Tatyana Volkova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In Tatyana Volkovkov filmography, by 2020, not so much work was gained, but the audience had time to love the actress for convincing reincarnation into one of the main characters of the series about drug addicts "former." And this is despite the fact that she was far from just to show complex tangled relationships ended in the 2nd season with a gap, with its on-screen beloved Ilya, which was played by Denis Swedes.

Childhood and youth

In early 1980, in the 23rd January day, in the city of Chelyabinsk, additionally illustrated by Sergey Svetlakov and Mikhail Galustin in the Skatchkom "Our Russia", the wolves' spouses took congratulations on the family. The girl appeared on the world, whom they decided to call Tatiana. The similarity of the surname and the general profession with Olga Volkova and Catherine wanked that women are relatives, but there was no confirmation.

The average and two higher education among the actresses were closely related to foreign languages: a special school was left behind the shoulders with an in-depth study of French, the corresponding faculty in URGPU and the separation of international relations at the Easthan Ekaterinburg Urga. It would seem that the girl is a straight road and in similar activities, but the graduate surprised everyone, including himself, coolly changing the fate and conquer in 2001 Gitis.

In the university, the student did not listen to knowledge under the attentive gaze of the wise mentor of Sergey Genovac, who joined the position of Anton Chekhov's MHT in April. With his favorite teacher, the ward was not parted at the end of study, and happily accepted his invitation to the Studio of theatrical Art. Subsequently, it became a branch of the aforementioned temple of Melpomen, which serves the name of the great classic of Russian literature.

On the stage, Volkova appeared before the audience not only in female images in the performances "How do you like it", "about-lo-mov ..." (Olga Ilinskaya, by the way, brought her a Golden Vityaz award) and other, but also as Talented romance performer, rock and roll, chanson and poetic works.

Personal life

Tatyana (height 170 cm with a weight of 53 kg) is happy in marriage with Oleg Galitsky - graduate of Vgika named after Sergei Gerasimov, who has managed to work in the Voodoo Lounge club, Poster One and Slava Film Company. The director and screenwriter attached a hand to the creation of several game and documentaries, as well as theatrical performances throughout Russia (Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Perm).

In the personal life of colleagues reign harmony and love, a woman is engaged in the upbringing of Mary's daughter, born on November 13, 2008. The girl adopted an adult passion for art and tries not to miss any premiere play with the participation of the mother.

Traveling, singing and poetry - three real passions of artists. Her "instagram" literally "breaks" from photographs (including in a swimsuit) and news from travel to foreign countries, Vkontakte - from the publications of the poems liked, and Facebook from the pictures of musical departments.


Wolve under power reincarnation in any character, and the directors are gladly trusted to her radically not similar to each other. The actress is convincing and as a nanny, and as a housekeeper, and as the wife of Prince Andrei Kurbsky, an approximate Ivan the Terrible, in the historical film director of the director Andrei Eshpay.

In order to remember the audience, Thane is not necessary to appear in the frame throughout the 17 episodes of the comedy and really funny series "Poor People" on TNT. The viewer sees it only once, in the 4th issue, where the main characters of Venya and Yasha Subbotens confused the epitaph on the grave of the mother with the plane of the autobiographical book of Olga Buzova. Fortunately, as a result, the story ended well for everyone.

After entering the screens of the detective "non-random meeting", the shooting of the 1st season of the "Former", the premiere of which took place on the first channel in 2018. Melodrama about the drug addict Jan Mironova, who fell in love with the psychologist-consultant to the rehabilitation clinic Ilya, and his difficult relationship with the girl Olga caused contradictory feedback from the public, but did not leave indifferent - the fans were looking forward to continuing the multi-sieuled project.

Tatyana Volkova now

The creators of the "former", despite a deafening success, initially decided that the 2nd season should be released not on the federal television channel, but on the Start video service. According to the producer of the project Alexey Trotsyuk, the change of format helped to improve the final result: the film crew has more freedom in the self-expression and opportunities to tell the story absolutely uncompromising.

"In the second season, the history of the main character will develop on some simply incredible zigzag. And the fact that the project will be shown only on video service, gave us the opportunity not to stop the degree of take-off and fall and not to make it even waves, "the director Ivan Kitaev shared with journalists.
Tatyana Volkova in the series

As for the executors of the main roles of Lyubov Aksenova and Denis Swedov, the actors in one voice said that "moving" on the start did not embarrass them at all, but Vitaly Khaev had to be heroically cope with a large number of candid scenes. What did Volkov herself thought about this, remains a mystery: comments followed it.

In May 2019, on the personal page in Vkontakte, the artist reported that she was filmed in the Surrealist Drama "Mother's Room" in the traditions of David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick, and her premiere was planned for 2020.

Fans wishing to see a lovedense in real time, know where to look for it: now she is busy in the performance of natively, mainly prohibited for children ("One day in Materno", "Moscow-Petushki").


  • 2004 - "Rockling"
  • 2007 - "Exile"
  • 2009 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 2014 - "non-random meeting"
  • 2016 - "Poor People"
  • 2018 - "Former"
  • 2019 - "Former-2"

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