Artem Sorsal - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. Children »2021.



Many participants of the children's show "Voice" have a rich experience of speeches in prestigious Russian and international competitions. At the end of February 2020 appeared on the stage in the end of February 2020, they also applies to Artem, smiling at the end of February 2020. It seemed that the teenager did not know the fear or excitement. However, he later admitted: he was so worried that inside "everything washed." The Svetlana Statsenko teacher was soothed behind the sceners of the young singer and the leading Agata Minky.

Childhood and youth

At first, Svetlana Ivanovna and Andrei Stanislavovich Solita's daughter was born. Behind it, about 5 years, November 9, 2005, the son of Artem appeared on the world. A child from an early age for art and for the first time in his life demonstrated his singing abilities at the bottom of the knowledge.

Before being on stage in front of the three mentors of the 7th season of the show "Voice. Children ", a 14-year-old contestant told a brief information about his own character, hobbies and loved ones. So, it turned out that together with his family he often rides on the tubing. Moreover, it does not happen just descent, and adults and children arrange improvised competitions, trying to get to the finish tape before.

"I have such a happy age now when you do not think about anything. I live today. In my free time, we are riding friends on tricky scooters, and I learned to simultaneously go and rotate the steering wheel 360 degrees. In the company I am always fun and almost never be sad, "the young man added.

Artem lives into two cities: in Native Oshmyans, it receives secondary education at school number 1 and musical in the class of piano, and in Minsk - vocal. The boy twice a week heroically overcomes 150 km to acquire the necessary knowledge at the National Center named after Vladimir Mulyavin. Here he meets his favorite teacher and part-time head of the institution Svetlana Adamovna Statsenko.

According to Mother Svetlana, her son is not afraid to set maximum tasks. And she, in turn, together with her husband and daughter tries in every way to support the heir on the creative path. Therefore, no festival or reviews do without their stay behind the scenes or in the auditorium.


Artem categorically disagrees with the fact that endless performances and rehearsals take childhood, because training and concerts bring him undisguised pleasure. By 14 years, the boy has already managed to achieve considerable success.

In 2017, he became the owner of the International Art Festival Competition Grand Prix in Georgia and the winner of the competition of the new children's song "Birthday" in St. Petersburg, International Festivals in Vilnius, Yodkrant, etc. A few years conquered the Slavic Bazaar "In Vitebsk, pre-on the national selection, receiving the approval of the Vasily Rainchik.

Belorus tried to break into two prestigious musical shows - on the "Children's Eurovision - 2018" using the "Smile" track and in the voice. Children - 2019 "with" Limbo "Valery Meladze. But luck then smiled at other applicants for victory.

A sponsor, striking on the first channel, should have come to the scene under No. 35 on the third day of the review. By the time of the team Pelagei and Brother Konstantin Meladze were already formed, and the last place Svetlana Loboda gave the girl who came to the scene in front of him.

However, Tyoma did not lose, but he took the next season's assault, passing around in the Lithuanian "League of Talents", performing at the World Festival of Language and Culture in Texas and California and at the opening ceremony of the II European Games in Minsk.

In the same 2019, the arms fought for the title of the best in the voting of Academy Junior Eurovizion, sang on the fashionable display of Mademoiselle Adr`i Art Fashion Academy, welcomed the first holidays on the holiday in BGEU and got to the TV show "I know." This year was marked by the release of the clip on the solo composition of the singer "Fly".

On February 21, 2020 "Blind listening" ended for a teenager safely. In the next issue of the vocal television program, he appeared under the curtain. Perhaps that is why the smiling contestant mentors were not tormented by many traditional issues.

Feeling Good Groups Muse performed by Artem already on the 30th second forced her husband Albina Janabayeva to turn to him.

"You have an unusual complex tessura. In such a tessecture and such a sound, there may be a danger of not very stable notes, but you have all the notes have been sufficiently stable. I liked the song, "added Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The seats of the two other members of the jury to the end of the room remained motionless. Polina Gagarin, praising the velvet timbre of a schoolboy, explained that she did not have enough drive than forced Valery Shotaevich to memorize the ward. Basta generally abstained from any comments.

Artem Sung Now

In 2020, after a successful musical number at the children's "voice," Artem in an interview with Cyril, the scriptulus opened Lifehak, how to cope with excitement. A spoke on the scene was followed by the Council of Agatha Mutzing and thought about "something good", namely, about the school holidays.

The young singer never ceases to replenish the pages in the "Instagram" and in Vkontakte with personal photographs shedding light on a family and creative biography.

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