Sergey Socodotsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sergey Socodotsky is a novice actor whose career was the will of the Fate. Now in the artist of the artist dozens of projects, including the serials and full-length tapes. At first, the director offered Sergey episodic roles and images of the second plan, but he managed to embody several main characters. Socodotian worked at the checkouts of cash projects and enlisted the approval of the audience and critics.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born on June 21, 1991 in the village of Pervomaisk on Sakhalin Island. The boy together with his parents he moved to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Socodotsky grew in the average family, where no one brightened by the achievements in the field of art. He liked poetry since childhood. A young man admits that another artists pushed him to get acquainted with some works. So, seeing on TV, as Arthur Smolyaninov declares "Eugene Onegin", Sergey decided to test himself and learned the passage from the poem.

The young man studied at school, then entered the college, but the thought that he wants to expressively read the classics aloud, did not give him peace. Sergey began collecting information about acting schools, auditions and receipts in theatrical institutions. But harsh reality did not give time to meditation. Dreaming about creativity, a college graduate settled to work as a mechanic. Only in bold thoughts, he allowed himself to hope that he would move to Moscow and could try the forces on the selection among beginner artists.

Random Socodotsky offer about moving made by a friend in the store turned out to be a fateful. Having arrived in the capital, Sergey filed documents at once to five theater educational institutions, but he received a refusal everywhere. Good luck smiled in the last place, theatrical institute. Boris Schukina. The young man managed to become a student of Nina Nina Namanzka.

Personal life

Sergey Socodotsky is not married. There is nothing known in his life of romantic relationships. A young man does not like to share intimate things, so even in his account in "Instagram" published only photos with friends, media materials about film projects and pictures from travel.

The actor is not divided with fans of news from the professional sphere. He admits that fate does not always turn out to be favorable. After moving to Moscow, there was even a period when Sergey gathered things and returned to the parental house. But it was then that the invitations would be taken to the movies.

Socodotsky admits that every time the return to the capital becomes a test for him, because he is never sure that he will remain in demand in the profession. But the persistence of the artist can be envied. Sergey not only embodied the dream, which was serving in childhood, but also established himself on large projects. At the same time, the actor takes a large number of incoming invitations, be it shooting in "URALASH", television series or full-length ribbon.

The growth of the artist is 183 cm, and the weight is unknown.


The cinematic debut of a young man took place during the years of study. In 2013, Sergey Soterdotsky passed the casting to participate in the project of Vlad Furman "on the wings". In this film, the actor embodied the image of the stepder.

Already a year later, the artist portrayed the main character, athlete-biathlete Boris Boh Shaz, in the frame of the Serial Drama "Shot". According to the plot, the character comes from the distant Russian province, thanks to work and perseverance, it seeks place in the Russian national team to participate in the Olympic Games - 2014 in Sochi. To seek convincingly on the ski door and on the screen, Sergey passed special training and preparation, but it did not save the picture from harsh criticism.

The artist's creative biography was gradually replenished with noticeable roles. After the release from the Institute, Socredotsky starred in the film "Milky Way" and turned out to be involved in the creation of a short tape "The Best City of Earth". In 2016, the premiere of the film "Three Queen" with Sergei's participation. He played the title character.

In parallel with the works in the cinema, the artist went on a dramatic scene. In 2015, he was adopted in the theater troupe. E. B. Vakhtangov. For the first time, the actor appeared on the stage in the image of a cat in the children's production "Cat in Boots".

In 2017, the premiere of the film "Golden Orda" took place, in the creation of which Sergey Socodotsky took part. The work in the picture was important for the artist, since during this period he experienced creative calm and even was forced to earn a loader in the store. The film surprised many critics and entered the list of ribbons shown in the Cannes Festival, which was a separate success for the artist.

Having received the offer in 2019 in the film "Hop", Sergey twisted for a long time. The actor seemed that he was ready for Big Cinema. He was not frightened by the prospect of cooperation with the artists like Ivan Okhlobystin and Milosh Bikovich. Sergey saw in this additional motivation for quality work.

In the same year, the "stepfather" picture was published with the participation of Socodotsky, but it did not produce such an excitement as the "Holop". The comedy became a breakthrough in Russian cinema and only for January holidays collected $ 13 million in global rental.

Sergey Socodotsky now

The artist's portfolio today is posted immediately in several acting agencies. Bright appearance and natural charisma make Socodotian interesting for the director. Arriving on vacation to their homeland, he gives an interview to local media and journalists, but does not feel like a star.

Understanding that the acting sphere of change, as an alternative activity, the Contractor is engaged in creating content for social networks and planned to pay more time in 2020. In addition, it is still coming interesting offers for filming in television and cinematic projects.


  • 2013 - "On Wings"
  • 2014 - "Shot"
  • 2015 - "Milky Way"
  • 2015 - "Icon"
  • 2016 - "Three Queen"
  • 2016 - "The Best City of the Earth"
  • 2017 - "Golden Horde"
  • 2017 - "Phantom"
  • 2018 - "Ip Pirogova"
  • 2019 - "Hop"

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