Hassan Tufan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Books



The writer Hasan Tufan is known to the Tatar people, since he composed in this language. After death, the man left a big bibliography, which children are now studying in schools. During his lifetime, he received the title of people's figure and became a laureate of the State Award of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tuquet, although he was a humble, shy and quiet man. But the man wore a loud and sonorous surname, translated as "Hurricane" or "Typhoon".

Childhood and youth

Hasan was born in Tatarstan, in the village of Old Kirimet, in the winter of 1900, its accurate nationality is unknown. There were no educational institutions there, and therefore the first teacher in the biography of the boy was his father who taught her son to read and write. When the school opened in the village, he went to learn there.

Pseudonym Tufan Poet took in adulthood. In the children's and youthful years, he wore the name Gulzizin, which for the Tatar people sounds unusual. She got him from his mother. The writer himself explained this fact by the fact that his genus occurred from the runaway peasants who passed the rite of baptism and were considered Christians. But since they did not go to get married and did not baptize the children, according to the laws of the Church, they were considered illegitimate and deprived of rights. Such babies were called "Born from Bluda", and the names were given on behalf of the mother. So happened in his family.

Starting began to work early: at the age of 14 went with brothers to the Urals, where she worked on copper mines. And when he returned to his homeland, settled on the metallurgical plant. Then he decided to learn further, entered the Ufa Madrasa "Galia", which in the future played a big role in his life. There he started acquaintance with the young writer Shayhzad Babich and began to visit his literary and music circle. Among others, he also became Sagyt Sunchalya, Muts Gafuri and Sagit Raimev. The teacher Galimjan Ibrahimov also had importance for him.

Personal life

Tuffan managed to build a happy personal life. Being a man modest and shy (it can be seen in his photo, where a man looks restrained and thoughtful), he managed to get acquainted with Louise Saliaskarova, who later became his wife. She gave her husband two children - the daughter of Gulgin and the son of Igoa (he died early from illness).

Louise became a muse for Hasan in creativity and support in difficult moments of life. When the writer was sent to the link, his wife was kicked out of work, depriving money and cards for products. At that time, in many Kazan schools, hospitals worked, where the wounded were brought. They needed a lot of blood for transfusion, and those who came to pass it, paid the products to restore the body. Despite the need, the woman sent them to her husband, realizing how he was hard. As a prisoner, he had to fulfill the heaviest and harmful work. And when after the illness, the tuffane could not perform the norm, the las were shrinkled by half, giving out only a small piece of bread on the day.

Every new day spent in the camp made it even more thin. A man lost a desire to live, stopped experiencing at least some emotions, except for mortal fatigue. And soon Hasan began to notice what would fully. Only it was a hungry swelling that did not foreshadow anything good. Once he was called to the camp commandant - no good emotions on this occasion did not experience the poet. Therefore, when a person in shape handed the transfer from his wife, there was no limit to the astonishment of the prisoner. Now he could though a little sank.

Despite his huge love, the spouse did not wait for Hasan: she died before his return to his native Kazan.


Career Tuphan at the very beginning was far from literary. From 18 to 28 years old, he worked as a teacher in the Kazan, Ural and Siberian schools, then 2 years of life devoted to trips and the study of Central Asia and Transcaucasia. For the first time, Hasan's poetry came to print in 1924, and after a few years, readers, writers and critics started talking about his work. The reason for this was the topics of poems, who talked about the working class, the struggle and hard labor. In the period from 1920 to 1930, from under his feather, such works as "Bibiyev", "Ural sketches" and "between two epochs" came out, subsequently included in the Golden Foundation of Poetry Authors of Tatarstan.

In 1930, Tufan received the position of the editor in the Tatar broadcasting company, and at the same time a new period began in the art's creative life. He decides to move from the epic to the lyrics, subsequently his poems of those years have become popular folk songs that often sounded from the Tatar people during the festivities and holidays.

Hassan's creativity liked people, but not only to the leadership of the Soviet Union. Having worked for a couple of years responsible secretary in the journal "Soviet literature", in 1940 he fell under the repression, was detained and sent to the Kazan prison. The court ruled - to shoot, but after some time the sentence was changed for 10 years in prison. The man was sent to the link to the village of Pokrovka Novosibirsk region. At the same time, the toff has not fallen by the spirit and even in the difficult conditions of life did not leave creativity. The works of the author created during and after the war are filled with deep meaning and philosophical sayings, they differed in the maturity of poetic thought.

Return to Native Kazan Tuffane chance only in 1956, after the death of Joseph Stalin. In those years, his poetry reached new heights, she had an in-depth social analysis and often raised the themes of problems that are significant at that time. In 1964 the author released a book. It was a collection of poems "Selected Works", for which in 2 years Hassan awarded the Gabdulla Tuka Award.


The life of the poet was cut into the summer of 1981, the cause of death is unknown. His grave is located in Kazan at the Tatar cemetery. In memory of Hasane, his name was called avenue in Naberezhnye Chelny.


  • "Ural sketches"
  • "Between two epochs"
  • Bibiyev
  • "What do drops talk about?"
  • "In the name of love"
  • "Unknown News"
  • "In her ridicule"
  • "Bloody True"
  • "Chamomile swing in the wind"
  • "Fidelity, poured by blood"

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