Changed stars: in youth, in youth, Russian, 2020, photo


The trend, when over the years the person looks worse, remains in the past. Now media persons are focused on staying in trend. And for this, efforts are made and regularly pronounced the words of gratitude to Mother Nature. The changed stars of the Russian show business - in the material 24cm.

Boris Moiseev

Boris Moiseev in his youth and now

In the youth, Boris Moiseev had inconspicuous appearance. However, the transition to bright life was dictated by the need to attract the attention of the public at the dawn of the career. The Russian King of Potaja became known as an artist who chooses bright outfits, skirts, heels and cosmetics for the stage image. So from a cute guy turned out a sophisticated male nature.

Anna Khilkevich

Anna Khilkevich in his youth and now

Was there a plastic surgery? This question is better not to ask Anna Khilkevich, because suspicions cause a stormy celebrity reaction. Fans remain surprised where, instead of a charming girl, a lady, which is not to know.

The actress tries to be honest with the audience and admits that Mammoplasty and pricks of beauty. However, the emphasis in the beauty habits of the star - on the preservation of natural data.

Ketie Topuria

Ketie Topuria in youth and now

The changed stars are not ready to reveal the secrets of cardinal transformations. A soloist "A-Studio" Keti Topuria honestly told about rhinoplasty, to which he resorted in his youth. But suspicion of increasing breasts and lips, it refutes.

Looking at the early photo of celebrities, Ketie can be suspected in excess weight. But no, the complete lush curls of the face add completeness. As soon as the hairstyle and makeup changed, the vocalist was transformed beyond recognition.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fedor Bondarchuk in his youth and now

The representative of the creative clan Fyodor Bondarchuk assures that I did not think about the image. The owner of a luxurious chapels in his youth shaved headlong in the video of Sergei Mazaev. Later in an interview with the celebrity told that Lysin facilitates communication with space. Over the years, the director of Russian films matured, acquired Harizm, and the lack of hair added the image of the "highlight".

Oksana Samoilova

Oksana Samoilova in his youth and now

How many stars of age 40+ remember many. And what hides the younger generation? Oksana Samoilov in 2020 can be called "a million girl". The mother of four children and the wife of the degraded Rapper was fed to the mother-in-law and intense training for the perfect appearance. And if you look at the photo in youth, the star can not learn.

Maria Gorban

Maria Gorban in his youth and now

"I want to grow beautifully," the actress Mary Gorban admitted in an interview with the actress, which is reproached in breast plastic and face. Once the celebrity could not stand and responded with Heyteers that she was remembered by the series "I'm flying", where there were chubby cheeks and bangs. After childbirth, the celebrity lost 8 kg, which was the cause of transformations.

The actress also added that her daughter's godfather is a plastic surgeon, so the charges in cardinal interventions are only fun to star. And in the beauty of the celebrities - the principles of Mom, which goes to the beautician and is engaged in sports.

Vladimir Yaglych

Full Vladimir Yaglych in his youth and now

The changed stars often mention workouts that caused conversion into appearance. Vladimir Yaglych today is known for the role of sexual and bold men.

However, the "Bogatyrs" roles appeared in the life of celebrities after he loved classes in the gym. Pumping the muscles, the actor supports the form that attracts the attention of the fan. He was in his youth, but relief torso added the brutality to his beloved actor.

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