Valery Falkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation 2021



On January 21, 2020, Valery Falkov was headed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, replacing Mikhail Kotyukov as. He has a rich pedagogical, managerial and, which is important, legal experience - the Constitution of the Russian Federation will change with its direct participation.

Childhood and youth

Valery Nikolaevich Falkov was born on October 18, 1978 in Tyumen. This Siberian city politician devoted a significant part of his life. There is no information about the early period of the biography of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in open sources: it is unclear who his parents worked, what school eared Valery Falkov and what was interested in childhood. His public history becomes only with student years.

In 1995, the guy was credited to the Institute of State and Law of the Tyumen State University (Tyumu) ​​in the specialty "Jurisprudence". In the exact, not tolerant double interpretations of the craft Valery Falkov plunged from his head: the best at seminars was best preparing for conferences.

Becoming a specialist, Valery Falkov entered the graduate school. The knowledge collected in his head allowed in 2003 ahead of schedule and successfully defend the thesis for the degree of candidate of law in the specialty "Constitutional and municipal law". The topic of study is "the improvement of legal regulation of election campaigning in the Russian Federation".

The management of Tyula did not want to lose such a valuable frame, therefore he suggested Vladimir Falkov the place at the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law. So began the work path, which led the Siberian to the post of Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Valery Falova's personal life information is not even on those sites, owners and authors who are used to climbing in the depths. Probably, the politician has not yet managed to acquire his own family - his wife and children. This is a victim brought as a gift to invaluable knowledge in the field of jurisprudence and an impressive professional path.

Valery Falkov

Valeria Falova has no "instagram", but must be supposed, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, confidently popularizes the policies of the openness of officials for the population, including social networks.

Career and politics

The post of Valery Falkov began his climbing in January 2020, began by the deputy head of the constitutional and municipal law in Tyumu. This Alma Mater has become a hometown for Siberian for many years.

Valery Falkov is a real patriot, and not because by nationality, Russian, but due to the loyalty to the future of the hometown. After all, since 2003, and before appointing to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, he rapidly walked along the career staircase Tyumu, developed frames in Tyumen, organized the Olympics and contests.

In 2007, Valery Falkov received the title of associate professor to the Native Department, served for some time the deputy director for the academic work of the Institute of State and the Rights of Tyula. Then the guide increased Siberian to the Vice Rector. The responsibility zone, Valery Falkov, included an additional education, which was implemented in the walls of Tyumu, and the management of branches.

In 2011, Valery Falkov took the place of the director of the Institute of Law, Economics and Management of Tyum. Before the top of the career ladder, one step remained within the institution. The increase did not make himself wait: In October 2012, Siberian began to fulfill the responsibilities of the Rector Tyumu, and in March 2013, he was established by a majority of votes.

The soul Valery Falkov was sick for education not only in Tyumen, but in the Tyumen region. In order to develop the potential of talented, gifted children in 2011, he organized the first multidiscipial Olympiad for the Mendeleev schoolchildren. Idea, by the way, alive and now.

Thanks to the idea of ​​Valery Falkov, students of the 4-11th grades can compete not only in basic disciplines - literature, biology, chemistry, but also in subjects of the future - oil and gas, construction, ecobiology, geoecology.

At the initiative, Valery Falkovo in Tyumen also a free project on legal education "Open School of Law" appeared.

Developing young and adult inhabitants of their city, Siberian did not forget about himself. From 2009 to 2011, he was elected chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Tyumen Region. This public education, by the way, was recognized in 2011 to be the most effective in the scale of the immense Russia.

In March 2012, Valery Falkov entered into the Association of Lawyers of Russia, heading the department in Tyumen. Already in those years, he heard the youngest lawyer not only within the city, but also Siberia. Such a talent was impossible to burst into Earth, so Valery Falkov in 2014 entered the reserve of management personnel under the President of the Russian Federation.

Simultaneously with educational activities, the head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation moved into politics. In 2006, he first entered the election commission of the Tyumen region, once again returning to his duties until 2013.

Then, from the party "United Russia", Valery Falkov successfully ran into the Tyumen City Duma, in 2016 expanded its political influence to the region. His mandate at the constituency number 17 of the Tyumen region was imposed on January 21, 2020 in connection with the receipt of the civil service.

On January 15, 2020, shortly before the formation of a new government of Russia, Valery Falkovas included part of the Working Group on the preparation of proposals for amending the Constitution. In fact, this means that his hands will create a legal future of the country.

Valery Falkov Now

Message of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly, spoken in Moscow on January 15, 2020, demonstrated not only officials, but also to residents, as rapidly and globally, the situation in the country will change.

The new decade since the resignation of the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev began. His post was taken by Mikhail Mishustin, the former head of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Already on January 21, 2020, Vladimir Putin approved the new government. Not only the composition has changed, but also the structure: now education, health, safety and material well-being of Russians are in the hands of 9 deputy premiers and 20 ministers.

One of the places was lucky enough to take Falkovov's hardworking Valeria. The news about his appointment was estimated differently. Representatives of science and higher education, for example, questioned the insufficient experience of Siberian in the sphere, which is to be engaged. But the Deputy Head of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanov, on the contrary, praised the achievements of Valery Falkov in jurisprudence.

"He is a lawyer, it means that will track the legal side of the case, which is important. We are constantly faced with the fact that even the law on the Russian Academy of Sciences is interpreted differently and very freely. It should be borne in mind that everything will depend on Valery Falkovo, and from the team that he gains. These should be people who have the experience of leadership by scientific organizations that have experience in implementing real projects and great tasks that are now facing the country and science, "says Vladimir Ivanov Search the newspaper" Search ".

How the science and higher education system under Vladimir Falkov are upgraded, only time will show, but his career path is confirmed to lean from work it will be.


  • 2003 - Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
  • 2008 - Honorary Mission and Gratitude to the Governor of the Tyumen Region
  • 2009 - Honorary Badge of the Tyumen Regional Duma
  • 2014 - Laureate of the Higher Law Prize in the Tyumen Region "Lawyer of the Year"
  • 2015 - thanks to the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, gratitude to the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region
  • 2017 - Gratitude to the Chairman of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

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