Security rules for ice: how to protect yourself from injuries


A rare winter in the European part of Russia in recent years is disturbed by frosty and snowy, without sudden drops of temperatures leading to thaws, changing cold. This leads to the formation of ice crust, which bears the danger of bruises, stretching, as well as more serious injuries.

To avoid injuries at ice, it is recommended to comply with simple recommendations that will allow you to protect yourself from both adults and children - about security rules when moving on ice and useful advice, which will reduce the risk of dislocation and fractures, will tell in 24cm.

Better avoid

The optimal measure of protection is to build a route so as to eliminate the output to a slippery surface:
  • carefully study the path, avoiding the sections of open ice;
  • to go along the edge of the sidewalk, where the snow did not get drunk to the state of the ice crust (but not next to the roadway);
  • Bypass any sharp slopes and ice-covered steps, where the risk of slipping is present.

Near shopping centers and government agencies, decorative tiles are often placed, which is not suitable for winter operation - overly slides. If possible, it is worth abide by caution and do not go to such a surface.

General recommendations

However, there are such situations that contact with a slippery surface cannot be avoided. Here's how to protect yourself from falling in such cases:

  • move leisurely, small steps;
  • to occur when moving the entire surface of the foot, and do not put the leg on the heel;
  • Avoid sharp movements;
  • on the steps - to put a stop along;
  • Do not talk, keep your mouth closed;
  • Hands are not hiding in pockets - they will allow you to maintain balance and in time to grouped;
  • Control the situation around to avoid collisions with other pedestrians.

If you move hard or scary, it is worth trying a non-rolling step without separating the soles from the ice surface.

In flight

If you still have to fall, it is necessary to grouped correctly - this will make it without injury.

When falling forward:

  • pull the head into the shoulders;
  • hands do not exhibit, and press the body in the bent position;
  • Bend legs in the knees, squeezing in the direction of fallacy;
  • Rotate the case - try to land on the side (more precisely - on the pressed arm) to soften the fall (roll through the shoulder, as often recommended, it will not be released in winter).

When bumping back:

  • chin pull into the chest;
  • hands in a bent position press to the housing;
  • Bend legs in the knees;
  • Round the back;
  • At the end of the movement to extinguish the inertia of the fall, spreading his hands to the sides, without relaxing the neck.

When falling, thinking about things in the hands is not necessary - only about your own security.


Among the precautions that will be allowed to do without injuries in the Hollyeditsa, it is worth highlighting the requirements for the proper selection of winter shoes. To increase the clutch with the surface, the sole is preferred to prefer the ribbed or soft rubber. Or take advantage of spiked overlays that are sold in stores.

Do not refuse from the grandfathers. You can, for example, to use sandpaper - glue the boot (large) sole or lose the protector (small). You can glue felt instead of sandwich. Another option is to join the sole of the cross-cross melaoplasty or to apply the PVE glue pattern. And for whom caution is more important than the image, it is worth trying as a symbol protection measure to wear cotton socks boots.

Women from high heels and studs will have to abandon - the fracture of the ankle can lead to serious consequences.


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Another point is clothes. If the icehead is on the street, the best choice will be the down jacket or insulated coat - it is important that the outfit does not throw movement and did not violate the coordination of movements, which is typically for thick and heavy winter clothing type fur coats, sheep and tight jackets. Although the latter and are able to soften the fall, the first is more likely to be allowed to avoid it at all. Also, heavy clothing will not allow to group on time, which will reduce the chance to do without injury.

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