The most dangerous countries of the world: for tourists, India, Africa, list


Not so long ago for part of foreigners thanks to the developed foreign media, Russia was presented by a country dangerous for visits, where tourists are not waiting for anything good, except for the evil views of local and constant risk to attack on the part of criminal elements. But after thousands of guests who visited the events dedicated to the Confederations Cup and the World Cup, not only did not meet drunk bear and Russians on the streets, the opinion of the Russian Federation has changed.

However, there are quite a few places on the planet, in reality of the threat of those lovers to travel, who will decide to look there. The most dangerous to visit the country of the world - in the material 24cm.


The name of the state located in South Asia for people living in the territory of the former USSR is primarily associated with war. And although with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, more than 30 years has passed, the situation there has practically changed.

In the East, the country borders with Kashmir, for the possession of which the diplomatic confrontation continues between India, China and Pakistan. And on the territory of the state where a relatively recent combat actions between NATO troops and organized gangs were conducted, people continue to live in a military situation - civil war is still coming.

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For tourists, Afghanistan will not seem the place hospitable. Foreigners, and even more so innerians (99% of the inhabitants here are Islam), it is haunted by the risk not only to be robbed representatives of local crime - no less danger to be among the kidnapped for redemption, exchange, and even just as labor.

Great and threats associated with the presence of a huge number of unexploded ammunition and mines remaining for decades of continuous clashes. Also flourishes drug trafficking, which is not surprising - the country from the late 80s is "famous" as the Asian Center for Drug Manufacturing.

According to the thomson Reuters Foundation charitable organization in 2019, Afghanistan entered the first three of the countries, which represents the greatest threat to women. Among the listed risks: sexual abuse, slave trade, restriction of rights and freedoms, including in terms of access to medical and economic resources. However, men here should not linger longer than the necessary.


It does not subside for shooting and on the territory located in the northeast of Africa, the country that has glorified in recent decades is mainly pirates who have captured cargo and passenger ships in the Indian Ocean. And although on the shore, the likelihood of Francis's followers of Francis decreases, in Somalia and without "flibuses of the XXI century" there are people who are feared.

The state has a number of paramilitary criminal groups, often kidnapping people for the sake of ransom. Yes, and ordinary robbers should not be discounted, especially given the fact that the population has been suffering from hunger for a long time, and the desire to get the property of the sucmamians can push the crime not only marginal elements, but also ordinary citizens.

In addition to the chance to be among the abducted, for tourists in Somalia, there is also a danger of tritely "catch a bullet" - the southern territories of the country became the arena with the confrontation of militants from among the followers of all sorts of Islamist movements and terrorist organizations by government forces. And although in recent years, the situation is gradually correcting, to include this region in a list of favorable to visit is definitely early.

In the ranking of the most dangerous countries in Somalia - in the fourth place. The reasons for negative evaluation are the former - violence, human trafficking, religious prejudices and legal and property restrictions.

South Africa

In the south of the African continent there is another state, a visit to which for the tourist is able to end at all unpredictable. Social bundle, which arose as a result of a long time of the apartheid regime in South Africa led to the fact that more than 50% of local lives in Nishchensky. It caused a rise in crime level, the foci of which is predominantly poor areas of the country.

It should also be borne in mind that in South Africa, discrimination of people with white leather is considered not just the norm, but also fixed at the legislative level. So those travelers who still dare to get out of the "white" areas for a walk, it is worth being prepared for the attack by the black inhabitants of the local slums - without a shock, it is unlikely to do.

In addition to the threat of physical violence and robbery, there is a risk in South Africa to become infected with diseases in the region, for example, yellow fever, cases of outbreaks of which in recent years went on a decline or malaria, still representing a serious danger to life and health as a local population, so and guests. The situation only worsens the antisanitarian.

You should also not forget about the AIDS common in South Africa, which in the region is ill to a quarter of the population. And, given the local beliefs that the disease is healed by a sex act with representatives of the White race, even without the consent of the opposite side, for women, these areas should not specifically recommend that safe for visiting places. However, men's tourists in these troubled lands are also better not to visit.


This, located in Southeast Asia, the state included in the list of popular tourist routes was famous for colorful resorts, ancient sights and picturesque nature, as well as opening opportunities, starting with overview tours in historical places and extreme entertainment to exotic varieties of intimate proximity. However, beyond the recreational zones of the foreign traveler, they can also wait and very unpleasant "surprises".

Among the main threats in the Philippines are local mafia, which is not limited to robbery or narcotic substances. An independent trip outside of popular tourist areas is able to end in any eatery - enough and a few drops of drugs, mixed in tea or cola local bartender to lose consciousness. Moreover, after such a "sleeping bag" is unlikely to succeed, since the unlucky tourist will go on the table to the "Black Surgeon" - the country is included in the list of the largest suppliers on the black internal organ market.

