Proximity to my husband after childbirth: what you need to know


Some women note that it is not so scary to give birth, how to deal with her husband after childbirth. Whether everything will be fine when you can start whether sexual desire will return - these questions complicate the already difficult life of a young mother.

When you can have sex after childbirth

Proximity to my husband after childbirth: what you need to know

Sleeping with your husband doctors recommend starting after 1.5 months. If you make love earlier, the woman risks damage the already injured vagina or at least to get unpleasant impressions that will complicate further sex life. With a great desire, the spouses replace ordinary sex to other joy. For the same reason, after childbirth, it is impossible to do with her husband hard sex for several months. The woman controls the intensity of the process, and, if it hurts, it is stopped.

Intimate life after childbirth is complicated when they were severe and needed cut crotch. Only a doctor will in this case say when it is permissible to resume sex life. In the worst case, the seams will be discharged that it is frightened by both partners and for a long time he will make the desire to delight each other in bed.

How to prepare

After consulting a doctor, if the childbirth was heavy, the couple returns to sexual life. Due to the injury of the vagina, a large amount of lubricant will be required. This is taken care of in advance, buying it in a pharmacy or sex shop. If, despite the lubricant, there are strong pains, re-appeal to the doctor for advice. If there is a slightly hurt or discomfort to make love with her husband after childbirth, this is a normal phenomenon that will disappear over time.

Is it worth having sex, after all, young parents are so many, it is definitely worth the sex strengthens relationships. A pair that spends a lot of time for a child, physical contact is required to maintain communication. And also in the body of partners, Dopamine and Serotonin hormones are produced, which give a feeling of happiness and pleasure. As a result, the pair drawn the child in a more positive key, which positively affects his mood.

Proximity to my husband after childbirth: what you need to know

However, in a state of deep fatigue to have sex with her husband after childbirth, it is not recommended, as this will create negative associations with sexual act. For this reason, bed joys are transferred during the day while the spouses have forces. Love classes are reduced by time, this is a reality with which you have to put up.

Women worries that after the birth of the child, their vagina is not as close as before, and proximity to her husband after childbirth will not be pleasure. The vagina is really stretched, but not critical, besides, this problem is eliminated by the Gymnastics of Kegel to return the former state. Women who performed this gymnastics, note that in stable classes, the vagina even becomes more trained than before.

What to do if you don't want to get close to her husband after childbirth

Frequently, half of women suffer from losing to her husband after the birth of a child, and the part, on the contrary, the sexual attraction rises. It depends on the hormonal changes that occur after the fruit leaves the womb. One level of prolactin decreases, which causes an explosion of sexuality, others rises or remains the same, and they think about love joy without enthusiasm.

Proximity to my husband after childbirth: what you need to know

The amount of prolactin is regulated by external ways, but the endocrinologist will never write drugs to reduce the nursing mother, as the hormone is responsible for the production of milk. Over time, he will return to normal, but for now it is permissible to try natural stimulants of sexual desire like certain spices and products.

Much depends on the man. If he does not understand that the female body after childbirth is not that before them, there will be problems. The desire of a man so that his wife was hot in bed, it is clear, but it is useless to be offended at nature, and the task of a mature man is to understand that some time a sex life will not be like that before. From his part, efforts will be required to wake the desire of his wife. Moreover, some caress in front of sex is not enough, the expression of love outside the bed is also important for recovery.

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