Konrad Adenauer - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, President, Chancellor FRG, Cause



Adenauer Conrad is called the German four epochs and the father of New Germany. The first in the history of the Federal Republic, the Chancellor broke the records of political longitudeship, leaving for 3 years to the 90th anniversary.

Childhood and youth

Konrad-Heinrich-Joseph Adenauer was born in early 1876. The boy turned out to be the third son in the family secretary of the city court Cologne. Later, the brothers appeared two sisters. Care of five children lay on the shoulders of the mother, zealous Catholithic Helena Scarfenberg.

Konrad Adenauer in youth

In the 1885th Adenauer Jr. entered the city gymnasium, which he graduated with honors. In 1894, the young man became a student at the University of Friedrich Wilhelm in Bonn, where he struck teachers by hard work: the 5-year course Konrad passed in 2 years.

Adenauer's university walls left the junior adviser to justice, setting up a court assessment in the Cologne prosecutor's office.

Personal life

The first wife of Chancellor became Emma Weier, a girl from the Cologne elite. The marriage played a big role in the biography of Adenauer: his career went up. The photo of the pair has been preserved, on which it can be seen how the politician looked in youth. Adenauer's growth reached 1.86 m.Embed from getty images

The spouse gave birth to a conducer of three children - two sons and daughter. Emma died from the incurable disease at 36 years.

The second spouse policy has become Augustus a cingsser, which is under Conrad for 20 years, and gave her husband to her five more offspring.

Career and politics

In 1903, a young lawyer found a place in the law office of Causen, where he worked until 1906, until he got a tenth assistant to Cologne Burgomaster. Konrad has issued taxation and fees. After 4 years, he grown to the first assistant, and in 1917 he himself became Burgomistrome Cologne.

In 1926, Konrad Adenauer could take a chancerter post, but refused to offer, considering the ideas of the victorious national socialism dangerous. In November 1933, after coming to power Adolf Hitler, Ober-Burgomist was shifted from the post. To avoid arrest, a dismissed official left the city and donkey in Röndorf.

Adenauer, not believing the success of the anti-Nazi groups, did not join anyone, but after the attempt on the Fuhrer in the summer of 1944 he was arrested. They let go in November due to the lack of evidence of involvement in the conspiracy. At the end of the war, Adenauer came to the concentration camp, but thanks to his son who served in the Wehrmacht was freed.

After the war, the career of the State Avestigator was developing rapidly. In the spring of 1945, Adenauer returned the powers of Cologne Burgomistra.

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In the internal policy, adenuclear focused on the market economy, taking the development of Professor Ludwig Erhard.

After the start of the Cold War, who moved away the reunification of the two parts of the country, began the formation of the West German state. In the autumn of 1949, after the adoption of the Federal Republic of Germany, 73-year-old Conrad Adenauer was elected by the first federal chancellor of Germany.

In 1951, Chancellor also entrusted the responsibilities of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In foreign policy, the adenuclear was the hard task: overcome hostility of countries affected by fascism.

In the spring of 1951, Germany established a certain prototype of the European Union - the European Association of Coal and Steel. Adenauer went with visits to the capital of France, Italy and Britain. A year later, he set the signature under the Agreement on the payment of reparations, including Israel formed.

In the mid-1950, the FRG leader visited Moscow. The illusions about the reconciliation of countries were destroyed: Germany Adenauer firmly decided to join the West, seeing the key to the reunification of the split state. All the activities of the Chancellor were aimed at the "crosslinking" of the country. Undoubted diplomatic success policy was the return of 10 thousand prisoners of war and 30 thousand interned.

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The Adenauer CDS / HCU party won the elections 4 times in a row. Her head has established a warm relationship with many state leaders, but the most close - with Charlef de Galer. A 100-year-old enmity between the two countries ended with the signing of a friendship agreement, and Adenauer quotes appeared on the newspaper:

"In mutual understanding between Germany and France is the European Future."

The only failure of the policy is called the offending the construction of the Berlin Wall.

In October 1963, the Chancellor said a farewell speech and resigned. A year later, the organization close to XDS became the Adenauer Foundation. The range of its activities is wide - from strengthening European integration to the development of art and culture.


The causes of the death of the first German chancellor were quite explained: he died at the age of 91 in April 1967 at the villa in Röndorf. Adenauer's grave is located on the local forest cemetery.


  • In 1964, the foundation was assigned the name of the first German Chancellor of Adenauer Conrad.
  • In 1968, a stamp was released on politics.
  • In the 1969th, the coin dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the FRG education, with the adenuclear profile.
  • In Berlin, his monument of the authorship of Helga Timann was installed on Adenauer Square.
  • A monument to Adenauer's Conrad is in Bonn, where he studied at the university.

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