Naomi Harris - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Naomi Melanie Harris is a film actress of British origin, a new girl James Bond. In life, as on the screen, it is combat, independent and strong. Its dedication, unusual appearance (the artist is often compared with Rihanna) and, of course, the talent allowed to achieve great success in professional activities.

Childhood and youth

Naomi was born on September 6, 1976 in the capital of Great Britain. By nationality, she is British, although it has an African origin.

The girl grew in an incomplete family. It was brought up by the mother of Carmen - a native of Jamaica, a telechanger studio of the Air Force, one of the authors of the series "Estraders". The father was from the state of Trinidad and threw his wife before the advent of his daughter.

At an early age, Naomi began to attend Anna Cher's theatrical school, participated in children's castings on television. In 1987, the TV series "Simon and Witch" came out on the Air Force Channel, in which she played her first role. In the fantastic film "People of tomorrow", young artist fell into the main acting.

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After graduating from school, Harris entered the Pembroke College, which is among the educational institutions of Cambridge. The girl chose a specialty of a sociologist and a political scientist, but soon realized that she made a mistake. Naomi felt someone else's among the students of the prestigious university and in 1998 switched to Bristol Old Vic - the theater educational institution of Britain, the founder of which was Lawrence Olivier.

In his youth, in addition to study, Harris did not miss any opportunity to play in the movies. With her participation, television series "Live in the Nadezhda", "White Teeth", "Anancy" came out.

Personal life

Naomi leads a closed lifestyle and does not interview the topic of personal life. Now the celebrity is not married, but does not lose hope to find a husband and make children. She shared that her chosen one should be kind, generous, with a good sense of humor.

Harris looks younger than his years, which is visible by photo in a swimsuit, which are located on the official page in "Instagram". She has a tightened and slender figure - with a height of 173 cm weight is 57 kg. In addition, the actress has an impeccable taste. On the red walks, she shines in expensive design dresses, eclipping other stars.


In 2002, Naomi graduated from the theater school and immediately began working on the project "28 days later," where she got the main role of Selena. Apocalyptic Horror Danny Boyla collected $ 82 million in global steel and brought fame to the main acting - Killian of Murphy, Alex Palmerru, Bindu de Stoppan.

Following this, Naomi appeared in the Family Fantastic Comedy "Dinotopia", in which the main roles were performed by Miller, Eric von Deteen, Jonathan Heyde, Georgina Rielanx. In 2004, she participated in the filming of the Cash Adventure Militant Brett Ratger "After Sunset", in which the stars of Hollywood Pierce Brosnan and Salma Hayek were also involved.

The main role of Harris received both the Marka Evans "injury", where I reincarnated in the heroine Eliza. Together with Naomi, Colin Firth, Tommy Flangan, Mina Suvarya played in the film. The actress filmography in 2005 was replenished with the role of the second plan in Michael Winterbottom's filmcoming "Tersteram Shender: The history of Cockerel and a bull."

In 2006, Naomi passed casting in the cast of the adventure franchise director Mount Verbesto "Pirates of the Caribbean", in which the stars of the first magnitude of Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Bill Naia, Zoe Saldan and Stellan Skarsgard. The first film brought $ 1 billion creators and won several awards, including the Oscar statuette.

Harris got the role of fortunelock Tia Dalmeda, which actually turned out to be an ancient goddess Calypso, concluded in the human body. In the breaks between the filming of Naomi, Michael Manna Police "Police Miami: Department of Mravov", along with Colin Farrell, Jamie Fox, Lee Gong.

In the late 2000, the artist lit up in a number of films: "August", "Kings of streets", "Ninja-Killer", "Morris". In the British Comedy of 2009, "five of my former girlfriends" directed by Julian Kemp Actress played one of the main heroines Jemma, a girlfriend of Dankana (Brendan Patriks). In 2010, the Music Drama "Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll", dedicated to the biography of the musician Ian Dury, who, being disabled, managed to create a musical group and become successful. Naomi got the role of Deniz.

In 2012, the actress starred in Bondian, playing the Secretary-Referenta Yves Manipenni in the film "007: Skyfolle Coordinates" along with Daniel Craig, Judy Dench, Berenice Marlo and Javier Bardem. The second time in the same image of Harris appeared in 2015 in the next film about James Bond "007: Spectrum."

