Pierre-Augusten Boualersche - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Creativity, Cause Of Death



Pierre-Augusten Boualersche is the French playwright of the second half of the XVIII century. The life of the writer was filled with incredible adventures and adventures. Pierre-Augusten taught the game on the harp daughters of King Louis XV, supplied the weapon to the American fighters for independence, removed the sister's offender from the Spanish yard and speculated in the France stock market. Surrounded by legends and the history of the marriages of the writer.

Childhood and youth

The playwright was born in the winter of 1732. Pierre-Augusten as the only son of the Charles Chairman Charles should inherit the family business of the Parisian Championship Father. Total Henri-Charles and his wife Louise gave birth to 10 children from which six survived.

I studied 3 years at school, the boy began to master the family craft and invented a mechanism for the launch of the "double comma" watches. However, the invention was failed to patent the invention from the conflict with his father, who eventually made the successor to the son-in-law of Jean Antoine Le Pina. Already being a writer, Pierre-Augusten became a source of copyright in France.

Personal life

The first time the son of the watchmaker married in 24 years. Pierre-Augusten's wife became the wealthy widow of Madelene-Catherine Obertin Frank. A few months after the wedding, the man added to the surname inherited from the Father, the aristocratically sounding de Bearansche in honor of the estate belonging to his wife.

In 1758, Madelene Catherine died suddenly. In France, rumors crawled out that the cause of the sudden death of a 35-year-old woman became poison.

The second marriage of Boualersha was very similar to the first. Again the bride Pierre-Augusten became a rich widow. Again, the spouse of Bomaussche died 2 years after the wedding, without surviving up to the 40th anniversary. Geneva Madelene Levuk managed to give birth to a novice writer of his son and daughter, whose name Pierre-Augusten perpetuated in his early play "Eugene". However, both children of playwright from the second spouse died young.

The sad glory of Boualemasche as a poisoner was reflected in the small tragedy of Alexander Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri". Wolfgang Amadeus is interested in Antonio, whether the author of Tarara is really poisoned. "

Friendship with Salieri was an important part of the personal life of Boualemsk. While working on the topical and commercially successful opera "Tarar", the composer lived in the house of the playwright.

Young Pierre-Augusten patronized French financier Joseph Paris Duverne. After the death of the aristocrat, the playwright announced the will, according to which the deceased left all the state of the bommash. The writers accused the fake of the document. Bumeache barely escaped imprisonment, but was disgraced. In 1778, the playwright won the case of the inheritance of Douver, and the work of the writer "Memoirs" played a big role in the victory.

On March 8, 1786, the writer legalized Relations with Maria Teresoy de Viller-Mawlaz, with whom Pierre-Augusten was born in 1777 daughter Ameli Eugeni. The only heiress of the writer while his father gave him the granddaughter Palmyra.

Total Ameli Ezheney became the mother of four children. Jean-Pierre Deliaryon Karon de Boualersche - co-author of the "Dictionary of Francophyatural Literature", published at the end of the 20th century, and the second husband of the actress and entrepreneur Philippine de Rothschild - accounts for playwagon the rightmark.


The central place in the bibliography of Boualersche occupies a dramaturgical trilogy about the Seville Barber (hairdresser and brand, which also performs the functions of the Lekary) Figaro. The work of the works was transferred by the author to Spain on censorship considerations. The name of the character is consonant with the Spanish Word Picaro, meaning the "sly, pass." Figaro Predecessor - Picaro - Hero of Spanish Plutov Romanov.

The image of the nonsense brand from the plays to the play undergoes changes. In the 1st part ("Seville Berber") Figaro - cheerful passing, the words of which are diverted onto the quotes, something like the Ostap Bender of the Renaissance. In the second - "a crazy day, or the marriage of Figaro" - the hero becomes an expressant of the main ideas of the French revolution. In the third - "the guilty mother, or the second Tartuf" - the aged Figaro turns into an exemplary servant, which is a fissure intrigue in the interests of the Lord.

The trilogy of Seville inspired many European composers to create an opera. In the 21st century, in the twenty of the most popular works of this genre, the Seville Berber includes Joakkino Rossini and the "Figaro marriage" of Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart. However, the first opera on the Brandobre, written by Giovanni Phazielo, was raised during the lifetime of playwright in St. Petersburg.


The author of the Seville Village died in May 1799. The cause of the death of a 67-year-old writer became a stroke.

Pierre-Augusten is buried in Paris Necropolis feathers. An interesting fact: the grave born 2 days after the death of Boualersche Prosaik Onebor de Balzak is located on the same cemetery.

The biography of the playwright was based on the book of Lyon Feikhthanger "Foxes in the Vineyard" ("Weapons for America") and several films. The most famous picture of Eduar Molinar "Reckless Boualersch" of 1996, in which the role of the writer-adventurist fulfilled Fabris Lukini.


"Custom is often evil." "Everyone is always someone's child." "The most guilty - the least generous, this is a general rule." "If you take people with our own affairs, then they are no longer a nose." " What are the stupid people! ".


  • 1767 - "Eugene"
  • 1770 - "Two friends"
  • 1773 - "Seville Berber"
  • 1778 - "Mad Day, or Marriage Figaro"
  • 1787 - Tarar
  • 1792 - "Guilty Mother, or Second Tartuf"

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