Film "Booth Kisses" (2020): Release date, Actors, Director, NetFlix, 2 part


The Netflix Streaming service was pleased with those fans of youth meloders who liked the film "Buddek Kisses released in 2018," the picture shot by the director Vince Marcello was continued. The release date of the 2nd part of the Romomom on the screens is July 2420. The new tape will be a direct continuation of the first film and tell about the new love adventures of the main characters.

24cm recalls the plot and actors of the franchise, as well as about the interesting facts associated with it.


The film "Buddes Kisses" tells the story of growing up, with its first doubt steps to the unknown future and sensual and drunk aroma of young love, such an uncertain-attractive and reindeer. El and Lee's parents were always friendly, and because friends from infancy did not part, as if their brother and sister. Brought closer to the guys and tragedy in the family El - the girl's mother died and she needed support for a friend.

But the time does not stand still - there are new interests who have matured guys appear, among which love is occupied by the last place and, of course, kisses. And the mature El begins to understand that this is once a promise not to fall in love with each other's relatives becomes harder to restrain.

Actors and roles

In the picture, the main roles were performed by the following actors:

Joey King - El Evans, the main character, from the Small years grew up with whether Flynn, who for the years spent together became for the girl truly close and relatives. Adiges, the guys made up for themselves their own arch of the Rules of Friendship, one of the key points of which to fall in love with a friend's relatives - is prohibited. However, the grained El becomes hard to follow the established standards, because she is more and more like the elder brother Li - Noah.

Now the girl who flourished to the last class of the school and attracting more and more attention from the opposite sex is to solve a difficult task - to get closer to the guy liked and keep the confidence of a friend.

Joel Courtney - whether Flinn, a close friend El, belonging to her own sister. Arranged with the participation of a friend's attraction called "Buddes Kisses", supported by the rest of schoolchildren, turns into a guy with a new acquaintance - he meets his love. Also, who fears that El will have another toy for a new toy, to learn that the close friend turned out to be ready to break the promise.

Jacob Elordi - Noah Flynn, Senior Brother Lee, Athlete, Handsome and Lovelace, An object of romantic interest not only El, but also most girls at school. Over time, the guy begins to change, understanding that he began to experience a response to the main heroine. However, the development of their relationship is hampered by the fear of both to reveal the truth to the youngest from the Flynn brothers, because no one knows what the case turns when the truth will still come out.

Also in the picture were filmed: Magnia Young, Molly Ringolald, Byron Langley, Morne Visser, Joshua Go, Jessica Sutton and Carson White as Brad Evans.

Interesting Facts

1. The film "Buddes Kisses" was filmed not only in the United States. The film crew had to visit the South African Cape Town.

2. Despite the fact that the picture of Vince Marsello Australian Jacob Elordi has already managed to play in a number of films, including the tape "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea: The Dead does not tell fairy tales," it was the work in the "kisses booth" became for the actor the first major role brought by artist Recognition of viewers.

3. Having become acquainted in 2017 on the shooting of a romantic comedy, Joey King and Jacob Eldardi began to meet. However, the novel lasted for a short time - in the fall of 2018, the artists broke up.

4. The film "Budda Kisses" is removed on the novel by Beth Rylics, written in 15 years. A large publishing house has acquired the rights to publish the work even before its completion. Formerly, the young writer laid out written in open access for free - in the social network Wattpad.

Film "Booth Kisses 2" - Trailer:

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