Famous Vegans: Stars, Russian, Hollywood, 2019


Take care of animals and refuse meat in recent years has become fashionable. In show business it can become a "highlight" of celebrities. But not all stars-vegans adhere to the lifestrass of life thoughtlessly, some devoted life to this and promote respectful attitude towards nature.

Alicia Silverstone

Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone adheres to a vegan diet for 20 years. She believes that it is necessary to show a good attitude towards nature and be happy, being Vegan. By 43, a lot of wrinkles on Silverstone face, but it retains a youthful expression, and the skin looks fresh. She wrote a book "Good Diet" with recipes dishes without meat. The son of the actress is also Vegan.

Maim Bialik

The famous "Theory of Big Explosion" TV series Maim Bialik became Vegan at 19, when he entered the university. She was disturbed by health problems, sinusitis arose. At first she refused meat, and then from dairy products. Bialik in these rows for 20 years. Both of her son Vegan. Allergies to dairy products from birth.

Serena Williams

American tennis player Serena Williams became Vegan from Solidarity with a sister, which diet was prescribed on medical testimony. She adhered to strict control in nutrition 44 days after childbirth, then began to allow themselves some cheese. The athlete noted that it had a positive effect on her physical and spiritual state.

Volodya Kotlyarov

The Russian artist of Volodya Kotlyarov laughed at friends and acquaintances who do not like meat. Once he walked down the street and remembered the calf from his rustic childhood. He cared for him and loved the animal. After the calf fatten, it was stabbed and eaten. Kotlyarov remembered this case and forever refused meat.

Igor Talkov

In 2019, the singer Igor Talkov Jr. refused all the products of animal origin. At first he was fed by chicken, since he considered it with an implain animal, then he moved to fish products. Walked around the market and saw the counter, on which a fish was lying with a doomed look. Refused from her. Together with his wife, they switched to seafood, until they learned that Kalmar developed creature. Now the son of the legendary Igor Talkov is powered by fruits and vegetables.

Jessica Chestain

The star of the "dangerous game Sloan" Jessica Chestain does not eat meat from birth. She grew up in a family, where the attitude to the living in nature was strict, did not eat eggs, honey and cheese. Morning, it always begins with a smoothie of their own preparation, in which fruits and vegetables. It believes that Vegan supports her health.

Toby Maguire

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"Man-Spider" Toby Maguire is not interested in beauty, he became a vegetarian in 1992 from love for animals. There are no leather furniture and garments in the dwelling of the Hollywood actor. His guests remove things from this material before entering the apartment. Maguire recalls that even in childhood it was difficult for him to eat a piece of meat. He is neutrally related to meathers, but the killing of animals is frustrating for food.

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