Nancy Reagan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Ronald Reagan's Wife



For each great man stands a great woman. Ronald Reagan's fortieted president, for example, to achieve political heights helped Nancy Reagan - actress and public figure, the most popular First Lady of America.

Childhood and youth

Anna Francis Robbins appeared on July 6, 1921 in New York. She is the only child of Farmer Kenneth of Seimour Robbins and actresses Edith Prescott Lacket. Since childhood, she was called Nancy, and with time the name was attached.

In 1928, parents divorced, and a year later Edith Laket was married to the neurosurgeon Edward Davis. Nancy laid perfectly with him, called his father. In 1938, this status was commissioned officially: Davis overshadowed Padderitsa. At the same time, the girl legally became Nancy Davis.

In 1939, she graduated from Girls' Latin School in Chicago, Illinois, and in 1943 he received Smith College diploma that in Massachusetts. Among those who interested Nancy subjects were English and dramaturgy.

Personal life

Nancy Reagan, being an actress, revived the novels with Clark Gablom, Robert Stack, Peter Lowford. On November 15, 1949, she met Ronald Reagan and fell in love without memory. Their personal life was immediately surrounded by gossip, because Nancy desperately wanted to marry, and Ronald after parting with Jane Wyman wanted freedom.

The wedding still took place on March 4, 1952. Perhaps during the Nancy ceremony was already pregnant: Patricia Anna Reagan (she is Patty Davis) was born in less than 8 months - October 21, 1952. The second common child Ronald Prescott Reagan was born on May 20, 1958.

Nancy Reagan was also a stepmother for Raigan's children from the first marriage Maureen and Michael.


In the youth of Nancy Reagan was an actress. Her climbeds contributed to the friends of the mother. The girl made his debut on Broadway, and then went to the movies. Her filmography has a dozen Hollywood paintings. The peak of popularity fell in the 1950s.

It was in the creative sphere of Nancy who met Ronald Reagan's satellite. Then he headed the guild of the US film actors. Feeling in love, the girl forgot about the career. The last film with her participation is "Forced landing" (1958).

His political, or rather public, the life of Nancy Reagan began in 1967, when her spouse became Governor California. In the status of the first lady, she visited the old men, the disabled, prisoners of war and veterans of the Vietnamese war, sponsored charitable organizations than and deserved the title "Exemplary First Lady" according to the Times newspaper.

After 8 years in California, Ronald Reagan swung at the US presidency. Nancy not only supported him, but also headed the election campaign. She watched the husband's schedule, supervised the staff, conducted a press conference, developed the design of photoplakats. The first elections of 1976 Reagan lost, but the term later, in the 1980s, the works of Nancy brought fruit.

The first Lady of the USA is the keeper of the focus of the whole country. But first Nancy Swee Personal Nest: The White House was repaired at the expense of sponsorship, enriched the wardrobe with designer clothes and did so that the guests of the president drank only from the porcelain. For the waste, Reagan received a derogatory nickname Queen Nancy.

Mikhail Gorbachev became the first leader of the USSR, visiting Washington. In honor of his visit, Nancy Reagan arranged a luxurious dinner. After him, US Secretary of State George Schulz said:

"We all felt the ice of the Cold War. Reagan tried to impress not so much on the head of the Soviets, how many on his wife Raisu Gorbachev. However, women were unbelievable each other. "

Main project Nancy Reagan - Anti-Narcotic Campania Just Say No. Her main goal is to inform youth about the dangers of drugs.

In 1985, Reagan invited the first ladies of other countries to the White House to the conference on the abuse of prohibited substances. The result was the law on the fight against drugs of 1986, which established mandatory punishment for drug addiction.

According to the sociological surveys of 1988, the activities of Nancy Reagan approved 56% of citizens, 18% adhered to other opinions. In general, Raigan in the United States was approximately as in the UK to Margaret Thatcher.


In October 1987, Nancy Reagan diagnosed a dangerous disease - breast cancer. Because of this, the first lady was very thinned and with a height of 163 cm weighed no more than 45 kg. To prevent the spread of the tumor, she held a mastectomy, so that he lived to deep old age - to the 94th anniversary.

The biography of Nancy Reagan broke on March 6, 2016, the cause of death is heart failure. On this day, the current US president Barack Obama ordered to lower the flags.

The funeral took place on March 11 in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. The body of Nancy rests next to his spouse.


  • 1949 - "East Side, West Side"
  • 1949 - "Shadow on the wall"
  • 1950 - "You will hear the following voice ..."
  • 1951 - "This big country"
  • 1952 - "Shadow in Heaven"
  • 1952 - "Talk about stranger"
  • 1953 - "Ford Television Theater"
  • 1953 - "Brain of Donovan"
  • 1955 - "Culmination"
  • 1957 - "Sea Witches"
  • 1958 - "Forced landing"

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