Where to go and what to see in St. Petersburg from January 27 to February 2: with the child, on weekends, tourist, exhibitions


Spring-towering on the banks of the Neva St. Petersburg, created by Peter I, is ready to argue on beauty with any of the European cities. Therefore, it is not surprising that such an impressive number of tourists from all over the world comes here to admire the masterpieces of Petersburg architecture, stroll through the streets and embankments, visit numerous exhibitions, museums and theaters, thanks to which the "Petrovsky brainchild" deservedly received the status of the cultural capital of Russia.

About where to go from January 27 to February 2 in St. Petersburg and what to see on weekdays of the week and in the weed weekend, will tell the material 24cm.

From height of height

The Museum of Modern Art Erart invites you to visit the exhibition "Land in the Illuminator", in the exhibition of which is more than a hundred photographs of our planet made from the board of the spacecraft Sergey Ryazan. Twice visiting the near-earth space, in 2013 as an engineer on board the ISS and in 2017 as the commander of the Soyuz MS-05, the pilot-astronaut found time for shooting and brought to the surface of the charming photos that the visitors of the exhibition can now be seen Once again, the beauty of the landscapes opening from space.

The price of a ticket - 600 rubles.

Miracles in Nevsky

Located on Nevsky Prospekt Museum of magic - the place where it is interesting to be not only to come with a child, because even adults sometimes want to believe in miracles and enjoy an extraordinary idea with the participation of magicians. It will not only work out to learn a lot of entertaining, hoping, accompanied by a guide on the exhibition that tells about the mysteries of the magic of prestigitors, but also look at the impressive show performed by the illusionist or even take part in the session of Spiritism.

Benefit price: adult - 600 rubles, preferential - 350 rubles.

In memory of the blockade

It is worth visiting the townspeople and tourists also the library "Semenovskaya", where the dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the removal of the blockade of the city of the exhibition "Leningrad stories" is held. The exposition presents the lithographs of Alexei Fedorovich Pakhomov, an artist who had in the years of the Great Patriotic War in a deposited Leningrad and fixed what was happening, creating a story about the tragedy and courage of the inhabitants of the Northern Capital in the blockade.

Free admission.

Chekhov in the city

From January 29 to February 2, the organized library is started. A. P. Chekhov The third annual city festival "Chekhov Days", dedicated this time to the 160th anniversary since the birth of a writer. In the program: lectures, performances of the string quartet "Pushkin Quartet" and the artists of the Royal Ballet of the UK, meetings with prominent figures of culture and art. There are activities that are worth a visit with the child - for children, master classes, literary workshops, quizbooks and lectures are organized, which will help young visitors to form a literary taste, will teach analyze the text and formulate their own thoughts.

Free admission. Pre-registration requires.

Battle in the cathedral

In Petrikirche, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, on January 31, a concert "Battle of Organs", organized by the Amadeus Concerts team. There will be two musicians in the fight, which, with the help of classic masterpieces, will prove that organic music is not boring at all - during a melodiously loud duel, whose technique of the game and the virtuosity of execution will have a greater impression on the listeners present in the hall.

Ticket price - from 1400 rubles.

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