Cat Felix (character) - photos, pictures, cartoon, description, character


Character History

Felix cat is a legendary cartoon character who debuted at the beginning of the 20th century, in the era of a silent movie. The peak of popularity came in the 1920s, but later Felix eclipsed Mickey Mouse Walt Disney. Nevertheless, a black and white anthropomorphic cat continued its existence and had a significant impact on world culture.

History of character creation

The first cartoon with a cat in which, however, his name is Thomas - Feline Follies (1919 release). Officially, Pat Sullivan was considered by Pat Sullivan. Later it was proved that Sullivan released the cartoon The Tail of The Thomas Kat in 1917, presenting the prototype of Felix on the screen.

Nevertheless, a long time, the question of the authorship has repeatedly climbed. So the American researchers concluded that the image of Felix - the merit of the Otto Mesmer multiplier, who worked at the Paramount Pictures studio along with Sullivan.

About who invented the name of the character, there are also several versions. Otto wrote on a personal site that he suggested Sullivan so called the cartoon hero. According to other sources, merit belongs to Producer John King, who played in two words: Felix (happy) and Felis (cat).

Thus, the question of whom to consider the creator of the legendary character is still open. Pat Sullivan and sometimes contradicted in himself. In one of the newspaper interviews, the producer reported that the idea of ​​creating came to his head after his wife brought a cat to the studio. In another time, the producer shared that the source of inspiration was the story "A cat, which walked by itself" kipling.

The statement that Thomas became the prototype of Felix, was also subject to doubt. Researchers did not see anything similar in the description and the appearance of these two heroes, ranging from the color of wool, ending with behavior. In addition, there was not anthropomorphic animals in the first series, unlike its more popular receiver.

By 1930, Felix starts to take positions, freed the pedestal of fame with the Disney character Mickey Mouse. Attempts to voice the Black and White Cat did not save the situation. The revival of the famous hero happened in 1953-1954 for the leadership of Joe Oriol. Not only the appearance of the animal, but also the overall concept of the image was transformed. Today, the rights to the production of cartoons with this hero belong to the son of Joe - Don Oriolo.

In 1995, the animated series "Entertaining Stories of the Felix Cat" was released, later another two full-length cartoon with him was released.

Image and biography of Cota Felix

A lot of time passed after the death of Pat Sullivan, before the merits of the mesmer were recognized in creating a character's appearance. It was also proved that the traits of the image were taken from Charlie Chaplin. For example, the cat adopted a manner from the comedy hero to move and character.

Throughout the history of the existence of the anthropomorphic animal, only the color was unchanged. This is a completely black cat with a white muzzle. At the first appearance, the appearance resembled a conventional pet. The characteristic of the hero was disproportionately large feet. In the future, this technique has become traditional for animation of other characters - Woody Woodpecker, Mickey Mouse.

In 1924, Bill Nolan took up the conversion of the appearance. With the filing of the artist Felix acquired rounded forms and approached the classic pictures of popular comic books. He has increased his head, "Rounded" eyes. Fists appeared at the ends of the paws, and when the claws are released, four-pailed palms.

Felix ran as an ordinary animal, for example, if it was necessary to quickly seek. At the same time she went on two paws and used the forefinders as a person.

Character and behavior did not undergo changes. He still remained the same "Charlie Chaplin" in the animal of Circassia - wandered through the indifferent world, one way or another interacting with other cartoon heroes: then be friends with them, then picking up attempts to steal his magic bag.

Surrealism of situations in which the character feared, became the main component of his success. At first, the property to turn into the necessary items possessed its own tail. Later this feature took a bag. After the revival of the character in 1954, new heroes were added to the plot - Dog Rock Bott, a crazy professor.

Rounded with elongated limbs and fist legs - such Felix is ​​depicted today, popularized not only in cinema, but also games for children, commercials. Anthropomorphic cat penetrated in many areas, first of all, as a talisman that brings good luck.

Cat Felix in world culture

The international popularity of the character appeared in 1920. Then many musical groups devoted their compositions with a black and white multiplication hero. It is noteworthy that not all teams achieved permission from the copyright holder to use the animal name in the lyrics.

In 1927, the audience saw the huge inflatable figure of Felix at the celebration in honor of Thanksgiving Day. This event marked the tradition: afterwards balloons became an integral attribute of parades.

Together with other heroes of American animation, Felix appeared in the film "Who substituted Rabbit Roger", however, only in the photo.

The features of the anthropomorphic animal were often used in the development of other characters. So, suggest that the famous hedgehog Sonic was created on its basis. Pure visual similarity in the structure of the head is difficult to challenge.

Not bypass commercially successful image and marketers. From Advertising Daihatsu Mira 1991, Japanese drivers learned about the advantages of the car due to the enthusiastic reviews of the Black and White Cat. But the first advertisement with this character came out in 1929.


"I love gifts! I love to pull off the wrapper! "" I am very ridiculous, but I will be very joking. "" Well, a friend, after what happened today, we learned the real importance of Christmas! "

Interesting Facts

  • For the first time, the character "spoke" from the screen in 1936. But it is still unknown, who was the first to voiced the legendary hero.
  • The Felix Chevrolet sign on the Motor Show became the landmark of Los Angeles, as this is the first use of Felix image in the form of a talisman (1921).
  • Another hypothesis of the origin of the hero is connected with the title of territory in Australia.


  • 1919 - Feline Follies
  • 1919 - The Musical Mews
  • 1919 - The Adventures of Felix
  • 1920 - Felix The Big Game Hunter
  • 1923 - Felix Goes A-Hunting
  • 1924 - Felix Out Of Luck
  • 1924 - Felix Loses Out
  • 1924 - Felix 'Hyps' The Hippo
  • 1924 - Felix Crosses The Crooks
  • 1924 - Felix Tries to Rest
  • 1924 - Felix Goes West
  • 1927 - Felix Hits The Deck
  • 1927 - Felix Behind In Front
  • 1928 - Draggin 'The Dragon

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