Anton shocks - biography, photo, personal life, news, "house-2" 2021



Anton Shocks - the scandalous ex-participant of the "Dom-2" project on the account of a young man countless fights, he twice departed from the show and once again tried to blacken the leadership of the televostroika in front of the audience.

Childhood and youth

At birth, Anton wore the surname of the Batrakov. The boy was born in Cheboksary in a disadvantaged family. When the child turned three years old, the mother went to jail, and Anton was in the orphanage, where he lived for 11 years. The teenager adopted the family shocks from America, since then the young man wears their last name.

Anton Shocki

It seems that great opportunities have opened in order to build a happy life, but in the states were waiting for some disappointments. The American dream turned into a nightmare - soon his parents refused the adoptive son-Russian Son. At the same time, with the scandal - Anton accused of sexual harassment to other children from this family, the young man came first to a psychiatric clinic, and from there for escape to the specialty for adolescents, which stands stigma juvenile criminals.

By the age of 16, Anton Shocks changed four foster families. Without finding an understanding and happiness in a foreign land, I wanted to return to my native fenats, but by law it is impossible to go to the child under 18 years of age. I had to wait. As soon as the young man has reached the age of majority, immediately with the help of Paul Astakhov, a children's ombudsman, left the country of dreams.

Anton shocks to the project

However, Russia was waiting for problems - Anton was an unusual orphan, unlike children who grew up in his homeland without parents, the young man did not rely benefits and free accommodation, and there were difficulties with the replacement of the passport. Shocks settled in the boarding school of native Cheboksary.

But the hard fate of a young man marked the beginning of his popularity. Anton became a real star, there was a guest of a talk show on television, where she shared with his Naitaria in America. As a result, he took a politician under the wing and musical producer Andrei Razin.

Anton shocks and Andrey Razin

Shocks got into Moscow, thanks to the protection of Razin, changed the documents and acquired the metropolitan registration. The producer even bought an apartment to a young man in Zlatagna, as he stated on the transfer of "direct ether", and then in Sochi - there opened the charity office "Revival", at the head of which should have been able to get up. In addition, Anton with the light hand Andrei Razin found a new receptionist named Oksana.

However, there was a conflict between the shocks and the solid, and their roads were separated. Anton went for the next portion of Glory for the project "TNT" - "Dom-2".

"House 2"

The young man came to the Poland of the long-playing show about the construction of love in early February 2017 in the company with Mom, who spoke about the difficult fate of the adoptive son. Anton Shocks were going to conquer the heart of Lily Chetrarian, but on the day of arrival was fascinated by Victoria Commissioner. Yes, so that after three days, young people declared warm feelings and settled together.

Like all couples in the city of Love, the attitude of Anton and Victoria were far from ideal. They were accompanied by frequent quarrels, partings and stormy reconciliation, the couple tried to even survive each other from "House-2".

Anton shocks in the show

Shocks turned out to be a big "dracman." Once he arranged the scuffle with Dmitry Wheat, a newcomer of the project, which was discouraged to repel the Commissar. For such a courageous deed, Vika awarded the chosen by recognition in love.

At the project, Anton was not delayed - he left for Victoria who did not receive the immune system. Shocks accused the "House-2" guidelines in deception, a young man allegedly sent from the show "Without coming benefits" - surcharge to the main rate.

Personal life

About the personal life of Anton Shocks to the project "Dom-2" story is silent. On the first day of the appearance on the show, the young man admitted: before that there was no great experience of communicating with the opposite sex. He complained that the feeling of deep loneliness pursues all his life, and happiness sees in mutual love and warmth. In his free time, he writes poems, loves rap and sometimes he reads him himself.

After leaving the telestroy, the Commissar Anton was briefly parted. After the former lovers met and realized that the feelings were still alive. Two weeks of the ex-participating "House-2" lived on a removable apartment in the capital of Russia, and when the money was over, and the housing was asked to free, Vika went to parents in Krasnodar. Anton could not find a job for a long time, spent the night at acquaintances and even at the station.

Anton Shocks and Victoria Commissioner

Another version of the development of relationships is that the pair allegedly began to live together in the parent's parent house in Krasnodar. In the social networks, Vika wrote that the young man does not work and does not even think to look for a place. The source of income was the clothing store Commissar. Anton Shocks went to Moscow, and in turn began to accuse the beloved on the page in the "Instagram" in the coordinates and deceptions. In the end, young people broke up.

The shocks were puzzled by finding relatives, for this he threw the cry on social networks. And compatriots helped to find the guy to his native sister. So Anton tried not only the role of brother, but also uncle - he has two nephews. A little later, a young man went to America.

Anton shocks now

In early 2018, Anton Shocks returned to the Dom-2 project. He settled on the new Island of Love, where the struggle for the prize of 1 million rubles and the right to replenish the ranks of the show as a full-fledged player. For the reassembly of some "old men" constituting the couple, the audience voted. However, Victoria refused to come to Anton - the girl lives on Bali and is going to marry. Noted that he would return to the project only with the fiance.

Anton Shocks and Margo Ovsyannikova

Having had to hurry a couple of Anton, the chosen was Margot Ovsyannikova. But at the end of March, the guy flew off the project with a "black mark" for a drunk brawl - grasped for the knife, rushed with dishes, fought with administrators.

The audience was not in favor of Anton, and, while offended, the young man refused to pull immunity. Soon, just left the film crew, not honored to talk and not reacting to the persuasion of producers.

Anton Shocks in 2018

Immediately shocks got into a new scandal: Published in social networks accusations against the administration "House-2" - allegedly did not pay a ticket again, at the same time complained that there was no place in the capital. The fans fell fans and began to send a guy money for a ticket to the United States.

However, soon the same comparison fans were caught by the former participant of "House-2" in the financial scale, because Anton Shocks remained in Russia. A young man promised to pay all the time who responded to help.

Today Anton often appears in the live broadcast of social networks, continuing to explicit the leadership of the telestroy, and at the same time admits to the love of Margot Ovsyannikova.

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