. He bought tickets for money that was supposed to spend on school lunches. The older brother of the young man, actor theater studio named after Alexei Wild, was the greatest impact on the choice of the profession and life path.

Alexander Volodin in youth

However, despite the fascination with art, due to household needs (the guy needed housing, and the receipt guaranteed a free place in the hostel) The future screenwriter Volodin entered the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1936. He studied there for only six months, after which he graduated from the teaching courses in Serpukhov and worked for some time as a teacher in the village of Village Village.

Future playwright felt that he had not his place. His soul was still striving for theatrical creativity. Alexander dreamed of telling the whole world about his experiences, ideas and feelings. Subsequently, it came out, it was the motive of the innermost became the key throughout the writer way of a man.

Alexander Volodin

Finally, in 1939, the young man's desire came true, he successfully passed the entrance exams in Gitis, to the theater Faculty. But the military registration and enlistment office had their own plans for Volodin: after 2 months of study, he was sent to the army agenda.

By the will of fate at that moment, the carefree days of Sasha ended, there were not only 2 years of mandatory service ahead of him, but also 4 long, cold years of the Great Patriotic War. According to the result of these terrible years, the soldier was awarded the medal "for courage" and seriously wounded by a fragment of mines into the left light in 1944. In the hospital, he composed his first verse.


At the end of the war, Alexander continued his education, but not in Gitis, but on the scenario Faculty of Vgika, in the workshop E. Gablovich. He defended a diploma in 1949, after which he settled as an editor of training tapes about soldiers to the Leningrad Studio of scientific and popular films.

Monument to the playwrights Alexander Volodin, Alexander Vampilov and Viktor Pink

During this period, tormented by an existential crisis and thoughts about the failed life, Volodin released the first collection of stories. One of them, "fifteen years of life" of 1953, completely reflected his gloomy mood. According to the photo of that time, you can see how unfortunate the guy looked.

At the end of next year, a book of a young prose from 9 stories, which has positively met critics from Komsomolskaya Pravda and "Literary Gazeta" was published. The characters of his works were "small" people with modest ambitions, low salaries and simple professions, which only recently entered into an adult life.

Alexander Volodin

In 1956, Volodin composed the play "Factory Girl", with his mood like a collection of "stories". For the right to put this essential drama on the scene, different theaters fought. As a result, the "Girl" has shown more than 40 scenes throughout the USSR.

The second play of the writer called "Five Evening" put Leningrad BDT to them. Gorky and Moscow "contemporary". Stunning success did not make himself wait long. In 1962, Volodin wrote a play "idealist", on the basis of which 20 years later, a television film "Two Voices" with Alice Freundlich and Nikita Mikhalkov was starred.

Nikita Mikhalkov and Alice Freundlich in the film

Four works written by the playwright - "Purpose", "older sister", "five evenings" and "factory girl" - became the foundation of Volodin's leadership in creative and theatrical circles at the stake of the 50s and 60s.

Nevertheless, despite the overwhelming number of accumulating spectators, critics accused the author of the Pieces in distortion of reality, negative, the desection of the Soviet ideology. There were a lot of defenders, they were mentioned above the crowded halls, as well as other writers (Y. Herman, A. Arbuzov, V. Panova).

Natalia Gorlenko, Bulat Okudzhava, Alexander Volodin

From 1964, on his stories and plays began to shoot a full-length movie. The debut film became "calling, open the door" directed by Alexander Mitty with Elena Problem. Written specifically for the film Scenario of the Comedy "Adventure of a dentist" became the starting point for the student stage of the writer, his further creativity could be regarded as notions about personal life.

Further, putting the task of working in the paradise genre, Volodin issued a trilogy about the Stone Age, primitive people and eternal questions - "Two arrows", "dummy" and "lizard". The generalizing the theme of Triptych was the problem of moral choice, so well familiar to the author.

Writer Alexander Volodin

The 1970s became very saturated for Alexander Moiseevich. He composed at once a few successful scenarios for cinema - "Mother's daughter", "Portrait with rain", "confusion of feelings". Its most popular films "with loved ones do not part", "Dulcinea Tobos", "Purpose". At the end of the decade, the premiere of the melodrama "Autumn Marathon" directed by Georgy Deltera took place. The picture acquired a cult status, it was disassembled by quotations, it remains relevant to this day.

Alexander Volodin is the winner of the State Program of the RSFSR 1981 and the Laureate of the 1999 Presidential Prize. He won the title "Live Legend of St. Petersburg".

Personal life

Volodin married the One Year of Frida Shilimovna Lifshitz to the Great Patriotic War. A couple had two children, the sons of Vladimir and Alexey, who subsequently emigrated to America. They called their parents to themselves, but the US drama was not to taste.

Alexander Volodin and his wife Frida

In the post-war period, the couple with the first son lived in the injury. They juts in a tiny room with an area of ​​7 squares, in the basement of the old communal apartment.

The last years of Frida's life and Alexander held in their apartment in St. Petersburg, mainly sitting in different rooms. A woman because of a serious member's disease, her husband preferred loneliness and listening to classical music.


The death of the poet and playwright came on December 17, 2001 in his apartment in St. Petersburg. He was 82 years old.

Monument on the grave of Alexander Volodin

Volodin is buried on the Komarovsky cemetery, a wife, who died in two years later, was found next to his grave. The cause of the death of Alexander Volodine is old unknown.

Scenarios and setting

  • 1956 - "Factory Girl"
  • 1959 - "Five evenings"
  • 1960 - "Visiting and House"
  • 1961 - "My older sister"
  • 1962 - "idealist"
  • 1963 - "Purpose"
  • 1966 - "Kastrchcha"
  • 1971 - "Dulcinea Tobos"
  • 1972 - "Do not part with your loved ones"
  • 1974 - "Mother's Daughters"
  • 1980 - "Two arrows"
  • 1981 - "Lizard"
  • 1984 - "Blonde"

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