Series that cost Close: 2020, Russian, foreign, interesting


The fate of the serials overlooking Russian and foreign screens is difficult: the creators are raised by a difficult task - to keep the viewer for a long time and not to lose the yoke of intrigue and exciting material. In addition, it is necessary to feel the very line when the development of the plot is already sufficient to adequately complete the narration.

The serials that should be closed after the first seasons are in a selection of 24cm.

1. "The theory of the Big Explosion" (2007-2019)

The list "The series, which should be closed after the first seasons" logically begins with the longest American Sitkom "The Theory of the Big Bang." In the center of the plot, the two greatest minds - Sheldon and Leonard, who "pump skill" in understanding how the universe is arranged. Next door to them now lives beauty penny, and her appearance confuses not only two physicists, but also their friends - Volovitsa and Rajhesh. Experts are confident that in 12 years old, the actors lost not only youth, but also the spirit of adventurism, and the jokes became more flat. It is much more interesting to fans now seems spin-off - "Childhood Sheldon".

2. "Supernatural" (2005 - present)

In November 2020, the 15 season of the "supernatural" - series, which followed after the first three or five seasons, was completed (as the creators initially thought). However, the adventures of Sam's brothers and Dina Winchester were not over, and by 2020 they have already destroyed all the demons, vampires and spirits, and fans admit that "milking one and the same idea for 15 years is unreasonable."

3. "Lost" (2004-2010)

When you fly from Sydney to Los Angeles, the liner crashes, and 48 passengers remain alive. However, it is not necessary to rejoice, because they were in full dangers of the uninhabited island in the middle of the ocean. At the end of the 4th season, the fans of the films noted that "to stay alive" confidently entered the list "The series, which should be closed", as the constant movements in time became commonplace, and there were no exhaustive answers to the excreasing questions.

4. "Secret Materials" (1993-2018)

In the center of the regulations of the foreign series - the Agents of the FBI Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, who instructed the archive of unscrewd cases associated with paranormal phenomena. The work connects colleagues, which first treat each other with distrust. The ratings of "Secret Materials" became inexorably to roll down after the 7th season, when a new hero is becoming a partner Scully - Agent Doggett. The creators have already closed the series, but in 2015 submitted to the court of spectators on the 10th season, which did not reach approval fans.

5. "Dr. House" (2004-2012)

Despite the fact that the team of doctors, headed by Gregory House, has gained love from fans and cinematographers who tried to resurrect to their favorite heroes in parodies ("Interns", "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva"), - the structure of the series "Dr. House" has survived itself after 6- th season. Even the Tychie fans of a detective drama with clutch note that the sudden illusion of the character Hugh Laurie in determining the diagnosis of the patient has already lost its highlight.

6. "Truckers" (2001-2012)

The Russian TV series "Truckers" was awarded the Golden Eagle and Teffi awards, and the main composition of the "quiet light" of the group of "leap year" was the "business card" the film on the adventures of two truckers. Images of Fyodor Ivanovich and his partner Sasha became so inseparable that after the tragic death of Vladislav Galkina, fans did not appreciate the replacement of his character in the 3rd season.

7. "Fizruk" (2014-2017)

The plot of an interesting Russian TV series "Fizruk" is built around the Character of Foma, who fell into a collision of two times: "Lidh 90s" and "Stable 2010-X". The assistant criminal authority goes to school and is forced to socialize in the new world of students and teachers. Experts note that in the second season, the heroes have lost a sense of humor, and the main character was completely distinguished from school.

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