Y Yong - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Figure 2021



Figure skating ceases to be a sport, the essence of which in creativity. Now the jury pays attention not to artistry, the ability to hear music and grace, but on the technique: the more complex elements are able to perform a skater, the higher the scores. If the trend is preserved, the absolute favorite will be Y Y Yong - a native of South Korea, which in 2020 for the first time in history fulfilled the Quarter Rittberger.

Childhood and youth

Yu Yong was born on May 27, 2004 in Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea (the country is more famous called South Korea). She is the third child and the only daughter of Yul-Gina, the owner of the business in Indonesia, and whether Su-Hee. It is thanks to Mother Yu Yong addicted to figure skating.

In the Winter Olympics in Vancouver in 2010, South Korea was represented by the Single-Room Snayer A and, to this day the most privileged national athlete. Behind her performance, hopping his breath, followed every resident of the republic, including Su-Hee, Mother Yu Yong.

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The woman again and again revised the performance of Kim Yong A. Involuntarily, the audience was and Yu Yong. The six-year-old girl fascinated lightness and grace with which the figure skater performed even the most complex ultra-si.

Childhood Yu Yong passed in Singapore. The country is not now famous for winter sports, does not educate champions and coaches. Therefore, barely learned to confidently stand on skates, Yu Yong began to try to repeat the speeches of Kim Yong A and Japanese Mao Asada, who were seen on the Internet.

When Yu Yong turned 9 years old, whether Su-Chi had brought her to South Korea for a while. For a month, conducted with a professional coach, the girl significantly improved her skills. In 2013, for the sake of well-being and success of Yu Yong, the family moved to the republic.

Personal life

Learn the details of the personal life of Yu Yong helps "Instagram". In the social network athlete lays out not only photos from the competition, but also Selfie with friends, relatives and loved ones. True, most publications are signed in Korean.

Account Y Yong in "Instagram" appeared in August 2017 and fills infrequently. The number of subscribers as of March 2020 exceeded 58 thousand people.

Figure skating

From the early years, Yu Yong faced the attention of experts on figure skating. After all, every year after the purchase of skates, the girl mastered triple jumps, and after 2 years it became the best in favorites of sports. Perhaps the skill of Yu Yong lies in curiosity: the coaches of figure skaters note that she always asked many questions, clarified, if it was not confident in the correctness of the element.

Zhang Wei, in the past, the dancer on ice, speaking for China, trained Y Yong in 2012 in Singapore. Once in an interview, she noted that the skill of her pupil is undoubtedly now, and the future of the world champion and the Olympic Games has propted.

"Yu Yong is not the most talented athlete of all that I had to train. But its jumping, energy, flexibility and coordination have always been at a high level. These qualities are rarely found in the same figure skater, especially at such a young age, "said Today Zhang Wei's Internet-edition of Singapore.

After the care of Kim Yong, and from the sport in 2014, South Korea needed a new queen of figure skating. One of the contenders was Yong - technical, powerful, graceful. The figure skater stated loudly about himself only in January 2016, winning the gold of the national championship and breaking the record of his predecessor.

Yu Yong became the youngest champion of South Korea: a gold medal athlete took in 11 years. The former record belonged to Kim Yong A, which in 2003 climbed the top of the pedestal aged 12 years.

The next season was not so successful for Yu Yong. She was awarded silver on Tallinn Trophy in November 2016, giving up the 1st place with Russian Alyona Kanyasheva. And in January 2017, he entered only in the top 5 championship of South Korea. Similar to such a low result is a fall in a short program.

2018 Year of Yong began with a confident victory at the National Championship. Then the world championship was held among juniors, in the standings of which the figure skater got only to the 9th line.

The season is also marked by the debut of Yu Yong on the Junior Grand Prix. Only 4th place the South Korean athlete took in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. The result in the Italian stage in Enerier was even lower - the 5th place.

The only time medal of the Grand Prix of Yu Yongave in Bratislava, the heart of Slovakia. The girl took the bronze, giving way to the Russians Anna Shcherbakova and Anna Tarusina. But in South Korea, Yu Yong still remains unsurpassed. In 2019, she took the Third National Title, and in the 2020th - the fourth.

For many and persistent months, Yu Yen honed his solitary ride, studied ultra-si. In 2019, the work finally gave results: the girl took gold on Philadelphia Summer International, bronze on Lombardia Trophy and silver on CS U.S. Classic.

At the next stage, the Skate Canada Grand Prix in a short program first performed Triple Axel - Kulbit, who learned 3 years. And although the fall in an arbitrary program pushed the Korean to the 3rd place, it completed the competition satisfied and with the new goal - to overcome the Grand Prix Cup of China. Here in the speeches, the figure skater made a lot of mistakes and occupied only the 4th place.

The victory at the South Korean Championship of 2020 bestowed a ticket for many major tournaments. The first and main of them are the youth of the Olympic Games. The speeches of the Korean filled the triple jumps - Axel and Lutz. Each of them was performed clean, without blots, and the jury unanimously awarded Yong Gold.

Yu Yong now

In February 2020, the Championship of four continents took place. Traditionally, Figurists of America, Asia, Africa and Oceania fought on the ice for victory. Since 2009, South Korea did not carry out the awards from this tournament, and Yohn could, let it be silver.

However, the main event for the biography of the figure skater is still ahead - the Winter Olympic Games of 2022. Their capital will be Beijing, the capital of the PRC. Judging by the updates in the news feed, the preparation of Yu Yong has already begun. In February 2020, a video appeared on the Internet, on which an athlete performs four jumps - Lutz and Rittberger.

The fourth Lutz can do Russians Alexander Troopsov and Anna Shcherbakov, but none of the women did not play the quadrtberger. If the Olympics of 2022, Yuhen will learn how to turn it cleanly, it is secured gold.


  • 2015, 2017-2020 - South Korea champion in figure skating
  • 2018 - Champion of Winter International Sports Games "Children of Asia", Townnament Cup Tallinn
  • 2019 - Bronze Medals of the Grand Prix Stages in Canada and Slovakia, Lombardia Trophy tournament
  • 2019 - Champion Philadelphia Summer International
  • 2020 - Champion of the Youth Olympic Games
  • 2020 - Silver Medal of the Championship of Four Continents Figure Skating

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