Maria Berdinsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The biography of the Russian actress and cinema Mary Berdinsky looks like the history of Frosy Burlegakova: She, like the heroine of the film "Come tomorrow," arrived to conquer the capital from the depths. Today, Maria is the actress of the Evgeny Vakhtangov theater troupe, one of the best in Moscow. In her filmography, there are main roles, and among theater awards - the prestigious "Crystal Turandot" premium.

Childhood and youth

Maria Igorevna Berdinsky was born on August 3, 1987 in the village of Doronichi Kirov region. According to her, not all the adult population of Doronich worked in the collective farm pigpath. Parents of the future actress were an exception: the father worked as a gas electric welder, and the mother was a teacher in kindergarten.

The girl grew up in a simple family, where the relatives had no relation to the world of art. But the artistry was laid in Masha from an early age: she is a member of the choreographic team since childhood. Mary of the Mary Berdinsky toured on the area and danced on the scenes of district and city houses of culture.

However, she did not have dreams to become the actress. The idea of ​​entering the theatrical university came by chance: in the 9th grade, a friend asked Maschi, whether that was not going to the theater institute. Young artist thought: "Why not?". Mother supported her daughter and after graduating from school went to Moscow. In the capital found the cheapest hotel, but even he was not affordable. Then Mom left home, and Maria remained in search of housing.

Berdinsky claims that she became a student unexpectedly for himself - he came from the first attempt, she was enrolled in the school named after B. V. Schukin.

There was no money for living in the expensive capital. At first, she lived in the barrack near the theater of the Russian army, where she rented a bed in a room with three dozen migrant workers, and 16 women lived in the next room. She had to save on everything to survive in the capital.

The girl studied at the course of Vladimir Ivanov until 2008. She had to fight with a terrible provincial talk and often cry because of the suicited conquering of classmates. But the student coped to the end of the university had an impeccable pronunciation.

After the diploma is given to the legendary "pike", the beginner artist was accepted into the troupe of the Wahtang Theater.

Personal life

With the future husband, Leonid Bichevin, Maria Berdinsky met on the set of the film "Ryabina Waltz". At that time, Bichevin broke up with Agnia Kuznetsova, the novel from which she lasted 7 years.

The actors brought together the work at the Theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov, whose troupe is both. At first, the couple attended the club "Aradero", where Leonid, seeing Masha Dancing, fell in love with finally. According to him, the girl danced Divinely: years of participation in the dance team had affected.

Beloved Bechevin's beloved offer in Japan, on Hokkaido Island. The couple rose to the mountain called Masha, where Leonid asked his hands and hearts from the chosen.

Wedding The actors celebrated in 2011 at Mary's homeland, in the village of Doronichi, in the dining room "Rus", where 70 guests were invited. Honeymoon newlyweds spent in Italy, in which you can make sure the photos of the couple in "Instagram". The spouses were in no hurry with the birth of children, at first they wanted to equip life and earn enough money. In 2014, Maria Berdinsky gave her husband to his son Vanya. The boy dreams about the work of a fireman or singer, he is interested in sports and visits the aikido section.

In 2019, the actress gave birth to a second child, Stepan's boy. At the same time, she did not even told fans that pregnant, and hid this information in every way. Bichevin admitted that he really wanted her daughter, but I was glad to appear the son of my son. A man spends his free time with his family and loves to walk with children for a walk.


In the theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov, Maria Berdinskiy from the first months was involved in the production of "White Acacia" and "Shore of Women" in key roles - she played Katya and Lol.

Later, Berdinsky played Masha in the "Uncle Dream" and Matyurina in Don Juan and Sganarel. In the play "For two hares", the actress was reincarnated in colorful Khimku, and in the Chekhovsky "Uncle Vana" - in a romantic son. For the last work in 2010, it was awarded "Crystal Turandot" as the best debutant.

The increased acting skills of Mary and the ability to build on the role of theatrians saw in the "demons" of the Vakhtangovsky Theater in the Svetangovsky Theater, on the name of the novel of Fyodor Dostoevsky. She played the low-spirited chrome head Lebyadkin. Then the artist reincarnated in the guest from Masquerade and Juliet in the formulation of the "Measure".

The directors trust the actress complex psychological images, not embarrassed by the framework of one role: Berdinsky feels equally comfortable in comedy and dramatic genres.

In the formulation of the "Princess Ivonna" artist entrusted the main role - Ivonna. Many productions in which Maria Berdinski played was fascinated. The TV viewers saw it in the films of the "Eugene Onegin", "Women's" and "Pier".

Today, the celebrity plays in performances of the main repertoire of the Theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov. As the invited actress Berdinsky appeared in the formulation of "all first" the "Chance" theatrical center.


The cinematic biography of Maria Berdinski opens by the role of Irina in a 90-serial comedy "Lyuba, Children and Plant ...". Then the actress played Masha Kolganov in the series "Law and Order: criminal intent." She appeared in the 8th film "Wolf Lair".

The first serious film design of the artist is the image of Claudia Markova in the Military Melodrame "Rowan Waltz". The picture came out on the screens in 2009 and is devoted to the feat of young miners. In the same year, Berdinsky appeared in the youth ribbon "Kremlin cadets", where he played the girl Cadet Warnaba Zoya.

In 2014, the 13-serial drama "KUPRAN" was published on TV screens, made by the works of the classics of Russian literature Alexander Kurin. In the 1st part of the series called "Yama", Maria reincarnated in the inhabitant of Pasha Public House. Critics noted the accuracy and deep organic of Berdinsky, who managed to convey the tragity of the image.

In the 8-serial historical melodrame of Egor Grammatkova "I leave you love" Masha got the role of nurse lights. She was lucky to remove with recognized masters of Russian cinema Julia Rutberg, Irina Peregova and Elena Koreneva.

In the same 2014, Maria Berdinsky played a major role in the first time: in the thriller Arkady Yakhnis "SWITJR" actress reincarnated in a 25-year-old girl, the daughter of rich parents, kidnapped for the sake of redemption. Then she got episodes in the melodrama "In the fall in the heart" and the drama "Masquerade".

In 2017, the audience saw the artist in the Drama Konstantin Bogomolov "Nastya", where she starred along with Elena Morozova, Oleg Garkushi and Darya Moroz. "Nastya" is the film version of Vladimir Sorokina Prosaika Novella, intellectual author's drama. The premiere of the film "First Creative Association" took place in the fall.

Maria Berdinski now

Now the actress brings up two children, works in the theater. E. Vakhtangov and filmed in the cinema. Maria does not interview and does not lead social networks.


  • 2005 - "Lyuba, Children and Plant ..."
  • 2006 - "Wolf Lair"
  • 2007 - "Law and Order: criminal intent"
  • 2008 - "White Acacia"
  • 2009 - "Rowan Waltz"
  • 2009-2010 - "Kremlin cadets"
  • 2012 - "Women's Shore"
  • 2014 - "Kuprin"
  • 2014 - "I leave you love"
  • 2014 - "With the autumn in the heart"
  • 2014 - "Swiss"
  • 2019 - "Nastya"
  • 2017 - "Bloody Baryna"
  • 2019 - "French"
  • 2020 - "North Wind"

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