Lion Kulijanov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, director



Killing your father and the repression of the mother, work in parallel with study at the university, inflammation of the lungs and tuberculosis. Despite the difficulties of Lion Kuljanov, he still managed to fulfill his cherished dream. True, not the first time. Armed with a bag of apples and carrying jeans, stitched inside out, the young man went to Moscow Vgik. Give here a guy managed less than a year - prevented weak health. The next successful assault on the university took place in 1948.

Childhood and youth

The date of birth of Lev Kuljanova is considered to be taken on March 19, 1924, but its tombstones indicated the same number, but - August of the previous year. Childhood passed in the Georgian city of Tbilisi, then we still called Tiflis.

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In the bloody 1937 he lost both parents. First, the arrest and the subsequent killing of the Father, Armenian by nationality, which occupied a high party post. Less than in a month - the repression of the mother and sending it six months to 5 years on the "zone" for wives of the Motherland. Little leva stayed on his hands at his grandmother, which made every effort to replace his grandchildren with the whole family. Supported them and stepmother Irina Valerianovna.

At school time, the boy was eagerly engaged in amateur. She especially liked to participate in performances - he put them, and played them, and wrote the text to them. At the end of the secondary educational institution, the graduate entered the "evening" to the local university.

In parallel, the guy worked at the factory, where the duties included a shooting machine gun. After hard work, Lev found the strength to attend acting school at a film studio. At about the same years, the acquaintance with Mararo Yursikyan - the sister of his close comrade Yura, who played a huge role in the formation of the future director.

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The girl was listed by the student Vgika, and her stories about this "kinovylenny" so much agreed by the consciousness of the lion that he caught fire with the desire to enter it, by all means. Having survived the difficult illnesses and waiting for the cherished telegram from a friend with the conditions of admission to the desired university, Kuljjanov went to the capital.

Upon arrival in Moscow, apples for sale rotted, a costume for winter and a bed cooked by a grandmother, took a negligible driver. But Mararo came to the rescue again, setting up an old friend for the night.

At the entrance exam, Lev read the "insomnia" of Mandelstam, that then was considered a very dangerous and risky business. But everything cost, and Kuljedzhanov turned out to be in one course with Eldar Ryazanov, Stanislav Rostotsky, Vasily Kathanyan. There was constantly enough money for food and warm clothes, "General Moroz" dominated, the "General Frost" dominated, spent the night in the closet.

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Saved from such a difficult existence of a message that mom returned from the camps, and childhood friends from the war, and a strong Vgikovsky partnership. However, further continued learning prevented underfership health prevented, a return to Georgia was followed. Repeatedly beloved VGIK happened later - in 1948, this time Kuljjanov was able to get to a cherished diploma. By the way, in view of the scale of the talent and talent of the lion of the "crusts" he could have two - and acting, and directorial.

In 2003, the spouse of the Cinema revealed the biographical book "Lev Kuljjanov. Comprehension of the profession, "where the valuable facts of the life of the artist and his creative path were kept.


The first three directories of Kuljjanov shot at the Gorky film studio in collaboration with colleagues. Chekhov's short "ladies" appeared in a duet with Heinrich Oganeny, "It started so ..." And the piercing "house in which I live", called the "film about the war without war," with Yakov Segel.

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As for the last picture, the climax of "top" decided to make the most optimistic and death of the main character. But the opinion of the screenwriter went against the decision of the authorities, as a result, the film was removed according to the original version.

"The memory of millions of people who died in the past war is incompatible with a serenely happy final," Aleksandrovichi Aleksandrovichi agreed with him.

In the "whole house" with Nonaya Mordyukova and Lyudmila Marchenko and "When the trees were big" with Inna Gulay, Yuri Nikulin and Vasily Shukshin Kuljjanov appeals to the topic of a small man. He gives the last charming features, which the viewer could not resist.

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In the filmography of Leo Alexandrovich and "Crime and Punishment" on Fedor Dostoevsky, marked by a glory, and created in Tandem with Germany, the series about Carla Marx, "Dyep up is not scary" about Stalinist repressions and psychological "forget-me-not,". As the legend says, the director approved George Tarautkina for the role of Rodion Skolnikov for one photo made right in the hospital - the young artist suspected Gangren.

Also cinematic deals, the master showed himself as a talented screenwriter and a politician.

Personal life

"Here you go. In my life, sad and difficult, a woman appeared. Long-awaited, cute woman. I'm confused terrible. I love her, I want her and I will do everything to leave her in my life for a long time, quite. So many good, already forgotten desires resurrected in me. I again want to live whole, interesting, rich, "says the record of the artist in 1947. Since those distant post-war years, according to the testimony of the "long-awaited woman", and then the legitimate wife of Natalia Fokina, nothing has changed for their long lucky personal life, which lasted more than 55 years. In marriage, two sons were born - Alexander and Sergey.


"In Moscow, in the 78th year of life, Del Kuljjanov died of heart attack. He was one of the first "sixties" and one of the most persistent leaders of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR, who headed 20 years. "

This was said to the newspaper Kommersant about the departure and causes of the death of a famous film director.

The entry was dated February 19, 2002, after 2 days, as Lev Alexandrovich was not. The grave of the famous master is located in the Kuntsevsky cemetery of Moscow.


Directory work

  • 1955 - "Ladies"
  • 1956 - "It started so ..."
  • 1957 - "The house in which I live"
  • 1959 - "Father's House"
  • 1960 - "Lost Photo"
  • 1962 - "When the trees were big"
  • 1962 - "Fitil" (film number 3 and №5)
  • 1963 - "Fitil" (film number 185-07)
  • 1964 - "Blue Notebook"
  • 1970 - "Crime and Punishment"
  • 1974 - "Star Minute"
  • 1980 - "Karl Marx. Youth"
  • 1991 - "Dyep up not scary"
  • 1994 - "Forget-me-not

Acting work

  • 1957 - "The house in which I live"

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