Marti Walker - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Series 2021



Marti Walker is an American actress, whose biography has developed an amazing way. Slowing the glory of the stars of soap operas, the artist left a career on television and tied a biography with religion and charity.

Childhood and youth

Marcy Walker was born on November 26, 1961 in Padaka. Girl's parents could not build strong relationships and parted when the daughter was 8 months old. Marsi took her father to him. In the future, the mother did not participate in the life of the child.

Dad married reuse, and later a girl lived with him and a stepmother. He worked as an engineer of military aviation, so the childhood of his daughter was associated with constant moving. Some time, the family even lived in the Middle East. From the young Youth, Walker was engaged in theatrical circles.

After graduating from school, the girl went to college and understood that in the future he wants to be realized as an actress. She began to attend a dramatic circle. This experience was commemorated on auditions and castings. In 1979, Marsi received a diploma, and after 2 years he made his debut in the series.

Personal life

In an interview with Marti, repeatedly repeated that the past events of personal life should remain in the past. The actress was married several times, but she was not fortunate enough to preserve relationships that were constantly interrupted. From 1985 to 1987 her husband was Billy Warlock, and from 1997 to 1999 - Robert Primrose.

In 1999, Walker married Dag Smith, president of one of the IBM branches. The couple met in the study of the Bible study. Together with him, the actress continued to raise the son of Tyler, who remained with his mother after marriage with Stephen Collins. Other children from Marti did not appear.

The growth of Marti Walker is 173 cm, and the weight is unknown.


The first role went to Marti Walker in the TV project "All my children." The legendary television series went to screens for 42 years. The shooting was held in New York, the employment in which the actress was brought by the first nomination on Emmy and recognition. Marti was afraid to remain the storce of the role, to which the audience was quickly accustomed, and left the project.

Then the filmography of the artist was replenished with the role of Eden Ceplell in the Santa Barbara telerancil. To take part in the shooting of the series, Walker had to move to California. For 5 years, the audience was observed for the development of relations between Eden and Cruise, and in 1991 Marti terminated a contract with producers.

The actress was not left without work: she was again invited to participate in the creation of new series "All my children." Producers easily returned her heroine. From 1991 to 1993, Walker performed in the frame as a guest star, and from 1995 he worked on the project schedule on an ongoing basis.

In the youth, the artist managed to be held in several films. Among them are the paintings "horror in the night", "pursued woman", "Midnight Child" and others.

For the role of Eden Ceplel, the actress highlighted three times on Emmy and received a cherished statuette in 1989. Career Artist ended in 2005.


Marti gradually moved away from the acting profession, finding the pleasure of assisting church parishes. She began to teach in Sunday school and was engaged in children in the summer camp. Tired of scenic intrigues and intrigations, the actress decided to change the vector activity.

Walker left television and dedicated himself to work in the Church, where most of the time took the classes with children. The spirituality led to the fact that she became pastor of the Christian Church in North Carolina.

The new scope helped a woman to gain the best friend Caroline Gest. In 2012, Marti moved to Oklahoma to become a participant of the program of assistance to children and adolescents Lifekids.

Marti Walker now

In 2019, the former actress continues to engage in church work, charity and leads transmission on a Christian Internet channel. This has been applied and its dramatic talent.

Marti does not plan to return to the acting profession. Unlike other former stars, it is not divided by the last news about his personal life and photo in "Instagram". Now a woman has other priorities. She is grateful to people who recognize Eden Ceplell in her, but reminds that he found inspiration and himself in another field.


  • 1981-1984, 1991, 1995-2004, 2005 - "All my children"
  • 1984-1991 - Santa Barbara
  • 1992 - "Child of midnight"
  • 1993-1995 - "Guide Light"
  • 1995 - "Twilight Horror"
  • 1996 - "Hijack of a school bus"

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