How to marry a bachelor: a girl, a woman, instruction


Girls and women wonder how to marry a bachelor. Movies, television shows and even songs are devoted to this. Apparently, those who do not want to associate themselves for marriage, have a special charm. On why a man is not solved to go to the registry office, and how to marry an avid bachelor - in the material 24cmi.


Men do not want to make an offer for various reasons. Bachelor has habits incompatible with a married life, or he is not yet ready to take responsibility in the form of a marriage. Instructions When the reason is found simple: you need to competently try to dispel its fears and inconvenience.

On freedom

Most men are in no hurry to put on you a ring and a wedding dress, because you used to live as they want themselves, and no one is decree. Socks on the floor, a dirty table or an unbroken light bulb are trifles for a guy. And the Bachelor understands that the wife does not give him pleasure to forget about it to everyone and even set his rules.

In this case, the woman should realize that freedom for such a person is not the last word, so inventing bans and quarrel on household soil - not the best idea.

Not an easy case

A young man uses irresponsibility as an excuse from marriage. Bachelor of life implies freedom of action. These men like the fact that for their actions do not need to report to anyone. The case is not easy, because sometimes such guys carry this lifestyle throughout life.

Do not insist on marriage, show his positive parties. For example, show culinary abilities, it will appear as bait. And also see more often with friends who have a happy marriage, they will show the pluses of a married life on their example.

Emotional communication

Is it possible to get married without having an emotional connection? Build it from the beginning of the relationship, it reinforces confidence and creates affection. Women are more sensual than men, so building an emotional connection falls on their shoulders. Create common cute traditions, help the guy with advice, and you do not have to think how to hint at the wedding.

Like Amal

Attractiveness is the main advantage of the girl, it is important to look well and feminine. And the independence is also important, thanks to which Amal Alamuddin managed to marry himself, it would seem that the launched bachelor of George Clooney.

From the first meeting, the lady conquered the Hollywood actor with a sharp mind, because Amal is a lawyer and adviser to UN Secretary-General. Clooney liked the independence and coldness of the girl, so he forgot about the Bacheutian without a branch of conscience. Amal is worth writing your own manual on how to marry a bachelor.

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