Felt Riephental - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



German Nationality, Little Riephental lived a surprisingly long life in length in 101. During this time, she managed to prove himself as a film director and photographer, dancers and actresses, and also know how to worship and hatred. Heself without giving himself a report in this, the woman promoted the Nazi party and the bloody activity of its leader. Despite such a gloomy spot in the biography, Reefenshtal could realize himself in different fields of art and make his own name in world history.

Childhood and youth

Berta Helena Amalia Riefenshtal was born on August 22, 1902 in the working area of ​​the Vedaging, located in the German capital. The girl's family was more familiar, she grew up with three brothers, one of whom - Heinz - was younger than helen for only 2.5 years. The Father of the Alfred family was the owner of a large firm selling and installing heating and ventilation devices. Hellen's mother called Berta Ida.

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His creative path of Riephental began with music. Twice a week for 5 years, his father drove it to an art school. Further, the girl began to engage in painting and quite successfully - from under her brush, there were truly high-quality landscapes. Despite this, nor drawing, nor the music of music caused its special interest.

In fact, laziness dreams about dancing. Although Alfred was categorically against it, the mother supported her daughter's desire and rose on her side. In 1918, a woman started a secret to drive Helen to choreographic class.

The first public speech of the beginning of the dancer led to the scandal in the family of Reefenshtal. Father blunted in anger that he would send his child to a closed boarding school. In the desire to avoid such fate, the girl agreed to enter the Berlin Art School, in which began to study painting. Alfred has released a situation from under control, only when having matured Helena promised to escape from the house, if she was not allowed to perform on stage.

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Riephental did not lose - she had unconditional talent for dancing. In his youth, joining the troupe of the German theater, the girl demonstrated brilliantly made both single performances and in a total composition.

She managed to harmoniously combine innovative ideas and classic PA. However, in the future, laziness knitted his fate at all with dancing. Due to the rupture of ligaments and long restoration, the doctors carried the verdict: similar physical exertion was categorically prohibited. And then the girl began to look for a new passion for himself.

Actor career

In 1919, the film "Mountain of Fate" was released on large screens, which started at the box office. Lie Riephental, who turned out to be at one of the sessions, came out of the cinema with an updated person. The girl was so impressed with the picture that she, by anything, decided to meet the creator of the project - director Arnold Fankom.

The man at the first meeting was also fascinated by Helen, to such an extent that he composed the script for his new project called "Sacred Mountain" specifically for her. The girl was preparing at the beginning of the filming - she studied climbing from professionals and skiing.

Felt Riephental (Frame from the film

After the execution of the debut role, the reefenshtal film photography was replenished with several more filmtins, such as the "big jump" of the 1927th, "White Madness - a new ski miracle" 1931. Having gained experience, she understood that it was capable of something more.

In 1932, the premiere of her own film was held under the title "Blue Light" - Lena appeared both actresses and director, and screenwriter. Riephental reincarnated to the main heroine named UNTA. The tape of a woman with contradictory and difficult fate, filled mysticism and mysteriousness, was to taste Adolf Hitler himself.


In February 1932, Hitler uttered his fiery propaganda speech in the walls of the Berlin Palace of Sports. Among the spectators who were present there, was the laziness of the rifenshtal. She admired she was so admired by the oratory of Fuhrera, which decided to immediately inform him about it in a letter. The answer did not make himself wait for a long time - Adolf, who by that time was already familiar with the picture "Blue Light", wished himself closer to communicate with a talented film creator.Embed from getty images

And the reasons for this were not only purely personal - Hitler at that time actively searched by the director who would cope with the shooting of a documentary picture about the national-socialist German Workers' Party. Riephental, who was still under the influence of charm and charisma leader of the Third Reich, gladly adopted his proposal. In April 1934, she began to work on creating the film "Triumph Will".

Adolf set a difficult, but a clear task - to show the party and her leader to appear to the audience in the most advantageous light. More than 170 people worked on the documentary picture, 30 cameras were involved and the same number of operators. Each of them was obliged to learn to easily skate directly during the shooting process to remove episodes in motion. Installation Films lasted more than 6 months.

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In the spring of 1935, the Führer was able to evaluate the works of his team - the long-awaited mounted film of the timing shot at 114 minutes was completely ready to show on the large screens of Germany. On March 28, the premiere of the "Volya Triumph" picture took place in Berlin, on which ordinary locals came. Success was stunning. Riephental, who instantly gained recognition, and with him and rewards, decided to compose a book about what was left behind the diverma ribbon.

