Marina Magomayeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Daughter Muslim Magomayev 2021



The first channel in the 2020th has made TV viewers of truly royal offering on March 8. The next day, after the festive congratulations were reserved and the premiere of the biographical drama "Magomaev" took place with the last bouquets of mimos and tulips. Despite the fact that the series tells about the history of the love of the main character and Tamara Sinyavskaya, and the first wife of the artist Ophelia, who gave him the only daughter of Marina.

Childhood and youth

Marina Magomayeva, the only heiress of the Great Soviet singer, tries to keep away from media representatives and is reluctant to contact journalists. But when in 2017-2018, there were allegedly allegedly the extramarital children of Muslim Magometovich, the Caucasian Blood boiled in the woman. And silence interrupted.

On May 18, 2019, she agreed on a two-hour exclusive interview with the head federal television channel of Russia, entitled "It's time to tell the truth", and the next year I talked to the souls with Trend News Agency.

"They got married with her mother at a young age - both studied in the nobody, they also met and fell in love with each other. Celebrated a wedding, and after 1.5 years, the newlyweds were born. When parents decided to disperse, I was for several months. It was at the beginning of the summer of 1963, "she mentioned about the year of her birth.

When the daughter of the Golden Voice of the era was born, snow suddenly fell in Baku - rare atmospheric precipitation for Azerbaijan. Therefore, a happy father called her not otherwise as a snow maiden, but soon after him began to repeat other relatives. Externally, in childhood, a man seemed a girl a very high man, and in character - cheerful and cheerful, able to raise the mood with a good joke.

The relationship between them was friendly and preserved such after the adults were divorced. Marina remained with the mother of Ophelia, a fellow artist for the musical school named after Asaf Zeynalla, but did not stop visiting Magomayev in a modest apartment on Hagani Street.

On the last period, the parents gave the heir to the "music" at the conservatory (now the school is the name of Bulbuly) in the class of piano, where Baku Orpheus once studied. As for higher education, in 1986, the girl received a cherished diploma, graduating from Geofak BSU.

Personal life

From quite an early age, Magomayev knew numerous friends of her famous parent. But, ironically, to cross with the son of the director of the orchestra of the Father and his close friend Gennady Kozlovsky did not work in any way. The first meeting with him occurred in 1985 - at the birthday of Muslim Magometovich, young people immediately found a common language and practically did not part.

Then, when the girl came to Moscow, the guy tried to arrange a guest to cultural leisure, take tickets for concerts or just to pass down where necessary. But that was not a courtship, but following Baku traditions.

In 1989, Alexander moved to the United States, as it turned out, on permanent residence. And after a decade, scoring at Tamara Sinyavskaya, with which the Ophelia Magomaeva and her daughter had a warm relationship, the phone with a long time, contacted her across the ocean. The man said that she terribly missed his homeland, and having received an invitation, he soon visited Azerbaijan, having time for the holiday on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the Baku Orpheus.

Already at the end of his trip, Alik called a girlfriend to see America and visit his concerts. Despite the fact that this gesture even appeared to the woman not just observing the etiquette, she still inflicted a return visit in November. From that moment on, Kozlovsky moved to active actions. The novel broke out ending with his hands and hearts.

In July 2000, the lovers were combined with a legitimate marriage, a wedding celebration celebrated in October, and in a year, at the end of the autumn of the 2001, Nursilly Allen Maxwell.

Despite the distance, the grandson often saw the grandfather, in which the souls did not care. And when the latter was not in 2008, adults decided to hide such a sad fact from him. By the way, the young man also touches music, owns the piano and enjoys the creation of the melodies on the computer.


Despite the fact that Marina inherited a lot of creative talents from his parents, she did not bother her professional biography with art. And the reason for this had an extremely weighty - an insurmountable, panic fear of the scene, when the hands were shaking and covered later, and the face Bello.

At the end of the university, the graduate almost 10 years gave the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. And in the period from 1995 to 1998, if you believe the information posted in Facebook, where valuable archival photos are also stored, worked in British Airways.

The daughter of Muslim Magomayeva admitted that her father always dreamed to accompanied him.

"But it would be no easier to accompaniate the dad than to solo. Now I think I could become a musicologist - for this you do not need to perform on stage. But I believed that in art you need to put either a very high bar, or you should not do this at all. In this, I also look like a dad, "the woman explained.

Marina Magomayev now

Marina Muslimnna, everything also lives in American Cincinnati, together with his beloved spouse and son, who devoted all herself. Educating the child, a woman with infancy was engaged in person, without resorting nibble, nor nursery with kindergartens. For a long time, the elect, Alexander Kozlovsky, was listed by a volunteer at school, and now is responsible for home affairs (including for the documentation), and gives private music lessons.

In 2019, in a conversation with Dmitry Borisov, she touched upon many topics, including the personal life of Muslim Magomayev. The heir to the celebrity categorically does not believe in the presence of the father of extramarital children, saying that he invariably and rightly loved only three things - her, music and Tamaru Sinyava.

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