Coronavirus in Tula 2020: Cases, Situation, Quarantine, Ill, Latest News


Updated April 29.

In 84 of the 85 subjects that are part of Russia, coronavirus was found. The country's Ministry of Health is confident that the peak of morbidity has not yet come, and residents are ready for the worst scenario for the development of events. The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material about Coronavirus in Tula, as the epidemiological situation was reacted with local authorities and the latest news from the region.

Cases of coronavirus infection in Tula

As in all regions, the first sick COVID-19 profits from the country with an unfavorable epidemiological situation. Coronavirus in Tula March 19, 2020 brought three people, members of a single family who returned from the trip in Italy. Responsible citizens reported the arrival at the Polyclinic at the place of residence and respect the regime of self-insulation.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Among the infected was a 12-year-old child who had no clinical manifestations of the disease. The family was hospitalized to the city hospital number 11 (a child - to the hospital for emergency medical care. D.Ya. Vanykina) and discharged in satisfactory condition on March 31.

The 25th virus in the surrendered analyzes also found in two residents who did not travel to other countries. The infection of the woman "picked up" by a consumer means.

As of April 29, it was registered 873 patients, 79 of which have already managed to cure. Currently fixed Six deaths. Thus, thanks to the operational measures of local authorities, so far in the Tula region, the proliferation of coronavirus is contained.

Situation in Tula.

Despite the fact that in official sources it is said that the region is fully provided with medical masks and antiseptics, local residents in groups in VKontakte "Tula" and "Tula Now" complain that goods have become deficient, and on the doors of pharmacies they write large letters, that there is no such product. Some household goods stores "retrained" and carry out retail sales of masks.

Residents of the Tula region with understanding reacted to the call of the authorities to stay at home: the self-insulation index, according to Yandex.Maps, was 4.8. Users are shared by photographs of empty streets, pets and call on the rest to listen to recommendations.

Restrictions in Tule

The Governor of the Tula region, Alexey Dumin, held a meeting on January 22 for the epidemiological situation in the region, during which it was decided to introduce preventive inspections of enterprises and students who arrived from China.

On March 17, 2020, the Government of the Tula region created an information portal, where the latest news is published daily related to the spread of coronavirus in Tula.

On March 19, on the basis of the laboratory, the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology began to conduct tests for the identification of coronavirus. Pre-positive analysis results were sent to the "Vector" reference center in Novosibirsk. Later, the test system was received by another 2 institutions of the Tula region: a regional skin-venereologic dispensary and a center for the prevention and fight against AIDS.

On March 25, after the appeal of Vladimir Putin, the Governor of the Tula region made appropriate changes to the decree "On additional measures taken in connection with the introduction of an increased readiness regime in the territory of the Tula region", according to which:

  • leisure institutions (karaoke, hookah, bowling centers, cinemas, libraries, theaters and so on) are closed;
  • premises carrying out children's leisure, suspend work (game rooms, institutions of additional education and creativity);
  • closes the premises associated with sports (fitness clubs, sports schools, pools);
  • Tax authorities and MFCs work in remote mode: all applications must be submitted online;
  • shopping centers, restaurants, cafes, parks and other places involving the accumulation of people will suspend work until April 12;
  • Children's gardens, schools, additional and vocational education institutions declare quarantine, all classes are held remotely to a special order of the authorities.

In addition to organizations implementing the goods and continuously operating enterprises, car service, tireage, car wash, kiosks (implementing printed publications), cafes, bakeries (work on self-delivery and delivery), organizations carrying out household services, and transport companies are continued to work in the Tula region .

On April 5, Alexey Dumin identified a list of organizations that have the right to work in high availability.

Latest news

1. On April 17, the number of public transport will reduce in Tula, taking into account the need to comply with the social distance from 10:00 to 16:00, as well as from 20:00 to 21:00.

2. Alexey Duchi on April 9 reported that the regional government will allocate 8 million rubles for stimulating payments to doctors. For March, doctors will receive doctors, hospital workers and ambulance, laboratories, as well as polyclinic staff. In April, surcharge will make all doctors and medical staff working directly with coronavirus patients. Total payout will receive more than 550 people.

3. From April 6, in Tula of the school, secondary special educational institutions, universities and commissioning institutions continued distance learning. From April 7, duty teams and classes opened in kindergartens and schools for children whose parents had to go to work.

4. From April 4 to 19, due to the situation with Coronavirus in Tula, people over 65 are obliged to self-indulgered (you can go to the store, for the walking pet or with the necessary medical care). Volunteers will carry out the delivery of food to pensioners over 85 years old.

5. Beauty salons and hairdressers can continue to work, but a restriction is set to the number of people in the room (no more than 5).

6. Report arrival from countries with a dangerous epidemiological situation, to obtain advice on measures to prevent coronavirus infection Residents of Tula can by phone of the hotline of the governor: 8 (800) 200-71-02, an extension number 1.

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