Astrid Hofferson (Character) - Pictures, Cartoon, "How to Train Your Dragon", Heroes, Iquing, Wedding


Character History

Astrid - heroine series of cartoons "How to Train Your Dragon". For several episodes, the character changes - a teenage girl to a young wife and mother. Astrid is a warrior from the Hofferson clan, brought up in the best traditions of the Vikings. The girl was bold, decisive, can come to the aid to help a friend, Ikking, who later becomes a heroine husband. The phrases of the heroine became popular quotes.

History of character creation

An animated film about the adventures of the Ikking boy and the dragon toothless went to the screens in 2010. The creators of the cartoon became Chris Sanders and Dean Debloh. As a basis for the project, the authors took the eponymous series of books written by the British children's writer Cower Cowell. The film and songs from it became popular, which prompted the director to create a cartooner "Dragons". At the heart of the film project - the narration of the amazing friendship of the boy icing and the dragon named is nicknamed.

The authors of the project, creating the image of a young viking, invented and the image of his best girlfriend-girls, Astrid. The feminine character received a bright, charismatic character. The girl is smart, is not afraid to risk. At the same time, the heroine is hotbed and proud, which is not always a beneficial effect on the actions of this character. The desire for individuality sometimes gives rise to the young Hofferson attacks of envy when someone does something better than she.

The appearance description of the heroine includes features characteristic of the Scandinavian peoples. In the pictures of Astrid - the owner of a luxurious braid from light hair, as well as blue eyes. In a suit of the girl there are elements of the clothes of the Vikings - steel shouts, large fur boots, a snapped skirt. Over time, small changes occur in clothes, and Kosh Hofferson becomes longer. Astrid has fans, but Northern Beauty gives preference to Ikking.

Astrid biography and image

From the biography of the heroine, it is known that the girl has a Scandinavian origin. The name of the female character is translated as "passionate." There are no parents from handsome, but there are close relatives. The character of Young Hofferson is already fully consistent with this meaning. The heroine is energetic, strong, full of decisiveness in affairs for which it takes. It is impossible to say that Astrid is deprived of romance, but in the first place at the daughter of Vikings - a rational approach to things. In the cartoon character demonstrates the leader's depositors, but it does not interfere with friendship with IKKing.

Due to excessive activity, as well as due to a number of force majeure circumstances, northern beauties often get injuries. So, for example, according to the plot of one of the series, the girl breaks his hand due to the fault of a strong, but stupid young viking stench. In another TV series, Astrid almost drowned near the Dragon Territory - IKKing saved the happy chance of a girlfriend. In the same multi-sealer cartoon, the heroine was blinded due to the fact that lightning struck right in front of her. Vision helped the beauty to restore Gotti, the elderly healer from the hooligan tribe.

Spectators get acquainted with the heroine when she is a 14-year-old teenage girl. Then the growth of the character is 169 cm. Astrid is growing rapidly, and in a short time it reaches 179 cm. The story begins with the fact that IKKing, the son of the leader of the Viking tribe, gets acquainted with the same dragon. Prior to this, 7 generations of the northern people living on the island of Olong, all the time defended from the dragons. Flying firewood creatures burned at home, leaving residents without livestock and products.

But everything changed when the boy managed to find a contact with a dragon belonging to the mind of the Night Fura. The son of the leader of the tribe gave a new friend nicknamed tolerabic, made a damaged tail prosthesis for him and soon he was already flying on the back of the dragon. Having decided to follow the way the teenager is so often removed, the Astrid follows him into the thicket and detects toothless. The girl wants to certainly tell about this tribe, but the flight on the dragon along with the IK stock stops the heroine.

Soon, a young Hoferson appears its own dragon - Gulda, who belongs to the mind of an evil snake. The "pet" of the heroine looks like her - just as cruel, jealous, loves to compete and be found by the winner. Sophisticated relationships add up to Astrid with a girl named Header. This heroine reports the Viking tribe that her parents captured pirates.

Header causes sympathy among young Vikings, including IKKing that awakens the jealousy of the northern blonde. Hofferson does not trust the guest and it turns out the right - the girl is asked as a spy by Elvin treacherous, the main antagonist in the series. By order of this hero, Heder should steal the book of dragons. The heroine performs this task, and also steals in Astrid, Gulda. But in the end, everything becomes in its place, and the girls find consent to each other.

In the future, Hofferson helps Ikking in complex tests associated with the salvation of dragons - first from the Drago of Bloder, then from Grimmel. The plot of the third part is tied to the acquaintance of characters with a new kind of dragons - day foulia.

Grimmel is terrifying - a dangerous opponent who owns powerful weapons - crossbow, whose arrows are impregnated with a poison of death. These arrows immerse dragons into a dream, which allows the villain to manage the fire-haired creatures. But Ikking manages to cope with the enemy. In these tests, the heroes are tied to each other, friendship converts into a novel. In the third series of the full-length cartoon after the wedding, two children appear in the characters - the daughter of the marshmallow and the son of the Naffink. Children, like parents, learn to fly on dragons.

Interesting Facts

Creating an image of Astrid is associated with many interesting facts.

  • It is known that the prototype of the heroine was the girl named Kamikaza, a character of the Cowell Crespants series. The authors of the cartoon moved the devils of Kamikazy, the daughter of the leader of the tribe-women, on the image of Young Hofferson.
  • In the cartoon and TV series, the heroine was voiced by different actresses - America Ferrera and Bai Bayhe. In Russian translation, Astrid tells the voice of Sophia Anufrieva.


It is impossible to select the dragon toy. You do not know anything about them. I didn't have Bulava, nor a sword, nor the crossbow! Your wings of the scope of enemies sow fear.


  • 2010 - "How to Train Your Dragon"
  • 2012-2018 - "Dragons" (animated series)
  • 2014 - "How to Train Your Dragon 2"
  • 2019 - "How to Train Your Dragon" "

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