Mother Teresa (Calcutt) - Photo, biography, cause of death, charity, exposure



Catholic nun Mother Teresa became a legendary woman of the 20th century. She devoted himself to serving the poor and disadvantaged by putting the purpose of life following the commandments of Jesus Christ. An example of a woman shows how to join global glory, love and recognition, without worrying about their receipt. At the same time, the activities of Holy Teresa Calcutt sometimes becomes the object of criticism and exposure.

Childhood and youth

Mother Teresa is from the Balkan Peninsula, from the city of Skopje, where Muslim Albanians lived predominantly. The family of the future nuns professed the Catholic faith. The girl was born in 1910 in the family of Nikola and Dranfil Boyadzhiu. Its full real name given with baptism, - Agnes Ghonga.

Mother Teresa in childhood

Father was a successful entrepreneur, and his mother was a skillful seam. Spouses lived in sufficiency and brought up three children. The parents of Agnes were God-fearing and responsive people who helped even strangers. Since childhood, daughter watched love and mercy to nearby in action and herself began to find joy, providing help in need.

When the girl turned 4 years old, World War I broke out. In the homeland continued internal conflicts, national liberation movements were strengthened. Father Agnes was Albanian by nationality and took an active part in folk unrest. In 1919, Nikola died, presumably, from poisoning.

Mother Teresa in youth

Heavy times came, but the Duranfil worked selflessly to feed the family. The post-war time was generously on orphans, and the woman took another six children under their roof. In the youth of Agnes loved the church service and spent time in prayer and ministry. She read in newspapers about missionaries in India and caught fire for the idea of ​​becoming one of them. Praying God, she felt a calling to the monastic path, although he was not familiar with the night life.

Young Mother Teresa and her sister aha in Macedonian folk costume

In 1928, the girl went to Paris, where there was an interview in the Order of Sisters Lorettto. She forever said goodbye to her mother and relatives, supporting communication only through letters. Then she had the way to Ireland, where she was intensively engaged in learning English to be able to make an Indian mission. In those days, multi-million dollars remained a British colony. On January 6, 1929, the young missionary arrived in Calcutta, which for many years has become her home.

Religion and charity

In 1931, Agnes Ghong became an obedient under the name Maria Teresa. Having studied Bengal, she began to teach Lorettto in the monastic school. Against the background of poverty and the sleepiness of urban quarters, the monastery seemed an island of satiety. The nuns were engaged in prosperous children and led a quiet, secluded life. Teresu worried that she lives away from human troubles, because it was a desire to help the suffering led her to these edges.

Mother Teresa in youth

In 1937, a woman takes monastic stop and from now on becoming Mother Teresa. At the same time, the nun began to teach history and geography at the Sacred Mary school, where he worked for almost 20 years. During the Second World War in Calcutta, a terrible hunger began in Calcutta, and Mother Teresa and sisters were diligently worked out by dying from malnutrition and poverty.

In 1946, the monastic order gives a woman a special decision on which she can independently engage in charity. A woman decides that she can help the neighbor only in slums, on the backs of life. And the nun leaves the safe walls of the monastery, choosing the ministry with patients, begging and dying on the streets, sharing with them needs and shelter. She has to feed, wash the poor, to process them wounds and accompany the last path.

Mother Teresa with nuns

For 2 years, other sisters are attached to it, and a community is created gradually around Mother Teresa. Since 1950, it is called the Order of Love Missionary. Each of the nuns gave a vow of adversity and worked on gratuitous principles, not having the right to take any award for the works. The movement has grown, and under the leadership of Mother Teresa, shelters, hospitals and schools were built.

Mother Teresa with children

Assistance to the construction and maintenance of activities was made up of small donations of ordinary people and huge patron infuses. Over time, the charity movement of the Order crossed the boundaries of the continent, spreading through the planet. From 1965 to this day, branches of the community helps disadvantaged in different parts of the Earth.

The activities of the nun got widespread recognition, and that everywhere used an authority and respect. In 69, Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize for the affairs of mercy and help to suffering people.

The Catholic Church canonized Teresa Calcutt in 2016.

Criticism and exposure

Holy Teresa was criticized during his lifetime, since provocative and contradictory facts were seen in its biography. The monk was reproached to communicate with dubious personalities involved in the criminal world. Scammers and dictators made solid amounts on the accounts of the Mother Teresa Foundation, and the transparency of the spending of these funds is still being disputes. Although it is not clear where cash flows, passing through the hands of the old man, wearing the whole life only canvas sari.

Mother Teresu is accused of unprofessionalism and negligence. It is said that the funds received by it could be built up modern technically equipped medical centers. Instead, antisanitation reigned in the premises of shelters and hospitals. A woman was put in the blame of the cult of poverty, which was the rule to the rule to the detriment of patients' health.

Mother Teresa in recent years

The detractors emphasize that during the disease, Teresa itself used the services of an expensive clinic, thus establishing dual standards for himself and its wards.

It is said that dying inners in an unconscious state was baptized in clinics to the Catholic faith. In 1994, the documentary film "Angel from Hell" was released, containing exposing statements to Teresa Calcutt.

Personal life

The girl from his youth elected the path of the "Bride of Christ", so he did not think about marriage. Accordingly, she did not have a personal life in the usual presentation.

Mother Teresa and Princess Diana

The holy put himself for the rule no one not allocate and see God's image in each person. And serve him, remembering the covenant of Christ:

"Since you have done it one of the little smaller brothers, they made me."

With some people, however, she was friends and often communicated. Among them, Indira Gandhi, Princess Diana, Michelle Duval, Charles Kingting and others.


Since the 1980s, Mother Teresa began problems with the heart. It suffered two heart attacks, after which she had an operation for installing a pacemaker. Heart diseases did not leave a woman until the end of days and were constantly aggravated by new ones. In recent years, the nun moved malaria, pneumonia and received a fracture of the bone.

Despite serious illnesses, Mother Teresa argued that she was not afraid of death, because he was looking forward to meeting with Christ and with those who helped in this life. It is easy to believe, looking at the photo of her peaceful face.

Monument to Mother Teresa in Skopje

During the deterioration of the well-being, St. Teresa moved from the leadership to the Order and went to treatment with California's clinic. However, the body's worniness is heavy daily works and heart disease have caused death that has come on September 5, 1997. The funeral was held in Calcutta, and a mourning procession was shown live on the screens of the whole world.

Mother Teresa's mother continues to live today, and her wise quotes help people believe in God and humanity.


  • 1962 - Padma Sri
  • 1969 - Javaharlal Nehru Prize for International Understanding
  • 1971 - John XXIII World Prize
  • 1973 - Templeton Prize
  • 1975 - International Albert Swissor Prize
  • 1976 - Medal La Stort for the service of mankind
  • 1977 - Order of the British Empire degree of the officer
  • 1979 - Nobel Prize of the World
  • 1979 - cartridge medal
  • 1980 - Order "Legion Honor"
  • 1983 - Order Merit
  • 1987 - Gold Medal "Wrestle for Peace" from the Soviet Committee for the Protection of the World
  • 1992 - UNESCO Prize for Peace Education
  • 1996 - Order of Smile
  • 1996 - Order "Honor of Nation"
  • 1997 - Gold Medal of US Congress

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