Garik Pogorelov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Rap 2021



Garik Pogorelov since childhood loves music that has become not only a hobby, but also a means of earnings. The performer became famous for mental and emotional tracks, as well as a memorable image of a simple guy.

Childhood and youth

Garik Pogorelov was born on June 4, 2001 in Alchevsk, Lugansk region. When the boy was 2 years old, the father left the family and did not participate in the upbringing of the Son, because of which the future singer at his offense. Soon in the life of the child, stepfather appeared, which became an example of a man for him.

However, Mom remained the main person for Garik. She worked with children and tried to show severity in the upbringing of the heir, but at the same time supported in all endeavors. When the child began to write poems, it was the mother who became the first reader. True, that the author is her son, she believed not immediately and asked to compose a work on a given topic.

As a child, Garik realized that he wanted to have a profession associated with the music he himself learned to play the guitar. Parents from the idea were not delighted as they worked that he would not work this to life. But the artist then adhered to the position that money does not matter, the main thing is that he was comfortable. Therefore, after graduation, the young man received the Institute for Jurisprudence and International Law, moved to the neighboring city, removed the apartment and began to safely engage in creativity.

At that time, Pogorelov was frequent of local musical parties and then it was already sought to record their own tracks. He tried himself in different genres, from Pop to rap, and was not afraid to combine styles. The finished material guy published on the Yutiuba channel, receiving enthusiastic reviews of the students who inspired to continue to create.

Personal life

When the debut clip of the artist "10 bucks" came to the screens, they spoke in the network that he had a novel with a girl with whom he appeared in the frame. But later, the speculation was denied, and the rapper himself, speaking of his personal life, admitted that the last time was in love with adolescence. Garik is not in a hurry to associate itself with relations, because it believes that the future chosen is to calmly perceive his passion from creativity.


In April 2019, Garik learned about the casting, which was held by Kaufman's music label, who opened the world Tyma Belorussian Talent. Before that, the guy never participated in such seboctions, but caught fire the idea to try and sent a video to the producer with the execution of the author's track.

As a result, he was invited to the casting to Minsk, because of which the performer was first upset, because there was a minor and could not go alone. But the guy supported the mother who volunteered to accompany him. As the rapper later admitted, he was worried about the casting, and when it turned out that there is no pre-selected bit on the flash card, then it was completely confused.

It was lucky that the singer grabbed a guitar with him, but because of stress, his execution was distant from the ideal. Nevertheless, he liked the producer, and he was ready to sign a contract with him. The only condition was to move to Minsk, to which the chaversally agreed easily. On the same day, the selection was another representative of Liebla Lipa.

The next day, the artist brought to the studio where he began to create. As a result, the material for the debut mini-album was ready for the majority, which received the name "not completely summer", which is a word game. The song "Needle under the tongue", "Naked", "Muza", "Dubai" and "10 bucks" entered the track list, "Dubai" and "10 bucks", for which the video was shot.

Kaufman responded to the promotion of the new artist, and in the summer of 2019, he spoke at VK Fest with the composition "I am so few of you." And later became the guest of the program "Comedy Club", where he visited with other representatives of the label. Later, the guy appeared on "TNT Music" and presented the song "Under Your Window".

In December, the discography of the artist was replenished with the second mini-album "Adult", the most audition train of whom was "Ilon Mask". According to the musician, both EP reveal different stages of growing up. After that, he gave several concerts in supporting the release.

Garik Pogorelov now

In March 2020, Garik gave a great interview for the "FM Country", during which shared the facts from the biography and spoke about creative plans. In April of the same year, he released the track "Naprises", and in May - "stay at home", inspired by the situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now the guy continues to create, glad the fans with new songs and clips. He leads pages in Vkontakte and in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and reports news.


  • 2019 - "Not absolutely summer"
  • 2019 - "Adult"

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