Vika Tsyganova - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, Mikhail Circle, clips, plastic 2021



Vika Tsyganova is a popular Soviet and Russian singer who performs in the genre of Chanson. Its creativity is based on the themes of patriotism, Orthodoxy and familyhood. In addition, the actress also took place as an actress and composer.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Zhukova - so called the singer in the greatness - born in October 1963 in Khabarovsk. Her dad was a maritime officer and served on a fleet, and the mother faithped a homely focus and cared for the long-awaited daughter. Vika grew by an artistic child. At first, the girl performed on the home "scene", giving concerts and performances to relatives, and then debuted on school stage.

Therefore, after graduating from school in 1981, Zhukov went to Vladivostok, where from the first attempt came in the Far Eastern Institute of Arts. After 4 years, Victoria received a specialty actress theater and cinema. But during her studies, she did not forget about the development of vocal talents. All these years, the student visited the Department of Opera Singing, where together with the teachers worked on the voice.


For the first time, the actress came to the scene in his youth in the graduation formulation "His people - to tear." In this play on the play Alexander Ostrovsky, the role of Lipochk was given. So began the theater biography of Tsyganova.

In 1985, the novice artist accepted into the Jewish chamber music theater. But a year later, she appeared on the stage of the regional drama theater in Ivanovo. But here it was delayed only for a year. Creative search continued. Evaluate the game of a talented actress, which directors trusted the main roles, the audience of Magadan were able. Here, in the youth musical theater, Victoria Yuryevna sang and played in 1988.


The soloist of the "Sea" group of Tsyganov became in 1988. The singe career so captured the girl that a vocalist left the theater. Together with the team Victoria Yurevna began to tour throughout the country. Singer speeches had a huge success. Each victory pushed the artist to the thought that she had exhausted himself as a theater actress.

For 2 years as part of the Sea, the artist released 2 collections - "Karavel Love" and "Autumn Day". But in the late 1980s, the singer realized that she was ripe for a solo career. Next to Victoria Yurievna turned out to be a musician Yuri Plunkin and a talented poet songwriter Vadim Tsyganov, who became her husband. A year later, the performer released a solo album "Guliai, Anarchy".

The debut solo concert Tsyganova was held in 1992 in the Metropolitan pop theater. By this time, the singer pleased music lovers not one hit in solo execution. Her performances were included in the concerts that were broadcast through the central channels. Mostly the songs of Victoria Yuryevna were performed in the style of Chanson.

Since the 1990th, the singer regularly replenished discography, toured and became a declared pop star. The present hits of the performer became the composition "Russian vodka" from the album "My Angel" and "For Men" from "Blue My Flowers", "Andreyevsky Flag" from the "Officer of Russia".

In 1996, the performer changed the Amplua. Tsyganova appeared lyrical songs that radically different from the previous repertoire.

After 2 years, the fans were surprised again in their favorite singer. In order to attract a broader audience, Victoria Yuryevna replaced the image sharply. Not only songs have changed, but also the actress itself. The new Disk "Sun" was not at all like the rest. It did not slip away from the audience, and the performer was again on the ridge of popularity.

And in 2001, Victoria Yurevna was again the same, familiar to her fans with singer Chanson. This year Tsyganov fruitfully cooperated with Mikhail around. Together with him 8 songs, which entered the album "Dedication". And the composition "Come to my house", which appeared in 2001, has become a certificate of artist for many years.

Confirmation of the claimation of the performer in 2002 was the Gala concert of Tsyganova in Sevastopol on the day of the Navy in the Rocket Cruiser "Moscow" in the framework of the Charitable Action "Great Russia under the Andreev flag". This performance was broadcast on central TV.

Since 2011, the singer is less likely to appear in public. This year 2 albums called "Romances" and "Golden Hits" came out. Tsyganova more and more time devotes to his hobby, which agrees in the profession. She created her clothing brand "Tsiganova" and produces designer collections, clothing is successful in stars of domestic pop.

At the end of 2017, the Star of Chanson openly opposed the so-called "anticriman" law - the draft law of the senator from the Vladimir region Anton Belyakova. He prohibits any promotion of the criminal subculture in the media and the Internet, and therefore limits the recording and execution of the "prison" songs.

The artist stated that people need prison romance, and the love of such songs is a form of social protest. Such popularity of chanson singer substantiated the fact that other musical genres show fans the fans of the life of rich people, which among the average Russian causes only dislike and irritation. The main images of such a trend of Tsyganov called Ksenia Sobchak and Olga Buzov.