In 2013, the film "Long Way to Freedom", created on the autobiography of the South African President Nelson Mandela, comes to the screens. The main character was played by Idris Elba, Naomi fulfilled the role of congressman, politics, wife of President Winnie Madikizeli. In 2015, she fell into the main acting of the sports drama "Levshi", in which the main hero of Billy Houpa played Jake Gillanhol.

In 2016, the premiere of the Drama "Moonlight" of the director Barry Jenkins, who tells about the life of the African American Hirona, took place in the US cinemas. The picture collected $ 52 million at the box office and brought the creators a number of awards. Harris, who performed the role of floors, the Mother of the Chief Hero, was nominated in 2017 on the Oscar Prize.

In the fantastic drama "Ghost Beauty" with Will Smith, Kira Knightley, Kate Winslet starring Naomi also got into the main staff, playing Majdin's character. In the same year, she participated in the spy thriller "the same traitor, like we", where I performed the role of Gale Meckendrik, Perry Meckendrika wives (Yuen McGregor).

In the spring of 2017, Naomi Harris was rewarded with the Order of the British Empire. In the same year, the actress worked on the two projects, the premiere of which took place in 2018. This is an adventure tape "Jungle Book: The Beginning", which is also played by Matthew Reese, Christian Bale, Benedict Cumberbatch, Kate Blanchett, and the frenzy fighter action with Dune Johnson in the lead role.

At the same time, the film "Rampej" came out with Harris. He tells about the Primatologist Davis Okoya, who raises the male gorilla. Once the experiment comes out of control, and the harmless animal turns into a fierce monster.

Naomi Harris now

In 2019, the star of the movie starred in the film "Black and Blue", in which the role of Alicia West played. The girl works in a police office of New Orleans. Once it becomes a witness of how corrupt officers kill the drug dealer, and writes it on the camera. For Alicia and the video, a real hunt begins. But soon the situation worsens: the killers convince the criminal gang that the girl is guilty of the death of the dealer.

The picture received an average rating of viewers. Many noted that this is a completely decent fighter, in which the simple and simple storyline. In addition, it rises an important social topic - the life of African Americans in the slums and the impossibility of escape from there. According to critics, Naomi organically got into the image and duly coped with the role.

On November 26, 2020, the premiere of the film "Not Time to die" was expected. This is the continuation of the famous bondian. According to the plot Agent 007 left the prompt service and went to relax on Jamaica. However, even on the island for him is the work - you need to save the stolen scientist. Bond girl helps him fight with a mysterious villain, armed hazardous technological weapons.

Another expected premiere with Naomi is the mini-series "Third Day", the directors of whom Filipp Louterp and Mark Manden became. The main character is a man named Sam. Once it turns out to be on a mysterious island, where it is immersed in the life of local inhabitants. They are cut off from the outside world, live according to completely different laws and commit strange rituals. Against the background of all the events of Sam begins to torment the injury from the past. The face of reality is gradually erased, his life is threatened.

The series "Third Day" will be divided into 2 parts of 3 series each. In the first called "Summer" playing Jude Law. Naomi Harris is reincarnated to the main heroine of the 2nd part of "Winter". Her character named Helen comes to the same island in search of answers, but its appearance provokes cruel battles.

At 2021, the premiere of the film "Vienna - 2: May Carnazh will be". Initially, he had to go out in the 2020th, but due to a coronavirus infection in the Date, the date had to be transferred. The film is based on Marvel Comics publishing house comics and talks about Eddie Brkin's Character. Naomi played Francis Barrison in it, she is screeching.


  • 2002 - "28 days later"
  • 2004 - "After Sunset"
  • 2006 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Chest"
  • 2007 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: on the edge of the world"
  • 2009 - "Morris"
  • 2009 - "Five of my former girlfriends"
  • 2010 - "Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll"
  • 2012 - "007: Skyfall coordinates"
  • 2013 - "Long Way to Freedom"
  • 2015 - "Lefty"
  • 2016 - "The same traitor, as we"
  • 2016 - "Moonlight"
  • 2016 - "Ghost Beauty"
  • 2018 - "Jungle Book: Start"
  • 2018 - "Fury"
  • 2018 - Rampage
  • 2019 - "Black and Blue"

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