James McCartney - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Paul McCartney 2021



At the end of August 2019, after the end of a large-scale tour of Freshen Up, which included 39 concert performances around the world, Sir Paul McCartney first went for a family walk with his children. The ubiquitous paparazzi captured the legendary Bitla in the company of the Son James and the daughter of Mary in the Hamptone Park, describing in detail in detail what the musician and his heirs were dressed in a summer walk.

Childhood and youth

On September 12, 1977 in the capital of the UK, the only son, whom they decided to call James Louis in honor of the relatives of the Father and Mother of Linda, were born in the British.

At that time, Girls Heather Louise, Mary Anna and Stella Nina were already brought up in the family. Up to 2 years, the boy accompanied his famous parents on tour as part of the Wings Group.

After the collapse of the team, they all settled together in paradise - a small town in East Sussex. Here James went to the local public school, and then continued her education at Thomas Peacocke Community College.

Of course, it's hard to leave your biography without music when your father is the legendary Bitle: Paul presented the 9-year-old son, inspired by Michael Jeide Fox in the film "Back to the Future", the guitar belonging to Karl Lee Perkins.

When a teenager was 12 years old, he, together with his sisters (Heather, as well as, the consolidated) again took part in the tour of the Father and Mother, continuing home learning. In 1998, the guy graduated from Bexhill College, becoming a specialist in the field of art and sculpture.


Love for music was handed over to James from his parents, and they tried in every way to support and develop a child's talent: his guitar, drums and percussion solos are heard in Father's Father Albums Flaming Pie and Driving Rain and Maternal Wide Prairie.

From 2008, the guy took up his own career, and the creative debut under the pseudonym Light took place in November next year at the annual weekend End David Lynch in the United States.

The recording of the first mini collection of AVAILABLE LIGHT happened in 2010 - the performer recognized that the creation of five tracks was inspired by Nirvana, The Cure, PJ Harvey, Radiohead and, of course, The Beatles.

In 2011, the light was seen by Close At Hand and The Complete Ep Collection, and after a couple of years it came a turn of a full-format plate ME. In 2016, the discography of the multi-instrumentalist and the author of the songs was replenished with the second "studio" The Blackberry Train.

By the way, James McCartney once admitted to media representatives, which, together with the sons of other musicians of the Liverpool Four, Se Shon Lennon and Dhani Harrison led the negotiations on the creation of a team, where the children of Bitles would participate. However, the idea remained at the level of conversations.

Personal life

The artist carefully makes his own personal life from strangers - does not give detailed interviews, in social networks photos with representatives of the opposite sex does not publish, not frankly on love and marriage.

It is known that the son of Paul McCartney followed vegetarianism, he was a fighter for animal rights, was engaged in charity and practiced transcendental meditation.

"Transcendental meditation plays a big role in my life, as in the life of my father, and other members of Beatles. I meditate regularly twice a day and I believe that only 30 minutes of transcendental meditation refresh me, as if I slept a few hours, "he said.

James McCartney now

In 2018, in the "Instagram" of John Lennon's son and Yoko, it appeared joint photography with James McCartney, who put the beginning of rumors that now the sons of Bitles may still be united to implement a joint project.


  • 2011 - Close At Hand
  • 2011 - The Complete Ep Collection
  • 2013 - me
  • 2016 - The BlackBerry Train

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