Irina Bunina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



True theater and devotees Soviet spectators know that the surname Bunin was not only the Nobel laureate and the favorite Russian writer who gave wonderful stories, but also talented actors. For example, Alexey Bunin is the owner of the Stalin Prize, and His only daughter Irina is the same beauty Blushka Kashkarova from the cult "eternal call", the former "Vakhtangovka" and the leading artist of the DramaTheater of Lesi Ukrainka.

Childhood and youth

In the 17th of August 1939, in the second largest settlement of the Chelyabinsk region - Magnitogorsk - a daughter called Irina appeared in the acting family of Alexey and Claudia Bunini. Detailed information about its biography is not so much. It is known that the childhood of the future favorite of Soviet citizens accounted for the terrible military and post-war years - the hunger was raging around, there was not enough food.

Actress Irina Bunina

To somehow feed and survive, the parents agreed on any proposed roles in all sorts of cities and provinces, but got dream about Mkat. All the time the girl spent with them in the road, and then behind the scenes of the next theater.

It was there, watching production, rehearsals, runs, premieres, a little Ira fell in love with the scenic skill, and did not dream of anything as a friend.

Irina Bunina in youth

After graduating from high school, it was completely in Chekhovski, she rushed to Moscow - to embody the desired and conquer the famous Schukin school. And she managed it from the first time - the entrepreneur was taken to the class of Vladimir Etheysh. Subsequently, the Father, and the mother of Ira achieved a cherished goal - in the early 50s due to the troubles of faith in Maretsky, they were enrolled in the troupe of the metropolitan artistic academic, and later drove to Ukraine.


In 1961, graduating from "Pike", the junior Bunin fell into the Wahtangovsky Theater, where she served 5 years and was remembered by the role of Masha in the production of "live corpse". Then, after an extended ultimatum from the side of the former lover, the actress was forced to quit. Black days came - a woman could not find a job for a long time, it did not work out to help her even at the influential Oleg Efremov. And Irina decided to move to parents in Kiev.

Irina Bunina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12642_3

In the theater named after Lesia Ukrainka, she went on stage in classic performances - Griboedovsky "Mountain from Wit", Gorky "barbarians", Ostrovsky "Late Love" and the Tolstsky "Power of Darkness".

Both cultural center carefully keep the memory of the artist. On the Russian website it is dedicated to a separate section with brief information. And on the official page in Facebook Ukrainian to the sad news about the death of Irina Bunina appeared a piercing response:

"High demanding to yourself, sometimes uncontrollable, explosive temperament was a feature of the character of Irina Alekseevna. However, this is a hundredfold compensated by the highest professionalism and performance of the actress. "


Debut roles in full-length films went to the girl even during the time of the student. At first, the "father's house", where she was transformed into the postman, then in a female chocolate shop in "I love you, life!".

Irina Bunina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12642_4

In the interval between the two theaters, Irina starred in three focus - in 1966, close friendship and cooperation with the film studio of them began with "two years on the abyss". Alexander Dovzhenko in Kiev. In the 1970s, "Afrikanych" came to the screens - according to the recognition of the daughter of the actress, the favorite work of Irina Bunina.

"Here she played a pair with Nikolai Trofimov Rustic Woman Katya, mother of six children. At the Kiev bike cemetery, where Mamu buried, the photo hangs from this picture, "said Anastasia Serdyuk.
Irina Bunina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12642_5

After 2 years later, the filmography and "Eternal Call", which brought all-union love and popularity to the performer. As they said later, she just broke into this project and fell in love with himself and colleagues, and director, having risen his heroine, a real woman-cat, "excess aroma of natural viciousness."

The spectators were fascinated by the tragedy gift of the Bunina, followed her in the "Gracches", three series "Return of Mukhtara", "Lady Bomzh", "Mirgorod and His inhabitants" and "House with Lilies".

Personal life

The first love, according to one, is rarely happy. And others add that this is an example of how this close communication should not look like. A peculiar confirmation of these statements was the connection of Irina Bunina and Nikolai Gritsenko.

Irina Bunina and Nikolay Gritsenko

With a man, her older for 30 years, the girl met in his youth when he fell into the troupe of the Wahtang Theater. The talent and beauty of the beginner artist did not remain unnoticed among colleagues and managers, especially the opposite sex. Nikolay Olimpievich, who lost his head from "college".

A strong feeling captured him so much that he abruptly stopped the relationship in which he was, and, obsessed with a new beloved, proposed "to build happiness" in a hostel on the outskirts of Moscow. Irina, complete reciprocity, the proposal adopted.

Irina Bunina and Les Serdyuk

However, the dreams of harmonious family life were not destined to come true. Similar to this is the addiction of Gritsenko to alcohol and traction for a trimmed pastime. Bunina, without having resigned with this, decided to part. But the annoyed former attended the offense and, putting a question with an edge, achieved that the ex-beloved was fired from the theater.

"Mom never told me about marriage. I'm sure they were not married. But for her parting with Gritsenko became a heavy blow. Still, he was her first true love, "recalled the only daughter of the performer.

The thaw after the unfortunate novel in the personal life of the actress has arrived in Ukraine in the face of Lesya (Alexander) Serdyuk. However, soon the lightningly broke the feelings that led to the birth of a child in April 1968, fed. The couple broke up, and Nastya Irina raised one one. The daughter and granddaughter of the Bunina, named after the mother of Irina, also made the acting profession.


Recent years, Irina Bunin dedicated to the upbringing of his beloved granddaughter and, having agreed on his daughter's persuasion, left the theater, "to live for yourself." This solution contributed to the deterioration of health - the woman suffered a lot of complex operations.

Irina Bunina in old age

July 9, 2017, Irina Alekseevna did not. Cause of death: Long disease. Farewell to the Ukrainian Anna Manyani (according to Malcolm McDauell) took place in the Orthodox holiday of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.


  • 1959 - "Father's House"
  • 1961 - "I love you, life!"
  • 1961 - "Artist of Kohanovka"
  • 1970 - "Afrikanych"
  • 1973 - "Eternal Call"
  • 1975 - "My Dear"
  • 1982 - "Life of Saints Sisters"
  • 1983 - "Graci"
  • 1983 - "Mirgorod and its inhabitants"
  • 1986 - "Premiere in Sosnovka"
  • 1999 - "Ave Maria"
  • 2001 - "Lady Bomzh"
  • 2006, 2008, 2010 - "Return of Mukhtara"
  • 2011 - "White Roses of Hope"
  • 2014 - "House with lilies"

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