In addition to the danger to part with a wallet and "internal contents", in the Philippines it is possible to become a victim of a crazy bullet - the clashes of government troops with Islamic rebels on religious and ethnic soil in the country happen with enviable frequency. Yes, and about pirates living in numerous bays and bays, it is also better not to forget. And the archipelago considers the most dangerous place in the world in terms of natural disasters - the Philippines constantly shakes all sorts of natural cataclysms, starting with landslides and eruptions of volcanoes and ending with floods and hurricanes.


The difficult situation was formed with tourism and in the Republic of Haiti, which, becoming the second day after the United States Revolution, after the United States, the independent state of America, which currently entered the list of the poorest countries with an unstable economic situation. It continues to collect human sacrifices raging and in the 21st century hunger (according to the number of starving Haiti, only Congo is inferior in the world), and 80% of the population live in Nishchensky conditions - because of such a state of cases, the crime level is extremely high, in which numerous criminal groupings are .

The abduction of local inhabitants with a high level of income and who came to buy tourists to receive a redemption - the phenomenon here is by no means rare. Moreover, it is difficult to hope for help from law enforcement officers, since government structures and the police are closely related to crime and receive their percentage from such illegal enterprises. What to talk about strangers who visited the country as guests.

Transformed by the river dump in Haiti (photo: Bahare Khodabande / https: //

A sadness of natural disasters is also added to an unfavorable criminogenic environment - in the Caribbean, where the state is located, harass. Also, this area refers to seismically active zones - dozens of earthquakes of varying degrees of intensity occur annually on the territory of the country.

In addition to the listed trouble, the danger to the life of visitors represents insects, and not only poisonous - local mosquitoes endure malaria and yellow fever. And in the local water, which is better not to use for cooking and drinking without prior boiling, have repeatedly found cholera vibrion.

Yes, and in general, local products, starting with milk and its derivatives and ending with meat and mayonnaise, is not recommended to use without additional precautions, because they are able to become a source of health problems due to all sorts of parasites and microorganisms.


In Africa, there are quite many states whose current position for one reason or another is difficult to call prosperous. This is true for the Republic of Mali, which is in the west of the continent and is included in the list of the poorest countries of the world. However, it is difficult to run into the local slums on the gangsters, armed not that firearms, but even cold weapons, it is difficult, since the locals are quite friendly in relation to guests.

Although the criminogenic environment in the region is relatively calm, truly pose a threat to fighting. Since 2012, when the state coup, the country occurred in a state of an incessant civil war, which served as a tributary of the state of aggressively tuned extremists who came from Libya after the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime.

At the current time, the clashes of government forces with terrorists from among the supporters of IG and Al-Qaida (both criminal organizations are prohibited in the Russian Federation) periodically flarelves throughout the territory. Also, local inhabitants and visitors suffer from the terrorist attacks arranged by Islamists leading to large victims among civilians.

The hazards of their stay in the Republic of Mali for tourists should also include the risk of infection with Ebola's fever - the country is included in the list of African states in which this disease has been distributed, and the flashes are registered so far. Due to the current sanitary and epidemiological situation in the region, the level of infection with intestinal and infectious diseases and parasites, as well as hepatitis. Moreover, the problems with the yellow fever characteristic of Africa have not been going anywhere.


Another place on the globe, where travelers are better not to look, is the Yemen Republic in the south-west. Incoming the most oldest on the planet of the foci of civilization, famous to humanity, is now Yemen presents a pitiful spectacle, regarding the number of poorest states in the Asian sector, where more than 40% of local, as well as countries with the smallest level of development in the world live below the poverty line.

The situation complicates and hunger, strengthened against the background of an armed conflict between military forces and Islamic terrorists from different countries of the region, who was found in Yemen, refuge. The fierce confrontation is also not limited to the use of only light weapons - artillery and bombardment aircraft, which clearly does not raise the attractiveness of the state for tourists.

The situation is bad and with kidnepping - foreigners and local residents from among wealthy in Yemen often abduct. The goal is not only redemption, but also the desire to extend certain preferences from the government of the country. Moreover, not only separatists, but the leaders of local tribes are used as a tool of negotiations of the abducted. As a result, the leadership of the country decided to limit the freedom of movement of tourists - without an armed convoy, look at the sights no longer succeed.

With drinking water, the situation in the Yemen Republic leaves much to be desired - without prior boiling it is easy to become a victim of infection or parasites. Yes, and for swimming, local water bodies fit weakly - wastewater does not pass any cleaning.

In addition to the sanitary and epidemiological situation, rampant kidnappers and hostilities, guests from abroad will have to face with extremely rigid laws acting in the country. First of all, legislative restrictions concern women for whom Yemen, according to British The Guardian, was recognized as the worst on the planet place - for the slightest misconduct they may be behind bars. And the life in women's prisons here is not sugar - prisoners not only contain in terrible conditions, but also forcing prostitution to occupy.

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