Giovanni Bellini - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Artist, Cause



Italian Giovanni Bellini was an artist of the Renaissance, attached to Venetian painting a unique sensual style. Heroes of his canvases were political and public figures, as well as the honored Saints Madonna and John the Baptist.

Childhood and youth

According to the preserved documents, Giovanni Bellini could be born in Venice from 1430 to 1433. His mother was Anna Rinversi, and the Father is an artist Jacopo, who painted the church and was the author of outstanding works.

According to the existing detachable information about the childhood and early biography of the painter, it is known that he was brought up with three brothers and Nikolosia - younger sister, but for some reason the parents did not mention him in the will, and the researchers assumed that he was bastard or orphan.

This hypothesis was not distributed because the father taught the boy and allowed to help with large orders and spend time in his workshop. There, together with Brother Gentile and the Paduuan, Andrea Manteny Giovanni mastered the theory and visual technique.

Personal life

Giovanni Bellini's personal life is known quite a bit, according to notarial data, he was married twice. His most reliable spouse was a wealthy Italian Ginevra, who gave birth to one son to the artist, who at that time was not rich.

About another marriage with a woman Maria no information was preserved, and there are no documents and records in the archives and records about the presence of joint children. Judging by the fact that after the death of the painter, she mentioned as a widow, the couple remained together until the last days.


An early creative period of the famous Italian artist includes a number of Madonn with a baby written in the 1450s. They can be seen that the Venetian school of iconopisis affected Bellini, but he had an idea of ​​Rober Campen and other modern Dutch.

Giovanni Bellini - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Artist, Cause 8834_1

At the beginning of the 1470s, Bellini, together with other masters, worked in San Marco's San Marko and was to create a fresco that portrayed the World Flood, and then he painted a picture called "Transformation", which decorates the collection of the Napletarian Museum Di Capodimonte.

In the mid-1460s, Giovanni became a recognized master and began to receive orders for the execution of the cathedral altars. For a number of years, he worked in the Church of St. Mary and created 4 triptych, which caused researchers disputes.

Another outstanding work was the satellite of St. Vincenzo Ferrera, who was located in the Church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo. It was the paintings in the part divided into parts, among which were "Annunciation", "St. Sebastian "and" St. Christopher".

In the 1480 region, Bellini created the Madonna with a baby and six saints canvas, intended for the altar of the Church of St. Job (San Jobbe). He became one of the most famous his creations, who argued by Franciscan views on the concept of immaculate conception. In the picture around the Virgin Mary, the prophets of John Baptist, Job, Sebastian, Dominica and Francis, and this scene of the knee-freelancers fit into architecture in such a way that he created the illusion of presence and emphasized the temple flavor.

Giovanni Bellini - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Artist, Cause 8834_2

Along with church painting, Giovanni was engaged in portraits, in which the influence of artists of previous eras was observed. In such a manner, images of Jörg Fugger, kondotier and young men in red, as well as Djuja Leonardo Loedano are created. Judging by the posters and photographs from the catalog of the National Gallery of London, the last of these works had a revolutionary approach to painting. Wrinkles and folds of clothing were carefully drawn in it, and the head of the ruler of Venice had a non-relaxing tilt and turn.

In the late period of creativity, which came to the 1500s, Bellini buried her older brother and completed one of his works. Among them was the canvas "Sermon St. Mark in Alexandria ", which was located in the Grande Di San Marco building, which was the largest of the Venetian Skolo.

The original works of Giovanni was "Pieta", written from nature, as well as "nude in front of the mirror", "intoxication of Noah" and "Ferry of the Gods". The last of the completed paintings of the famous and talented Italian artist became the portrait of the elderly prelate Fra Teodoro from the city of Urbino.


The cause of the death of Giovanni Bellini for his descendants remained a mystery, and about the bottom, when it happened, it became known from the diary of Marina Sanudo. On November 29, 1516, he left a record that he did not become a great Italian painter, who was considered a mentor and a teacher for artists Georgeon and Titian Titionerily.


  • 1460 - "Pieta"
  • 1460-1464 - "Triptych Sv. Sebastian"
  • 1464 - "Polypties of St.vinchenzo"
  • 1470 - 1480 - "Coronation of Mary"
  • 1470 - 1480 - "Sv.Telenia"
  • 1475 - 1480 - "Madonna with Baby"
  • 1475 - 1480 - "Portrait of Condoter"
  • 1485 - 1490 - "Portrait of a young man in red"
  • 1488 - "Triptych Frari"
  • 1490 - "Holy Interview"
  • 1490 - 1500 - "Sacred Allegory"
  • 1501 - "Portrait of Leonardo Lougonano" "
  • 1505 - "Madonna on the throne with Saint Peter, Catherine, Lucia and Jerome"
  • 1514 - 1516 - "Nude young woman with a mirror"

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