Victoria Yurevna also noted that even if a similar ban will be accepted, he will not be able to reduce the popularity of chanson in Russia.

In 2018, Tsyganov got into the "black list" on the territory of Ukraine, where the Ministry of Culture Culture introduces artists who represent a "threat to the national security of the country." According to the performer, the woman dismissed the Crimea in 2014 and performed at concerts that were devoted to the Day of Liberation of Odessa and elections in the Donbas and Lugansk. Therefore, Victoria Yurevna only expressed bewilderment that he had got into this list so late.

In November 2018, the artist celebrated the 55th anniversary. On this occasion, the singer prepared the anniversary concerts "30 years on stage" and "come to my house!", With which she toured in 2018-2019.

In 2020, after a 9-year-round break, the singer released a new album called "Fedor Greets", which included songs "Love and Death", "Moon", etc. In the same year, a clip was released on the composition "Just Afigit", recorded in Duet with a group youG.

This is not the only collaboration in the creative biography of the artist: She sang with Alexander Mikhailov ("Kalina Red"), Peter Matrenichev ("This is my homeland"), etc.

Personal life

And the singe career, and the personal life of Victoria Yuryevna developed happily. Her husband Vadim Gypsies is not only the only and beloved man, but also a creative associate. Almost all the songs that the star performs are written by them. Marriage pair took place in 1988. Since then, they are constantly together.

Unfortunately, there are no common children in the family of Gypsy. In an interview with Boris Korchevnikov, in 2019, the actress said that in the 1980s during the tour in Bulgaria, she fell into a car accident. The injuries were deprived of its ability to become pregnant, and the spouses did not receive the surrogate motherhood. But the singer has 3 godsacks.

In 1994, the couple marked in the Church of George Victorious. Victoria Yurevna faith attaches great importance.

Spouses live in a wonderful house in the suburbs, like a fairytale castle. They have a domestic pet - Kane-Corso dog dog named Mars. Next to the estate of Tsyganov built a temple to which the actress gives all the time free from tour.

The singer is the godmother of the younger son Mikhail Krug Alexander. In October 2020, Tsyganov, along with the godbank and Irina Circle, came to the program for Andrei Malakhov "Hi, Andrei!" Deed to the deceased chanson.

The performer leads an account in "Instagram", where along with own photos from the scene often lay out quotations of Russian poets, patriotic posters, interesting videos on social topics and communicates with Follovers live. On your own Yutiub-channel of the artist there is a video from performances. Also, Victoria Yuryevna has an official website where you can find current information about the speeches of Roma.

Now the artist looks much younger than its age. She kept a slender figure (height 172 cm, weight 57 kg) and shutdown photos in a swimsuit on its pages in social networks. The vertical face of the performer is a consequence of plastics - high cheekbones appeared in Tsyganova, and their eyes became more open. In an interview, the singer notes that he made only blepharoplasty.

Vika Tsyganova now

On the eve of 2021, Tsyganov presented a new song "Native Street". The actress takes part in the anniversary concerts of colleagues-artists, events dedicated to memorable dates and charitable purposes, and also speaks on private holidays. Victoria Yurevna is also touring the country with the program "Legend of Chanson."

In March, the Artist presented its Russian Style collection at the Crimean Fashion Week in Yalta.


  • 1991 - "Guliai, Anarchy"
  • 1991 - "Balalaika-infection"
  • 1992 - "With Love to Russia"
  • 1993 - "My Angel"
  • 1994 - "Strawberry"
  • 1994 - "Love and Death"
  • 1995 - "Eh, not sin"
  • 1996 - "Russian songs. Who needs it?! "
  • 1996 - "Only love"
  • 1997 - "Kalina Red"
  • 1998 - "Sun"
  • 2002 - "Dedication" (together with Mikhail Krug)
  • 2004 - "Officers of Russia"
  • 2006 - "Voyage-Vintage"
  • 2007 - "Wearing, Rus ..!"
  • 2010 - "Blue My Flowers ..."
  • 2011 - "Romances"
  • 2011 - "Golden Hits"
  • 2020 - "Fedor row"
  • 2020 - "Just Afigi" (duet with a group youG)
  • 2020 - "Cranes" (fly to the south today)
  • 2021 - "Native Street"

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