Stupid acts of women who are committing after parting


A gap with a beloved man is stress, accompanied by pain, offended. The first time a woman manage emotions, so to facilitate the state after parting, they make stupid deeds. About five similar errors - in our material.

Social network

Ladies after gaps are postponed by photography with the aim of showing how interesting was life after breaking: fitting room, cinemas, restaurants, clubs, exhibitions, museums. Especially stupid it looks like, if before parting Instagram and Vkontakte, only occasionally was replenished with a photo with her beloved.

Also a dubious idea is considered to postting depressive quotes, poems, photos. Pages of such girls look like the abode of suffering, forcing me to regret and comfort: "What a goat is, it's good that you broke up!". It is not worth asserting.

Do not be broken by such actions and celebrities. Olga Buzova produces songs like "no longer hurt," gives an interview, accusing the former husband of Dmitry Tarasov in domestic violence. True, this or not - no one ever recognizes, but the precipitate remained.

Spy come out out

Often, women enter the pages of the former in the hope of find out if he did not have a new passion and how he is going through the gap. The girls are watching the "huskies", subscriptions in Instagram, browsing friends-girls in Vkontakte, try to understand in groups than a person lives.

Sometimes such actions come far away: having access to the page (no matter whether the man shared a password during a relationship or a woman herself hacked the page), they read the correspondence and thus disturb the inviolability of personal life.


After parting, a woman needs to get used to the official status of a single, to put thoughts and body. However, the fear of feeling abandoned, she sometimes invites the former to stay friends, and then begins to manipulate: a friend can be told about a new girl and his feelings.

Well, if a man cares after a break about the emotional state of a woman. But if not - then the woman risks to be dedicated to the unilent deeds of the former: walking in clubs, filing, for example.


The beauty industry allows a woman to feel change in itself, its appearance and make accents on the desired parts of the body. The most harmless thing is to take a hair or repaint hair. The haircut gives confidence, and the new color allows you to feel "Other".

But some come too far, trying to cut themselves: increase lips, make mammoplasty, "so that he understands which beauty has lost."

Another stupid deed is a tattoo. Children who leave the parent nest, also dream of doing what the parents banned: to choke whiskey, pierce the navel.

Cold dish

Sometimes women make an unexpected way for themselves way: for example, call friends former with a request to come and console, but in fact they want to take revenge, starting the relationship with his friend. Friend, especially lonely, without a branch of conscience will come, becoming a hinge in the mechanism of women's revenge.

In special cases, the object of revenge can be a new beloved men or gifts made during the relationship, as it happened at the Primateonna of the Russian estrad Alla Pugacheva in relation to the former husband Alexander Stefanovich. In the April issue, "let them say" she told how she broke a kind of woman a coat and broke the former car (because she belonged to Pugacheva).

Cut the pain, bitterness and offend from parting with a man is difficult. But do not forget that wisdom, restraint and love are the strengths of a woman.

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