Cooperation with Adolf Hitler ensured the laziness of a comfortable existence. A talented and multifaceted artist was glad in any society, and professional offers came one by one. However, only some of them answered consent. The director began shooting the film "Olympia", telling about the 1936 Olympics, who passed in Berlin. To this day, this picture is considered a sample of documentary.

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During shooting tapes in the course of the cameras for underwater filming. Operators moved on specialized rails, which facilitated their work. And when there was a need to shoot in the air, it was decided to place the cameras in the airships. Hitler was delighted with the result obtained: the cinema turned out to be modern and not straight propaganda.

November 4, 1938, after the premiere of the documentary tape "Olympia", the laziness of Riephental came an invitation to America. However, it was not long for her to stay over the ocean - the Americans had the information about the Jewish pogroms, who arranged followers of the Fuhrera. The mayor of New York suggested banning to show the "Triumph of Will", and Helena was the first time thinking that he made a fatal mistake, agreeing to touch the Nazi regime.

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Further, little by learning about the details of cruelty from the ruling party, Riephentstal tried to remove himself from cooperation with Hitler. On March 30, 1944, the director was last met with the Führer on the territory of his residence "Berghof".

After some time, the laziness began to perceive the "Will triumph" as his mistake, arguing in an infrequent interview that she was absolutely apolitical. Later, the artist confessed to what was influenced by Adolf Hitler, who had an unconditional gift of conviction. However, its excuses were touched by the soul. When the political regime is overthrowing, the projects of Liza Ryphentstal stopped financing.

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In 1948, the woman was subjected to the Denazification procedure, which all followers of the Nazi regime were obliged to "be cleaned" from old ideas. The director was arrested, after which she was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where the "treatment" was held with electric shock. Leni did not stop praying that such horror quickly approached the end.

Having survived terrible emotional and physical shocks, the woman wanted to restore the lost strength. In April 1956, when Riephental was 53 years old, she went on a journey through hot Africa. However, instead of a loman's camcorder, he wore a camera everywhere. Returning to his homeland, the woman sent the received photos to the editorial office of some glossy magazines, which were successfully published.

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In 1971, labeled time in the Maldives, for the first time plunged into the Indian Ocean. Of course, it was not without a camera for underwater filming, which a woman took with him to fix what he saw. In just about 2 thousand dives, Riephental took about 2 thousand dives. The result of its perennial works became the photo albums "Miracle under water" and "coral gardens", as well as the documentary "Coral Paradise".

In 1973, she presented an album with a photoxicronics from the life of Nubi residents - the residents of the Nuba tribe. The work was called "People, as if coming from another star."

Personal life

The personal life of the iconic woman developed actively, as well as creative. About her lovers (among which, according to rumors, there was a cult German writer Erich Maria Remarik) and the husbands went a lot of rumors.

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The first spouse of Helena became Peter Jacob, which is the lieutenant of the Alpine shooters. Young people met in 1940 on the set of the painting "Valley", which took place in Austria. The man arrived there to recover after injury and to play in the film as a cascaderal. Wedding of lovers took place on March 21, 1944 in the Austrian resort town of Kitzbühel.

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The second and last spouse Riephentstal became the film operator Horst Ketner, who was 40 years old with his chosen one. They lived together until the death of Helena. A 61-year-old man did not move away from his wife's bed in the last seconds of her life. In the old age, the woman was sad only about one thing - that she never managed to have children. The growth and weight of the laziness is not known for certain.


The cause of the death of laziness Riephental became a malignant tumor. She died on September 8, 2003, 2 weeks after its 101st birthday. Cremation took place after 4 days, the dust burned in the Waldfridhof cemetery in Munich.


  • 1926 - "Sacred Mountain"
  • 1932 - "Blue Light"
  • 1933 - "Victory of Faith"
  • 1935 - "Volya Triumph"
  • 1938 - "Olympia"
  • 1938 - "Olympia 2"
  • 1954 - "Valley"
  • 2000 - "Dream of Africa"
  • 2002 - "Coral Paradise"


  • 1933 - "Fighting snow and ice"
  • 1935 - "What remains for the film of the film about the congress of the National Socialist Party"
  • 1937 - "Beauty of the Olympic Wrestling"
  • 1973 - "Nubians - people who come from another star"
  • 1975 - "Nubians from the Kau tribe"
  • 1978 - "Coral Gardens"
  • 1987 - "My Africa"
  • 1987 - "Memoirs"
  • 1990 - "Miracle under water"

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